Challenge: Poet auteur

i'm up for it :)

Excellent. :) Only three more poets needed (although if there are one or two others, then I won't be opposed to adding them to the list)

EPM: Has UYS recuperated from the last challenge she entered? lol I heard she spent some time on the funny farm. :D PS - Does this mean you are willing to play?
Excellent. :) Only three more poets needed (although if there are one or two others, then I won't be opposed to adding them to the list)

EPM: Has UYS recuperated from the last challenge she entered? lol I heard she spent some time on the funny farm. :D PS - Does this mean you are willing to play?

I'd rather pick out who wrote what like a forensic investigator.
I'd be up for a challenge I think. :cattail: (I know, I wasn't invited, but if you need someone to fill a quota.)
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i'm up for it :)

ooh now I am off to read your thread to get a feel for your style.

Any way participants can guess as well? Somehow in private? I am with epmd here, I think the real fun of this challenge will be in the guessing.
you know, it would be an interesting challenge to dig back 5 years and pick out a few all of a sudden passion posts (someone elses) and have them figure out which are theirs! Seriously, I sometimes don't recognize my own poetry-poop that is scattered across these meadows.
you know, it would be an interesting challenge to dig back 5 years and pick out a few all of a sudden passion posts (someone elses) and have them figure out which are theirs! Seriously, I sometimes don't recognize my own poetry-poop that is scattered across these meadows.

The other day, I was thinking about a blurt that I had written a couple years ago. I had to go pull the book off the shelf and reread it. I remembered the topic, but for the life of me, I forgot the words. I wonder if I can write the same thing twice and not even know it?
The other day, I was thinking about a blurt that I had written a couple years ago. I had to go pull the book off the shelf and reread it. I remembered the topic, but for the life of me, I forgot the words. I wonder if I can write the same thing twice and not even know it?

well, it is possible. I find myself writing the same damn thing over and over and over again.
I got a PM about a challenge. :mad:

For you I'll give it a try. :mad:

I hate poetry challenges. :mad:
I'd rather pick out who wrote what like a forensic investigator.
from what i gather, we'll all be guessing :) i'm looking forward to it and need to study you horrible lot so i can make an educated stab at it! :D

ooh now I am off to read your thread to get a feel for your style.

Any way participants can guess as well? Somehow in private? I am with epmd here, I think the real fun of this challenge will be in the guessing.
good luck with trawling through that, anna :p it goes back 30 years at one point and the rest is a hotch potch. not date-sorted. some there are .. well, they're there to remind me not to write that way again if i can help it. :eek:

you know, it would be an interesting challenge to dig back 5 years and pick out a few all of a sudden passion posts (someone elses) and have them figure out which are theirs! Seriously, I sometimes don't recognize my own poetry-poop that is scattered across these meadows.
even going into my files there were a few i'd forgotten i'd written!
good luck with trawling through that, anna :p it goes back 30 years at one point and the rest is a hotch potch. not date-sorted. some there are .. well, they're there to remind me not to write that way again if i can help it. :eek:

hmmm where might I find more recent stuff... do you submit to the New Poems? I have been HORRIBLE about reading anything off board.50
We'll need to count 'em up when Charley gets back in here. :) 'dora, it would be very nifty to have you as a mystery poet.

I remember something similar going on before, we had a set group and then a wild card (can't remember if it was stories, or something Ange set up?). We had to vote in a poll to see who was who.

I think the poll choice limit is 10 anyway.

This could be most wunderbar.
Don't worry so much about the clique theory, Ange. In Chipbutty's premier challenge it was decided that the person who puts up the challenge calls the shots and that there will be something for everyone not try to make every single challenge one size fits all.

It is just Charly's one idea, and hopefully no one gets hurt by something so silly. Who am I kidding, I would have sniffled if she did not put me on the list. But most people are much tougher than I am, that is for sure. Sniff sniff.

Besides, there are lots of opportunities to do the "who wrote what" challenge-- I liked doing that by taking previously posted poems and making a poll-- who wrote it :)

Oh and if it is a form poem, I just intend to say frack that and write it in my own scattered manner, so everyone will know it is me anyway.

It is going to be tough with 10!

Ok, you made me feel better. You know I get paranoid about that. :D

Now I must collapse. We drove almost 500 miles today. Oy. And we're only in Joisey.
As a start, I invite 10 poets into a challenge. The challenge will be to write a poem on a subject (of my choosing). Once all ten poems are in they will be posted anonymously and those participating or reading must determine which poet wrote which poem. (I will rephrase this better once I've had my coffee -

*head spinning at the list of names involved already*
Um, sure, okay, I'd love to participate....

I hate poetry challenges. :mad:
Oh it won't be so painful lol - the challenge is more about seeing if readers can recognize your poetry. :rose:

Champagne: We have 11 poets, so I will just have to work around the poll thingy.

On this note, we have 11 participants (I gathered from EPM's post that he'd rather just do some investigative guessing, which is work enough, I'd say :) ) I just got up and need to do some work, so I'll be back at the end of my day (most of you will just be getting up at that time, anyhow - lol) and post the parameters of the challenge.

Anna: Yes, I will devise a way so that all the poets can also participate without giving away which poem they wrote. BTW, the revised challenge now makes you 7 of 11 - lol xo
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hmmm where might I find more recent stuff... do you submit to the New Poems? I have been HORRIBLE about reading anything off board.50

i'll grab some of the more recent and put them together in on post on the end of my thread. hope it helps :p
Challenge Parameters

This challenge is to see how well we know the work of our peers. Poems will be submitted to me via PM. There is no time limit per se, but once all poems have been received, I will post them in a new thread. Only I will know who wrote each poem and the challenge will be for everyone to read the poems and determine which of the 11 poets wrote which of the 11 poems.

The poems should reflect you as a poet and not be written with the intent to 'trick' your peers into not guessing which poem you wrote, as this defeats the purpose of the whole authorship aspect of the challenge.

Your poems can be written in whichever form you prefer, or if you're more comfortable, free verse. Each poem should be submitted with a title (wouldn't want Remec to be the only one with a title this time around - lol). You can do whatever you want as a poet, the only stipulation (so that all poets are on the same page and so that the subject itself doesn't give away the poet so easily) is that the poem must revolve around the same subject: the Chelsea Hotel (link in subject line below). You can choose a specific personality who lived there, a physical aspect of the hotel itself, an aspect of life in the hotel, an object that might be found in the hotel, an event (imagined or real), or whatever else you want as long as it has a 'flavour' that reflects life in this specific hotel.

Title: whatever you want, as long as there is one
Form: any form or free verse
Subject: Chelsea Hotel

To make it easy to find the challenge I have reposted this in my first post (page 1) and with a list of participating poets in alphabetical order.
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This challenge is to see how well we know the work of our peers. Poems will be submitted to me via PM. There is no time limit per se, but once all poems have been received, I will post them in a new thread. Only I will know who wrote each poem and the challenge will be for everyone to read the poems and determine which of the 11 poets wrote which of the 11 poems.

The poems should reflect you as a poet and not be written with the intent to 'trick' your peers into not guessing which poem you wrote, as this defeats the purpose of the whole authorship aspect of the challenge.

Your poems can be written in whichever form you prefer, or if you're more comfortable, free verse. Each poem should be submitted with a title (wouldn't want Remec to be the only one with a title this time around - lol). You can do whatever you want as a poet, the only stipulation (so that all poets are on the same page and so that the subject itself doesn't give away the poet so easily) is that the poem must revolve around the same subject: the Chelsea Hotel (link in subject line below). You can choose a specific personality who lived there, a physical aspect of the hotel itself, an aspect of life in the hotel, an object that might be found in the hotel, an event (imagined or real), or whatever else you want as long as it has a 'flavour' that reflects life in this specific hotel.

Title: whatever you want, as long as there is one
Form: any form or free verse
Subject: Chelsea Hotel

To make it easy to find the challenge I have reposted this in my first post (page 1) and with a list of participating poets in alphabetical order.

wow! i had no idea about this place -# what a chequered history it has :eek:
very very cool topic, charley :rose:
You are cordially invited. ;) already added you to the list.
Whoops! Since I was the 11th on, I am going to hop off the bus and enjoy guessing with EMP. Should be fun. That gives you 10 poets and works for the poll. I look forward to reading what they do with the challenge!

ETA after receiving PM: though if you aren't using a poll, and the limit isn't 10, I'd be pleased to participate by writing a poem. Either way.
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