Challenge: write your own "Shadow Theater" poem

I agree with Ange. If anyone wants to write about it, in their own time, they should. But I don't think that should be encouraged by a challenge.
Lauren.Hynde said:
I agree with Ange. If anyone wants to write about it, in their own time, they should. But I don't think that should be encouraged by a challenge.
I certainly wasn't suggesting that we use the disaster as a challenge theme. I was questioning if we even want to have a challenge at all this week? - Sorry if I was not clear.
Please let me know. I have a title, but am not sure if others might want a hiatus. I, myself am fairly devastated, having been a NASA fellow in graduate school.

Regards,                       Rybka
since some like more time anyway, post the title and set the due date for two weeks away?
Sorry Rybka

for misunderstanding and for your personal connection to this...

I think we should wait a day or two--my sense is we should go ahead, but maybe you want to choose the topic another week? Whatever you are comfortable with--if you want me to name a topic or help otherwise, let me know.

Re: Sorry Rybka

Angeline said:
for misunderstanding and for your personal connection to this...

I think we should wait a day or two--my sense is we should go ahead, but maybe you want to choose the topic another week? Whatever you are comfortable with--if you want me to name a topic or help otherwise, let me know.

I have a title/topic, and it may even be appropriate, but is everyone up to it?

Re two weeks: That is a very long time for a challenge. I would prefer less than a full week myself. I would like a challenge on a Monday and poems posted on Friday for display on Saturday.

Let's get some more input from people who have answered the previous challenges before we decide.

Regards,                       Rybka
Re: Re: Sorry Rybka

I think the ideal is less than one week (Judo was right, I shouldn't have given you people so much time) and a title that isn't restrictive. Something that could be easily taken in as many directions as there are authors. And if some want to take it in that direction, fine.
Challenge Time Line

Lauren.Hynde said:
I think the ideal is less than one week (Judo was right, I shouldn't have given you people so much time) and a title that isn't restrictive. Something that could be easily taken in as many directions as there are authors. And if some want to take it in that direction, fine.
I, myself, would like a challenge on Sunday or Monday with the poems posted on on Friday for display on Saturday. What say you all?

Regards,                       Rybka
Fine by me. (I guess it serves me right, to have a bunch of poems posted in the day I do the reviews. lol)
I, myself, would like a challenge on Sunday or Monday with the poems posted on on Friday for display on Saturday. What say you all?

okey-dokey by me.