Challenge: Poet auteur

there's a poem in there somewhere

it's the legitimate thing. shades of Obama and birthers and ...

how's the house clearing taking shape or are you still on the road, sweets?
You are so much more elegant, my love. I am eager to see what happens. Ang has an excuse and I know Lauren is tied up making babies. :devil: That's all I know.

It takes British class to knee someone in the nuts elegantly - provebial or otherwise - but the baby making might be put in jeopardy so I'll lay off Lauren and concentrate on swirls......
there's a poem in there somewhere

it's the legitimate thing. shades of Obama and birthers and ...

how's the house clearing taking shape or are you still on the road, sweets?

We are in Maine packing furiously. I found a little pile of birdseed in the far corner of the top shelf of my bedroom closet this morning. There must be a squirrel or something (!) nesting up there. Eep. Well was. Tain't nutthin up there now. We are beyond tired, but we just keep packing and throwing stuff away. The moving trailor will be pulling out of town on the 23rd, so we're off the road till then.

I feel old. :eek:
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We are in Maine packing furiously. I found a little pile of birdseed in the far corner of the top shelf of my bedroom closet this morning. There must be a squirrel or something (!) nesting up there. Eep. Well was. Tain't nutthin up there now. We are beyond tired, but we just keep packing and throwing stuff away. The moving trailor will be pulling out of town on the 23rd, so we're off the road till then.

I feel old. :eek:

hahaha, oh my goodness. i wonder what it was. ah well. each year my neighbour and i get the soffits(?) pecked at by starlings who want to nest in the lofts. they usually end up in hers, but make enough noise fluttering and pecking directly outside my window around 4 or 5 in the morning :) bless em :rolleyes:

you must feel exhausted. but how exciting it all must be, too :flower:
hahaha, oh my goodness. i wonder what it was. ah well. each year my neighbour and i get the soffits(?) pecked at by starlings who want to nest in the lofts. they usually end up in hers, but make enough noise fluttering and pecking directly outside my window around 4 or 5 in the morning :) bless em :rolleyes:

you must feel exhausted. but how exciting it all must be, too :flower:

I shall miss the squirrels and the sleek fat crows. My computer is in front of my bedroom window that looks out on a deck, and that overlooks the yard and the woods beyond it. I have seen crows and squirrels, including babies, on the deck right on the other side of my window screen. And I've seen wild turkeys and a family of foxes by the woods. I will miss that view. I'll have to learn the fauna in our new neighborhood. We just got some mail from the company the city there hires to collect trash, and they sent a pamphlet on how to keep bears out of one's trash. Bears! There had better not be any bears in the neighborhood. :eek:

It is exciting and exhausting. I can't wait to drive there again because it will be the height of spring there and the mountains will be so lovely, I know.


PS No moose though. I have managed to live in Maine over six years without seeing a moose. I even went to Moosehead Lake and didn't see one. lol.
I shall miss the squirrels and the sleek fat crows. My computer is in front of my bedroom window that looks out on a deck, and that overlooks the yard and the woods beyond it. I have seen crows and squirrels, including babies, on the deck right on the other side of my window screen. And I've seen wild turkeys and a family of foxes by the woods. I will miss that view. I'll have to learn the fauna in our new neighborhood. We just got some mail from the company the city there hires to collect trash, and they sent a pamphlet on how to keep bears out of one's trash. Bears! There had better not be any bears in the neighborhood. :eek:

It is exciting and exhausting. I can't wait to drive there again because it will be the height of spring there and the mountains will be so lovely, I know.


PS No moose though. I have managed to live in Maine over six years without seeing a moose. I even went to Moosehead Lake and didn't see one. lol.

I'm sure you'll have squirrels there too. Maybe crows too. We have lots of squirrels around here, along with mourning doves as well as the usual grackles and sparrows. We didn't have as many squirrels when we moved in (nearly 25 years ago) since this land was prairie. But now enough houses with trees which have grown so that the squirrels have moved in from the forested eastern parts.
I sympathize with your moving woes - I'd rather not move due to all the hassle and stuff.
I shall miss the squirrels and the sleek fat crows. My computer is in front of my bedroom window that looks out on a deck, and that overlooks the yard and the woods beyond it. I have seen crows and squirrels, including babies, on the deck right on the other side of my window screen. And I've seen wild turkeys and a family of foxes by the woods. I will miss that view. I'll have to learn the fauna in our new neighborhood. We just got some mail from the company the city there hires to collect trash, and they sent a pamphlet on how to keep bears out of one's trash. Bears! There had better not be any bears in the neighborhood. :eek:

It is exciting and exhausting. I can't wait to drive there again because it will be the height of spring there and the mountains will be so lovely, I know.


PS No moose though. I have managed to live in Maine over six years without seeing a moose. I even went to Moosehead Lake and didn't see one. lol.
dem bears be after yer pikk-a-nik baskets. watch out for Yogi :D

i feel your reluctance to give up that view, Angeline, but new delights await you. Embrace them and they'll embrace you. well, let's hope the bears don' get too huggy ... :eek:
I like moving, it's a chance to reorganize your material life. Feng shui everything to rights, all your past problems fade.
dem bears be after yer pikk-a-nik baskets. watch out for Yogi :D

i feel your reluctance to give up that view, Angeline, but new delights await you. Embrace them and they'll embrace you. well, let's hope the bears don' get too huggy ... :eek:

Thank you. This is what I can see from my new back porch:


Isn't it beautiful? That is not an actual photo from my new back porch, mind you, (lol). It's more like the upper right quadrant of the view from my new back porch, but you get the idea. :D

I like moving, it's a chance to reorganize your material life. Feng shui everything to rights, all your past problems fade.

There is a surreal quality to this whole process that I want to explore in my poems. I really feel like I'm part of a Dali painting at the moment. I'm a melting stopwatch.

I think my house has good feng shui. I hope I don't fuck it up by putting a lava lamp in the middle of it.
Thank you. This is what I can see from my new back porch:


Isn't it beautiful? That is not an actual photo from my new back porch, mind you, (lol). It's more like the upper right quadrant of the view from my new back porch, but you get the idea. :D

There is a surreal quality to this whole process that I want to explore in my poems. I really feel like I'm part of a Dali painting at the moment. I'm a melting stopwatch.

I think my house has good feng shui. I hope I don't fuck it up by putting a lava lamp in the middle of it.

I wouldn't mind that view, myself. Been in flatlands so long. I remember the view from where I was staying in Golden. Especially vivid is the memory of those pink pegmatites, particularly when the morning sun shone on them.
I didn't set a deadline, Tess. The only poets left to submit (top of head) are the old girls: Swirly Girl, Evil Eve, Angry Ang and Little Lauren. Want to help me kick start them in their real or proverbial nuts? :devil:

Girl, you really need to set a deadline for those of us who are procrastinators.

Or those of us who it takes more than a little sweet talk to get us to submit. You know what I am talking about.
Thank you. This is what I can see from my new back porch:


Isn't it beautiful? That is not an actual photo from my new back porch, mind you, (lol). It's more like the upper right quadrant of the view from my new back porch, but you get the idea. :D

There is a surreal quality to this whole process that I want to explore in my poems. I really feel like I'm part of a Dali painting at the moment. I'm a melting stopwatch.

I think my house has good feng shui. I hope I don't fuck it up by putting a lava lamp in the middle of it.

it is so beautiful, i already used a pic of them before to lay a poem on, "spirit"!
a most inspirational view in a sort of grandiose 'making one feel tiny yet connected to everything' manner. :D

let's hope you don't melt entirely ...

it is so beautiful, i already used a pic of them before to lay a poem on, "spirit"!
a most inspirational view in a sort of grandiose 'making one feel tiny yet connected to everything' manner. :D

let's hope you don't melt entirely ...


My dad always used to tell me "You won't melt; you're not a sugar cookie." (I didn't like the rain when I was very young.) And he was right, I didn't and I'm not, so aside from my very achy breaky old back and limbs, I will survive. :D
Um.... How did I miss the baby announcement??

A real live baby??? I am so friggin happy for you two!
Girl, you really need to set a deadline for those of us who are procrastinators.

Or those of us who it takes more than a little sweet talk to get us to submit. You know what I am talking about.
I was actually hoping that this thread would go the way of all second page threads on Lit, so that I could post a new one. Nevertheless, this one is still here and haunting me. To all poets who are partaking and have not yet submitted ... the time is near. Submit your poem by Thursday, April 15th!!
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I was actually hoping that this thread would go the way of all second page threads on Lit, so that I could post a new one. Nevertheless, this one is still here and haunting me. To all poets who are partaking and have not yet submitted ... the time is near. Submit your poem by Thursday, April 15th!!

Ides of April ! (US income tax deadline)
I know! Hold your horses already. :mad:

There will be a poem in your inbox from me before the 15th. :D
I was actually hoping that this thread would go the way of all second page threads on Lit, so that I could post a new one. Nevertheless, this one is still here and haunting me. To all poets who are partaking and have not yet submitted ... the time is near. Submit your poem by Thursday, April 15th!!

Whoohooo! Now we are talking. I just felt a wee rush of adrenaline. I love the cheap thrill of the poetic deadline. Cheaper than blow safer than jumping off a bridge
Whoohooo! Now we are talking. I just felt a wee rush of adrenaline. I love the cheap thrill of the poetic deadline. Cheaper than blow safer than jumping off a bridge
Well, the Chelsea was at least filled with cheap whores. You will mount this challenge well, me thinks. lol ;)
There was an old hotel named Chelsea
full of artiste-y ghosts and a healthy
dose of drugs, rock n roll, da wealthy
who glammed, gossiped, and swanned
in delicto flagrante, but shall I poem it
all up? Well, we'll see. :eek:
I like moving, it's a chance to reorganize your material life. Feng shui everything to rights, all your past problems fade.
I do too. I move at least once every 5-6 years. Last time, I set myself a limit at 15 boxes, 14 of which cleared customs. I arrived in Newark with a suitcase, a cat, and an accordion. It feels good to clear out the stuff.