Chaos... to be continued

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He's still asleep (next to the baby phone) :oops: and i need more meds for the weekend and can buy one or two other things on the way :oops: do i take the bug (asleep too and next to the other end of the baby phone) with me or do i leave the bug with Him? 🤷‍♀️ it should take me less than an hour - maybe more like half an hour
Let them both sleep? But you should get a second opinion, I've never babysat lil bugs 😅

How old?
the little bug is 4.6 or so months old and the bug's daddy (my Stepbrother) is
Oooh, let them sleep then... if little bug wakes up and cries he will too... Daddy's don't let their title one's cry... (as long as he/she can't roll anywhere dangerous indeed, because little bugs can be stealthy little ninjas as well from time to time)

-edited because it was over dramatic-
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Oooh, let them sleep then... if little bug wakes up and cries he will too... Daddy's don't let their title one's cry... (as long as he/she can't roll anywhere dangerous indeed, because little bugs can be stealthy little ninjas as well from time to time)
<-- has learnt this the hard way
What... did your bug roll off the changing table or something?? I can't imagine them rolling off anywhere when they're that tiny... 🤔
What... did your bug roll off the changing table or something?? I can't imagine them rolling off anywhere when they're that tiny... 🤔
Oh no, nothing terrible like that, gosh no... reread my post and it isn't well written now I reread it, nothing dramatic happened. He was a bit older, and was laying on his babygym on the floor. I looked away for like 10 seconds and our little monster had rolled a few times and managed to get hold of my phones charging cable... pulled half the contents of our coffee table on the floor. man the racket that made gave me a scare!
Oh no, nothing terrible like that, gosh no... reread my post and it isn't well written now I reread it, nothing dramatic happened. He was a bit older, and was laying on his babygym on the floor. I looked away for like 10 seconds and our little monster had rolled a few times and managed to get hold of my phones charging cable... pulled half the contents of our coffee table on the floor. man the racket that made gave me a scare!
I now know those things are called babygyms... I thought they were cat toys cause the only time I ever saw one was when fostered kittens were playing with it 🤭
Oh no, nothing terrible like that, gosh no... reread my post and it isn't well written now I reread it, nothing dramatic happened. He was a bit older, and was laying on his babygym on the floor. I looked away for like 10 seconds and our little monster had rolled a few times and managed to get hold of my phones charging cable... pulled half the contents of our coffee table on the floor. man the racket that made gave me a scare!
You literally can't turn your back for a second when they're under 4-5ish. Too many things to get into and explore! (and sometimes destroy 😂)
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