Chaos... to be continued

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Hmm... I'm more obedient/compliant with less sleep so I can get through the day with minimum exertion. Like if something displeases me, I'll just walk away. Does that count as rudeness?

I'm not really rude unless I'm chatty... More energy, more cussing, less filters cause too hyper to care 🤔
Yeah, I'm kinda the opposite. Defiant with less sleep, quick to speak with a sharp tongue. Rested, I'm chatty, and energetic, but better aware of what I'm saying and in what tone.
Haha indeed, me too, defiant, one might say cranky... short fuse... long toes, as we say in Dutch.
In Puerto Rico we have a saying "Cuando Colón baje el dedo". Basically translates to when Columbus lowers his finger. It refers to the Statue of Columbus but it's our way of saying a cold day in hell. Something I'll very likely say if someone tries to get me to do something when I'm that tired
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