Challenge to my fave poets

Am I going to be competing by myself against The Bride of Charley? Get in here and confirm your participation ...


The Bride of Charley? Lauren might just kill you in the competition!
Bwahahaha... Bring IT!

Will do - believe me! Is Liar in also? I might love to see my old (well not too OLD, although a little foot in the grave) friend Jimmy Morrison (Rem) in on it also. 2 dudes, 5 chicks? If the Fool and the Monkey also came along in the next few days? Well, I would be happy like "a little girl" pulling her nipples. HEY! It was a Mike Myers skit on SNL so it's not too obscene! :D lol
Will do - believe me! Is Liar in also? I might love to see my old (well not too OLD, although a little foot in the grave) friend Jimmy Morrison (Rem) in on it also. 2 dudes, 5 chicks? If the Fool and the Monkey also came along in the next few days? Well, I would be happy like "a little girl" pulling her nipples. HEY! It was a Mike Myers skit on SNL so it's not too obscene! :D lol
He may not portray a "little girl" but he squeals like one!
LOL THAT'S IT. Damn! Loved his piece.

I feel awful for saying I had fave poets, but frankly not that awful that I can't say it again! :D I love these 5 mostly because they gave me honest feedback when I first started writing, or maybe I just PM'd once too many times that they stared giving me honest feedback. LOL. Whatever the case, I challenge the 5 and also others. If you are up for a poetry challenge? Please register on this thread by OH, TOMORROW!
This is starting to look frighteningly official................:confused:

I'm here to register....I must be crazy, gawd knows what awful task Charley will press us to.
This is starting to look frighteningly official................:confused:

I'm here to register....I must be crazy, gawd knows what awful task Charley will press us to.
Actually? I wanted to bind you all via format ... thank Lauren for talking me out of it! lol
I thank you too Lauren. Are we safe now?
Well, hardly. I personally do have semiotic tricks up my sleeve! PS. Lauren will be away for a couple of days due to an operation. I'd say keep it quiet, but this is hardly the venue for secrets.
Well, hardly. I personally do have semiotic tricks up my sleeve! PS. Lauren will be away for a couple of days due to an operation. I'd say keep it quiet, but this is hardly the venue for secrets.

Give her a kiss for luck from me. And tell her I said she's a biotch for talking you out of form. :mad:
Well, hardly. I personally do have semiotic tricks up my sleeve! PS. Lauren will be away for a couple of days due to an operation. I'd say keep it quiet, but this is hardly the venue for secrets.

Send her my best wishes along with Ange's. I hope she recovers in record time.
Well, hardly. I personally do have semiotic tricks up my sleeve! PS. Lauren will be away for a couple of days due to an operation. I'd say keep it quiet, but this is hardly the venue for secrets.

My very best to Lauren, and sincere wishes for a speedy and more than full recovery. :heart::rose::kiss:
I really hope Ms A gets well soon. Surgery sucks, but needing surgery sucks more. Sending best wishes and positive thoughts for a complete recovery.
Will do - believe me! Is Liar in also? I might love to see my old (well not too OLD, although a little foot in the grave) friend Jimmy Morrison (Rem) in on it also. 2 dudes, 5 chicks? If the Fool and the Monkey also came along in the next few days? Well, I would be happy like "a little girl" pulling her nipples. HEY! It was a Mike Myers skit on SNL so it's not too obscene! :D lol

Hmmm...I've been following along and wondering about offering to join Liar to serve as some male representatives for this thing. If there's an opening, sure, I'm in. (Scared to death about joining such wonderful writers/poets, but I'm in.)


Well, hardly. I personally do have semiotic tricks up my sleeve! PS. Lauren will be away for a couple of days due to an operation. I'd say keep it quiet, but this is hardly the venue for secrets.
Hugs and kisses to Lauren.
What is the challenge?
Ange, is that you in the av or did you find another girl who looks a lot like you?
How are you doing, Charley?
Y'know, I was just thinking. Charley said "operation". We all assume it's surgery. But, consider the mysterious hand gun AV... Maybe this was some sort of undercover, super-secret, para-military operation. It would be highly clever to hide a spy amidst poets and architects, don't you think?
Hugs and kisses to Lauren.
What is the challenge?
Ange, is that you in the av or did you find another girl who looks a lot like you?
How are you doing, Charley?

No. :D It's Laura Nyro, a singer/songwriter I love. I put the clue in my title "Timer," which is the name of a song by her.

But I do look like her. Then again she's got that New York Jewish (or maybe Italian) girl look that every third female at my college had.

Actually I was not aware (consciously) until rather recently how Jewish my college was. I got the alumni magazine in the mail yesterday and every other name in it is Jewish and every other picture of an alumna looks like me. I was laughing and showing eagleyez because it looks like the program for a Woody Allen movie.
Hmmm...I've been following along and wondering about offering to join Liar to serve as some male representatives for this thing. If there's an opening, sure, I'm in. (Scared to death about joining such wonderful writers/poets, but I'm in.)


I am counting on you! Don't be frightened. You stand up and out! See you tomorrow, I hope, Rem. :kiss::kiss:
I am counting on you! Don't be frightened. You stand up and out! See you tomorrow, I hope, Rem. :kiss::kiss:

*warm in face*
Thanks...and I'll be by sometime, prolly midmorning Eastern time...:kiss::heart:

Is there going to be whiskey at this party? cigars? debauchery? depravity? nudity? blues?