Chaos... to be continued

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I think you're the only one who has gotten it on your bday. Feel special. ;)

Good point! You never know with me! And I'm old, so I forget who all I have targeted so far. I probably shouldn't have started because I'm going to become paralyzed with fear of hurting someone's feelings. Some of my worst anxiety in life comes from trying to be "fair". I should never have become a supervisor. πŸ˜‚

You get me. You really get me. :love:
Uh Oh... We should call her Bambo
Nah, we're just louder and more obnoxious about it. Oh, and have better ways of disseminating that information.
This is very true. Other parts of the world still implement barbaric customs but not a lot of people know about it.

Media should be wielded like a double edge sword, very carefully. It cuts both ways, good and bad.
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