challenge: Snuggle the bear...

good idea!

I like your idea! Let's go with it! :D I haven't written my snuggly poem yet, but I will. I might actually be late with it, but I have a good excuse: I'm supposed to give an oral defense on Tuesday and I'm still preparing. But I will post a snuggly evil poem eventually.

I am most definitely NOT snuggly. It perplexes me to know that you've been imagining me in that way. It makes me feel dirty, and now I must go take a shower :p :p :p

Snugly vs. Snuggly

I thought it would be, but Mr. Webster teaches us otherwise. If anyone can quote a Snuggly resource contradicting him, fine by me. :)
Re: Snugly vs. Snuggly

Lauren.Hynde said:
I thought it would be, but Mr. Webster teaches us otherwise. If anyone can quote a Snuggly resource contradicting him, fine by me. :)

Umm...I thought the bear's name was Snuggly. I don't watch TV, so I have no idea who this bear is...

And I think there is a distinction between the adverbial form of "snug" (i.e., something which fits snugly) and the adjective form of "snuggle" (i.e., someone who is snuggly).

Of course, I could be wrong.

It wouldn't be the first time Merriam-Webster was behind its time or simply wrong, so I'm up for everything. Personally, I kind of prefer Snuggly, even if it's a non-word.
Okay, okay...

So there is no adjective form of "snuggle." Well, there is now. We just made it. In the context of this thread, I think our non-word "snuggly" is more appropriate.

Having said that, I don't know if I will write a poem for this thread, but it certainly has me thinking...


Note: Xtaabay is a she, not a he.
snugly vs snuggly

Microsoft Word allows both. I think the distinction between "snug" and "snuggle" is probably correct. At least that is how I think of them. FYI the bear's name is "Snuggles".

About Snuggles

Regards,                                 Rybka
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Re: Re: a date for posts

That settles it, then.

Snuggly Evil: Snuggles-the-fabric-softener Bear
Snuggly Evil: The Teletubbies
Snuggly Evil: Pooh
Snuggly Evil: "Poppin Fresh" Doughboy
Snuggly Evil: The Easter Bunny
Snuggly Evil: Barney
Snuggly Evil: <insert name here>

Cordie, don't you dare not entering this. That episode with your kid was just too good. :D
Let the fun begin

I've hated him from the moment I saw him, so tonight in honor of Dr. X's (well almost) defense tomorrow, I give you--

Snuggly Evil: "Poppin Fresh" Doughboy

Dear Dough-boy:

Why you so happy
in that little chef hat?
Marchin around like
King Spoon of Cup Kitchen.

You smug little brat.
You flour-paste thing
come wigglin alive to giggle
some lyin' Mad Avenue jive
in my face!

Better get on outta my place,
evil toddler, and don't dare
ask me how to bake a square cake
in a round pan.

I got your pan right here.
Bend over.

Mr. Spatula thinks
you need a new career.

Enough happy laughs
and insincere words.
Gonna bake you to biscuits,
feed you poppin fresh
to the birds.

Good luck Xtaabay! :rose:
Re: Let the fun begin

Angeline said:
I've hated him from the moment I saw him, so tonight in honor of Dr. X's (well almost) defense tomorrow, I give you--

Snuggly Evil: "Poppin Fresh" Doughboy

Dear Dough-boy:

Why you so happy
in that little chef hat?
Marchin around like
King Spoon of Cup Kitchen.

You smug little brat.
You flour-paste thing
come wigglin alive to giggle
some lyin' Mad Avenue jive
in my face!

Better get on outta my place,
evil toddler, and don't dare
ask me how to bake a square cake
in a round pan.

I got your pan right here.
Bend over.

Mr. Spatula thinks
you need a new career.

Enough happy laughs
and insincere words.
Gonna bake you to biscuits,
feed you poppin fresh
to the birds.

Good luck Xtaabay! :rose:

*clap! clap! clap!* That was an excellent poem! I liked it!!! :D
Thanks for the good luck. It must've helped because I passed my oral defense! Woo hoo!!! :nana:


Gotta be careful how you say that around here!

*clap! clap! clap!* That was an excellent poem! I liked it!!!
Thanks for the good luck. It must've helped because I passed my oral defense!

Big Congrats!!!!!!

Welcome back ... the land of the living. Congratulations.

<Poor Rybka. Already the fish knives are out.>

It seems that the snugglies are being posted here. Damn, but Angeline is a hard act to follow...

Snuggly Evil: Barney the Fuzzy Onanist

“I love you,
You love me.”

Long after the chirpy chorus ends
our frustrated hero lies.
Late at night 'tween purple sheets
tears fill those lonely eyes,
'cause too short little purple arms
can’t reach 'tween purple thighs.

Re: Re: Let the fun begin

Xtaabay said:
*clap! clap! clap!* That was an excellent poem! I liked it!!! :D
Thanks for the good luck. It must've helped because I passed my oral defense! Woo hoo!!! :nana:

Sorry to hear about your SDI, but thank you anyway for using a fish cheer. However, I am not a sailfish.
And you should have kept your mouth shut. That is the best oral defense! :D :p :D

Congratulations, Doc! :rose: :heart: :rose:

Regards,                                 Rybka
A Fish Cheer for the Doc!

Snuggling Doctor Xtaabay

Fuzzy, furry, piece of fluff
crazy squirrel, that is enough
holds her breath in pout
finally has to let it out
her oral defense breached!

Offense is the best defense
and she is quite offensive
breath, and smell, and talk from mouth
all her morals heading south
a long time goal is reached!

Regards,                                 Rybka
Re: Orals

Angeline said:
Gotta be careful how you say that around here!

Big Congrats!!!!!!


Yeah, I know:rolleyes: But I didn't choose the phallic dancing banana for nothing :D :p

Re: Welcome back ...

darkmaas said: the land of the living. Congratulations.

<Poor Rybka. Already the fish knives are out.>

It seems that the snugglies are being posted here. Damn, but Angeline is a hard act to follow...

Snuggly Evil: Barney the Fuzzy Onanist

“I love you,
You love me.”

Long after the chirpy chorus ends
our frustrated hero lies.
Late at night 'tween purple sheets
tears fill those lonely eyes,
'cause too short little purple arms
can’t reach 'tween purple thighs.


Ewwww!!!! At first I thought I would be disappointed, since you seem almost sympathetic towards the purple menace. But those last two lines just make it all worth the read! Sick, sick sick! Good job! :D
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Re: Re: Re: Let the fun begin

Rybka said:
Sorry to hear about your SDI, but thank you anyway for using a fish cheer. However, I am not a sailfish.
And you should have kept your mouth shut. That is the best oral defense! :D :p :D

Congratulations, Doc! :rose: :heart: :rose:

Regards,                                 Rybka

no no no.. I'm not a doctor YET. This was the oral defense for the PhD exams which i just finished. I have one more step until I get the actual PhD -- which is that I have to write up my PhD dissertation (and then defend it orally-- because my committee has some sort of preoccupation with all things oral). But thankyou for the title in advance :D :D Although... I kind of like the idea of being known as "the evil Dr. X" :devil: :D
-- Evil almost-Dr. X
Re: A Fish Cheer for the Doc!

Rybka said:
Snuggling Doctor Xtaabay

Fuzzy, furry, piece of fluff
crazy squirrel, that is enough
holds her breath in pout
finally has to let it out
her oral defense breached!

Offense is the best defense
and she is quite offensive
breath, and smell, and talk from mouth
all her morals heading south
a long time goal is reached!

Regards,                                 Rybka


Bad, bad Rybka! I can't believe you wrote that!!!! And besides, I was told that my oral defense was excellent and that I did a great job (as always) So I'm not THAT offensive!
:D :kiss:
Darned fish....

Re: Re: A Fish Cheer for the Doc!

Xtaabay said:

Bad, bad Rybka! I can't believe you wrote that!!!! And besides, I was told that my oral defense was excellent and that I did a great job (as always) So I'm not THAT offensive!
:D :kiss:
Darned fish....

You *are* aware that these poems are supposed to be about things which the majority of the population consider to be *cute and cuddly*, aren't you? So I will have to assume that you think I'm cute and cuddly :p :p
Re: Re: Re: A Fish Cheer for the Doc!

Xtaabay said:
You *are* aware that these poems are supposed to be about things which the majority of the population consider to be *cute and cuddly*, aren't you? So I will have to assume that you think I'm cute and cuddly :p :p

The assignment was to write about something that outwardly looked cuddly and innocent, but that inwardly was wretchedly disgusting and the epitome of evil. :p :rose: :p

Regards,                                 Rybka
Re: Re: Re: Re: A Fish Cheer for the Doc!

Rybka said:
The assignment was to write about something that outwardly looked cuddly and innocent, but that inwardly was wretchedly disgusting and the epitome of evil. :p :rose: :p

Regards,                                 Rybka

Okay, you got me. :p
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A Fish Cheer for the Doc!

Xtaabay said:
Okay, you got me. :p

We have one evil/cuddly poem which was posted today by guilty pleasure. I encourage you to read it. It's got a certain charm to it :D

Mad Cow