Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

Last day of Pink, by request ♥️🤭♥️
Normally, I would comment on your props, and the dusky roses on the dark wood are lovely. But instead, I am almost mesmerized by how gloriously creamy your skin looks in this picture. It is set off by your hair, and your outfit, obviously, but you look radiant. Just lovely. And I am ever a fan of your ass, which deserves worship and is a joy forever.

Stunning picture. Thank you.
Looking hot in hot pink!!! :love:
Great color on you 😉
Thanks, gents. Not a color I would have usually picked, but I'm pleased with my decision to be bold. Glad you are too. 🌹

Olive and Mabel approve, so do I
And I didn't have to bribe you with biscuits. 😁

I'm a fan of the engineering...
My back is as well. 😁

You look wonderful. I love the detailing on your bra and panties, I love your nails, I absolutely adore the pose, and nice book about dogs? Perfection.
Thank you, UD. Your lovely compliments and way with words are perfection as well. 🌹
Ok fellow Chaosians. It's time for a new theme. This one is maybe the toughest yet. You will likely have to dig into the archives for these pics. Or take a whole bunch of pics this week to create this theme.

Mishaps, Oops, and Screwups :oops:

I am sure none of you have ever had an issue but I have been known to have some hijinx go wrong while taking pics. Like the cat seems to think that the only time she can say hello to me is when the phone camera is out. Or dropping the camera mid timer on the camera. Or the angle you thought would be hot but just isn't. Did that toy get stuck and you got a picture of it?

Post a good Screwup Picture. If you don't have one....go take a bunch and try to recreate one. Make us cringe, make us laugh, make us thirsty, or make us stare. 😲

Or, just post something sexy that we will all drool over. Either way, have fun and enjoy it. :love:
More pink...
Ok fellow Chaosians. It's time for a new theme. This one is maybe the toughest yet. You will likely have to dig into the archives for these pics. Or take a whole bunch of pics this week to create this theme.

Mishaps, Oops, and Screwups :oops:

I am sure none of you have ever had an issue but I have been known to have some hijinx go wrong while taking pics. Like the cat seems to think that the only time she can say hello to me is when the phone camera is out. Or dropping the camera mid timer on the camera. Or the angle you thought would be hot but just isn't. Did that toy get stuck and you got a picture of it?

Post a good Screwup Picture. If you don't have one....go take a bunch and try to recreate one. Make us cringe, make us laugh, make us thirsty, or make us stare. 😲

Or, just post something sexy that we will all drool over. Either way, have fun and enjoy it. :love:
This IS a tough one. All my mess ups get an almost instant delete :LOL:
Most of you have probably seen the following pic before. It’s just so ME and has gotten multiple reposts. Some of you may not have been around the first time it was posted though, or know that it was actually a bit of an “oops” and an “oh well, fuck it, close enough.” 😅

I was naked in bed and playing with another frisky forum friend, and anyone who has tried to play with others via forum PM knows replies can seemingly take forever. I admit I was being bad and checking forums between replies. While doing so, I saw a call for get well soon boobs for a Litster who came down with COVID-19. A Litster who had disparaged my beloved LA Dodgers just that week.

Sooo, I grabbed a couple of my LA Dodgers face masks, put them over my nipples and picked up my phone to take the picture…unfortunately, every time I raised my arms, my boobs would jiggle and one or both of the masks would slip. This went on for about 10 minutes and I was…very eager to get back to my frisky friend, and I figured no one here on Lit, of all places, would complain about a little nip slip 😜