Challenge: Poet auteur

damn, I already have a poem about Chelsea Hotel....about L.Cohen's album cover hmmm I wonder if it is here at Lit anywhere. I can't remember the title.

This challenge is to see how well we know the work of our peers. Poems will be submitted to me via PM. There is no time limit per se, but once all poems have been received, I will post them in a new thread. Only I will know who wrote each poem and the challenge will be for everyone to read the poems and determine which of the 11 poets wrote which of the 11 poems.

The poems should reflect you as a poet and not be written with the intent to 'trick' your peers into not guessing which poem you wrote, as this defeats the purpose of the whole authorship aspect of the challenge.

Your poems can be written in whichever form you prefer, or if you're more comfortable, free verse. Each poem should be submitted with a title (wouldn't want Remec to be the only one with a title this time around - lol). You can do whatever you want as a poet, the only stipulation (so that all poets are on the same page and so that the subject itself doesn't give away the poet so easily) is that the poem must revolve around the same subject: the Chelsea Hotel (link in subject line below). You can choose a specific personality who lived there, a physical aspect of the hotel itself, an aspect of life in the hotel, an object that might be found in the hotel, an event (imagined or real), or whatever else you want as long as it has a 'flavour' that reflects life in this specific hotel.

Title: whatever you want, as long as there is one
Form: any form or free verse
Subject: Chelsea Hotel

To make it easy to find the challenge I have reposted this in my first post (page 1) and with a list of participating poets in alphabetical order.
Here I am - tail-end-charley as usual - count me in please.

I simply want to know if you referred to yourself as tail-end Charlie before or after you chose that av (well, it made me giggle)...

And do you consider being a Leonard Cohen fan an advantage or disadvantage for this challenge? (Bit of both mebbe.)
I'm working on mine as we speak :p

(well that's my bit of bravado over with for the week :eek:)
Whoops! Since I was the 11th on, I am going to hop off the bus and enjoy guessing with EMP. Should be fun. That gives you 10 poets and works for the poll. I look forward to reading what they do with the challenge!

ETA after receiving PM: though if you aren't using a poll, and the limit isn't 10, I'd be pleased to participate by writing a poem. Either way.

You're in, no talkback. :p
^ this :)

and charley, check your list - is there and 'erotic' as WELL as EO? :confused:

Seems like I go by EroticO (has some additional suggestive qualities as well) as EO for EroticOrogeny.
Orogeny may not be in most folks vernacular. It means mountain building and generally occurs when 2 bodies come together, generally accompanied by significant folding and thrusting...
hey Tail End Charley,
Why do I always leave the "e" out of your name?

And what is my deadline, sister of mercy?

Challenge Parameters:

This challenge is to see how well we know the work of our peers. Poems will be submitted to me via PM. There is no time limit per se, but once all poems have been received, I will post them in a new thread. Only I will know who wrote each poem and the challenge will be for everyone to read the poems and determine which of the 11 poets wrote which of the 11 poems.

The poems should reflect you as a poet and not be written with the intent to 'trick' your peers into not guessing which poem you wrote, as this defeats the purpose of the whole authorship aspect of the challenge.

Your poems can be written in whichever form you prefer, or if you're more comfortable, free verse. Each poem should be submitted with a title (wouldn't want Remec to be the only one with a title this time around - lol). You can do whatever you want as a poet, the only stipulation (so that all poets are on the same page and so that the subject itself doesn't give away the poet so easily) is that the poem must revolve around the same subject: the Chelsea Hotel (link in subject line below). You can choose a specific personality who lived there, a physical aspect of the hotel itself, an aspect of life in the hotel, an object that might be found in the hotel, an event (imagined or real), or whatever else you want as long as it has a 'flavour' that reflects life in this specific hotel.

Title: whatever you want, as long as there is one
Form: any form or free verse
Subject: Chelsea Hotel

Participating poets:
Erotic Orogeny
Lauren Hynde
The Fool
Wicked Eve
hey Tail End Charley,
Why do I always leave the "e" out of your name?

And what is my deadline, sister of mercy?

lol - well, swirly girl, no deadline per se. Since Angeline is on the road, I fully anticipate that her poem will be the last submission. Once I receive hers, I'll yell, 'SUBMIT!' and hopefully everyone will fall in line. ;)

BTW, I really like this:
But who was lost at the Chelsea Hotel?
The muse or the writer, neither can tell.

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wow! i had no idea about this place -# what a chequered history it has :eek:
very very cool topic, charley :rose:
I'd also thought about the The Algonquin Hotel, but it's history isn't quite as colourful and sordid, even if its guests were - lol
Seems like I go by EroticO (has some additional suggestive qualities as well) as EO for EroticOrogeny.
Orogeny may not be in most folks vernacular. It means mountain building and generally occurs when 2 bodies come together, generally accompanied by significant folding and thrusting...


lol - well, swirly girl, no deadline per se. Since Angeline is on the road, I fully anticipate that her poem will be the last submission. Once I receive hers, I'll yell, 'SUBMIT!' and hopefully everyone will fall in line. ;)

BTW, I really like this:
But who was lost at the Chelsea Hotel?
The muse or the writer, neither can tell.


Okay I went from clueless to clueless with a poem. Now I have let it simmer. Spank her for me Lauren...
ok. i'm done. bird or beast or vegetable soup i don't know, but it's done. :eek:
I wrote two poems today. At first I had no inspiration. What do I know about the Chelsea? I like to see and hear and smell a place, then write about it. So here's a tip for anyone who hasn't been there and needs some ideas. Try youtube. I read some about the hotel, then I turned to video. Youtube has video of people talking about the place, footage of the inside, etc.
I wrote two poems today. At first I had no inspiration. What do I know about the Chelsea? I like to see and hear and smell a place, then write about it. So here's a tip for anyone who hasn't been there and needs some ideas. Try youtube. I read some about the hotel, then I turned to video. Youtube has video of people talking about the place, footage of the inside, etc.

And then there's fiction. :D

Charley said we had to write a poem about the Chelsea Hotel. She didn't say how real it has to be. And generally my imagination is both better and richer than my experience. Senna Jawa always tells me to write about what I have experienced...but then he'd prolly tell me not to do the challenge either.
And then there's fiction. :D

Charley said we had to write a poem about the Chelsea Hotel. She didn't say how real it has to be. And generally my imagination is both better and richer than my experience. Senna Jawa always tells me to write about what I have experienced...but then he'd prolly tell me not to do the challenge either.

It really helped me to see the lobby and some rooms and all the artwork in the place. And from there I made up my own story. I really knew almost nothing about the hotel which was making it almost impossible to write about.
It really helped me to see the lobby and some rooms and all the artwork in the place. And from there I made up my own story. I really knew almost nothing about the hotel which was making it almost impossible to write about.

Yeah I know about the artwork; it's a seedy old museum, that place. But it helps me if I don't even think about it and I have reasons that will be apparent if I actually write this poem!

(And only The Fool really knows what I mean lol. What is it about that man that makes me tell him all my secrets? Damnit.) :D