Challenge .... Is it Erotic? Or is it Porn?

Originally Posted by legerdemer View Post
I don't know who wrote it (Todski? Tzara? Piscator?) but I love #45.

I do, too. It's exquisite writing that somewhat put me in mind of ee Cummings love poems. It's very sensual.

Not me I'd go with Tod, AH or ??? Definitely a rose amongst thorns.
Aubergine-Champagne, has her mature sensual stamp all over it to me

I was only teasing- GuiltyPleasures the strength of the narrative and the imagery strike me as her style
I agree with Tod and also suggest

As the Sun Sets in North Platte - Champagne (see Tod's comment above)
Aubergine-Champagne, has her mature sensual stamp all over it to me

I was only teasing- GuiltyPleasures the strength of the narrative and the imagery strike me as her style

I agree with Tod and also suggest

As the Sun Sets in North Platte - Champagne (see Tod's comment above)

Champs has already shot down my guess that she wrote it.
I have not been posting enough here I think. I write and read poetry regularly in the virtual world of Second Life as Merope Madrigal (among other alts) and so many of the poets there would know mine. I think since my husband died, I have changed my voice, somewhat, at least when I write erotica. Perhaps this is why you're having difficulty pin-pointing my offer(ings).

Keep guessing though. Some of the poets mine are attributed to, flatter, as well as some of the poems guessed as mine make me pretty pleased to be thought of as the poet.
#48 looks like another sonnet by AH, but the meter is all wonky - like he wrote it while hammering shots of Jack Daniels.
Aubergine-Champagne, has her mature sensual stamp all over it to me

I was only teasing- GuiltyPleasures the strength of the narrative and the imagery strike me as her style

I am very flattered and love egg plant (how much more beautiful is aubergine!) but it is not mine to claim, sadly.

I think either Champ or Ange wrote Erotica Demonica
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I think Mags wrote Erotica Demonica, and it should have been "plupe chute."

Meanwhile, I like #50. "Shameless terrain" -- that works for my aural fixation.
I'm starting to get the feeling if I just guessed them all to be by Mags, I'd have a good chance at getting half of them right.

By the way, Mags, I'm borrowing your guess-list format. Thanks for doing all that work on it! :)
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I'm starting to get the feeling if I just guessed them all to be by Mags, I'd have a good chance at getting half of them right.

By the way, Mags, I'm borrowing your guess-list format. Thanks for doing all that work on it! :)

You're welcome to it.

And half is a bit generous.
I'm taking a stab at these, still hemming and hawing about others, and some I have zero clue about still. It's making my head spin a bit. :)

In the end, I may have to go with my when-all-else-fails-guess-Mags line of thinking.

01. Pluperfect – Mags
02. untitled – Ashesh
03. untitled – AH
04. Conjunction – Piscator
05. untitled – Ashesh
06. untitled – AH
07. The Stevedore's Wife – GM
08. The Object of My Desire – Mer
09. untitled – Mer
10. Plumperfection – Mags
11. Curse of the Pharaohs – Annie
12. Tony's Vintage Comic Fetish – GM
13. Lost in the Joy of Sin – Champ
14. Superpluperfectified – Mags
16. Paranormal Pluperfectivity – Mags
18. Penis Double Acrostic – Annie
19. T-rantosoreass – Tzara
20. With apologies to Thomas Hardy – GP
21. Ministration – AH
25. Aubergine – Tzara
28. Doggerel Style – Annie
31. Aphrodite and Priapus – Champ
32. Plurpefect – Mags
33. Woman on Man – Champ
34. XXX-Men: Days of Future Perfect Past Pluperfect... – Mags
35. untitled – Annie
36. Poor Emily Doe – Ashesh
39. Spluperfectifeyed – Mags
40. Time Machine – GP
46. Arabian Sights – Mags
47. Electric Toothbrush Adaptation – GP
48. That's Just Fucking Pluperfect – Mags
49. Pulp Perfection – Mags
51. Erotica Demonica – Mags
52. craigslist – Piscator
I'm taking a stab at these, still hemming and hawing about others, and some I have zero clue about still. It's making my head spin a bit. :)

04. Conjunction – Piscator
52. craigslist – Piscator
I'm taking a stab at these, still hemming and hawing about others, and some I have zero clue about still. It's making my head spin a bit. :)

03. untitled – AH
06. untitled – AH
21. Ministration – AH

I will cop to these, as well. But there are others. ;)
If we continue to agree or deny the guesses, won't that take half the fun out of the blind poll? Is there going to be a vote at the end? I don't know.. It's fun though! Keep throwing out those guesses!
If we continue to agree or deny the guesses, won't that take half the fun out of the blind poll? Is there going to be a vote at the end?
Oops, I thought those went extinct before I joined up a year ago. I'll zip my lips about my authoring. I was blindly following Piscator.