Challenge: write your own "Shadow Theater" poem

Did I cheat?

I posted mine. In time, I hope.

Did I cheat if I posted two? One is titled "Shadow Theater" and one is titled "Shadow Theatre."

I couldn't choose between them, so...

Seeing double,

i haven't started mine yet.

and i just realized...tomorrow is my new poems review day. and there will be 42,000 shadow theater poems.


You can post as many as you want. Or as many as Literotica lets you. So yes, I guess two per author is the limit... :D

So sorry. When I set the date I thought they would be out on saturday. That'll teach me to look at the calendar before doing these things. Well, actually, it won't, but that's ok... I'm sure everyone will want to help you with the new poems list.

Now, write! :mad:
I'v submitted two as well. Thanks for the hint, Cords. I suppose there are going to be too many simultaneous ST poems tomorrow. How will we compare?

Two too, today!

Regards,                       Rybka
only one

I've posted my "Shadow Theater" about a quarter past midnight, California time (about 3:15 New York time). Only one. I had (and have :) ) an idea for another one but since I broadcasted it somehow I lost interest, thye steam went off. I am surprized in a nice way that I already wrote two "the same title" poems (I was late with the one a week ago, "broken bliteroticands").
Mine is posted and it's a strange creation put together from 3 other shadow poems that didn't work out.
Angeline said:
... and there will be 42,000 shadow theater poems.

ahhh, Angeline... ever the optimist. :D

Just think, if all who post, read, then ...

42,000 reads
840 votes (2 percent of readers vote)
The vote-evaporating software will take a cleansing pass
and presto -- 5 votes each :D

But really, all who post should make an effort to vote or send feedback. If word gets out that others will actually *read* a posted poem, the next title challenge will attract even more... and wouldn't that be a good thing?
Shadow Theater
by MyOpinion

Time, the theater of life you give us as wife
Then play you each on your stage
Our shadows no match for what you will catch
Death hauls from artist and sage.

Time, your hand has taken Art now forsaken
No shadow performer we see,
Where past artists applied careful sharp eye
“Shaking the City” can’t be. (1)

Time, your hand has been seen on backlit screen
No shadow performer you be!
Where past you let dance a cowhide romance
Museum holds Rama honoree.

Time, you show no remorse in all of your course
No actor holds You deity,
Your shadow makes old where talk’s grown cold
“No death performs comedy.” (2)

By Opi 1/24/03
= = = = = = = = =
(1)During the reign of King Rama II of the early Rattanakosin Period of Thailand, it is said the Shadow Play shook the whole city. This prompted master craftsmen of the Royal Court to create a set of Nang Yai puppets which they called Phra Nakhon Wai, or Shaking the City.

(2) someone has to have said that at some point in time! I do not know who it is; If no one does, chalk it up to ‘Anonymous’
= = = = = = = = =
I was right. What a great set of poems we have here. There's free verse, haiku, sonnets, terzanelles, acrostics, prose-poetry, songs...
19! Wow. Maybe things like this will get poetry here at lit more attention. Readers will be wondering what we crazy poets may be up to next. :)

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bunch of shadow poetry to read.
WickedEve said:
19! Wow. Maybe things like this will get poetry here at lit more attention. Readers will be wondering what we crazy poets may be up to next. :)
That's up to Rybka, I think :D
WickedEve said:
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bunch of shadow poetry to read.
I'm still hoping that a few other Shadow Theat[re/er] poems will appear soon. I noticed that K-dog, Lick', and Xtaabay, for example, didn't post their poems in time...

edited to add: rainbows end wrote a Shadow Theatre poem too (inspired by this thread?) but she called it child of the shadow dance
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Lauren.Hynde said:
Shadow Theater

by Senna Jawa © -- something wrong with the link: go through Senna's page instead.
The link from the new poems list seems to work:

                Shadow Theater

But it fails, when copied here, to this message. That's what Lauren has encountered too. very strange!

Now I see that somehow number "nine hundred seventeen" must be a special code. That's why while I've written, decimally-digitally nine hundred seventeen, you see onkly tghree stars (this sentence I have inseted after those below, after th discovery).

I'll post this useless mesasage all the same and will have another look at this mystery (misery). Now let me try in a more direct way:***7

You can see that instead of the three middle digits "***", there are three stars ***, so that we get "id=7***7, instead of "id=7***7". Weird.

Let me type the whole number by hand:***7

It didn't help. Preview shows three stars *** again. Is *** a special code?

(Yes, nine hundred seventeen is a special code. Literotica has a ridiculous programming BUG)!

In another post I'll try to go around it, I don't know if it will work.


Wow, so many Shadow Theater and Theatre poems, 9+10 for a total of 19 poems!!! Cordelia, Judo and Rybka have posted even two poems each, one per title variation.
Angeline has another thread on Derivitive poems, something I promised her I'd get back too. Well, I wasn't planning on doing it tonite, but as I read each of the poems I started getting a short image, thought, or line in my head. So, I started jotting these down, and was amazed out how well they seem to fit together (I don't know if Lauren consider this in the order of things, I rather think the work of posting the links would be enough :)). Hence, I have poem from your poems...Thank you one and all. There's little in life I love more than insperation :D

A note, Myopinion's poem is listed first, but my computer lost connection the first time I went to click on it. Once I did reconnect, I inadvertantly skipped Opi's poem. I realized this, and as such, while each line is a reflection of the respective poem, Opi's comes at the end. Again, amazingly enough, this works to the over scheme quite well...

Shadow Theatre Redux
I saw it all in good timing,
and the death of a man.
Writ upon a play bill,
illuminated by the footlights,
confusion hid behind her eyes.
An invitation
to sadness, that which preceded sleep
in candle light,
played out upon a screen.
Hidden, uncertain, silence,
following everywhere
through pine forest
covered in snow
to a world scorched and half empty.
Rejoice in the ruins! Damnit!
Thoughts will alight later,
like a lovers presence,
reminding later of mortality and history.

Yes, I saw it all played out
in words.

This Weeks Title

Lauren.Hynde said:
Great work, everyone.

So, Rybka: what's this week's title? :D

Do we want another challenge right now, or would everyone prefer to write about the Columbia disaster?

Regards,                       Rybka
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I wrote a poem this morning titled Shuttle Lost. So some of us may want to use the same title, or similar, or simply write our own poems about the tragedy.
Upcoming Challenge

Have we decided on the upcoming challenge? I vote against the space shuttle theme--if people want to write about it they should, but I think the topic will not succeed as a "challenge" like the previous two because there are fewer options for approaches. I for one would be uncomfortable writing anything on this topic that is not solemn and/or elegaic--anything else would feel disrespectful of the crew and their families to me. Also, and this is just me, I find it difficult to write about tragedy--at least in poetry--while the pain is still fresh. I need some time for it to roll around my subconscious before I write.

Anyone else? Agree? Disagree?
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