Chaos... to be continued

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*today's "Howdy" in honor of a friend who passed away last night. It's how we always used to great each other and made the greeting part of my regular vocabulary.

RIP my friend. ♥️


Thank you to all offering your condolences to my above referenced post.

I sincerely appreciate it.

Love to you all. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Howdy GGA 🙏 so sorry about your friend ☹️. That shit fucking sucks. No matter how you slice it. Here is to your friend, may he RIP . And may you find comfort in those who remain and offer solace ❤️
I don't speak German but expresso is a universal word. 😂 Coffee & chocolate? I'm in! 😂

Latex & leather? I'm out unless someone follows me around with an air conditioner. I've laughed at Ross in that Friends episode more times than I can count! 😂
Omg. I always imagined that wearing latex and leather would be a hard no for me. Because I would surely sweat to death in them. I bet it’s a lot like when a dick blows a load in a condom. 🤣🤣🤣
Nothing much. Being tired and the grey weather dragging me down. Then I had an odd incident in FetLife and although that group isn't really important to me, or the whole damn FetLife (I could probably just as well skip it altogether), my highly sensitive nerve system decided to overreact to the point of tears. It's really weird to realize you are overreacting and yet not being able to do anything about it. Took quite a while to calm down even mostly, but I'd still just want to cuddle for the rest of the day.

And for some reason just this weekend my inbox has gone oddly silent after being very busy for weeks. Bad luck to have it happen right now.
It will turn around. That’s the ebb and flow of things Strix. I’m sorry that you’re feeling this way, but trust that it is temporary. Because everything is. Good or bad. Maybe it’s good that your inbox isn’t overflowing right now. You just moved ! That’s stressful shit! You need to rest and just be for a little bit. Then you will have the energy to enjoy all the chatting you want. All I’m saying (with a bunch of babbling) is that sometimes life/the universe/Ganesh/who/whatever gives you exactly what you need. ❤️❤️ Hang in there
Fetlife is 1000% worse than Lit with the crazy, selfish, demanding people. Deleted my account there (I couldn't remember so I had someone check and they couldn't find me, so I'm pretty sure I did. lol). I was just messaging Nat this morning about hating feeling that my emotions were out of control and not being able to do anything about it. Crying when I have no reason to, but I feel such sadness deep within my soul I'm sobbing like my beloved pet/friend/family member just died. It sucks. It really, really sucks. But that's when we have jokes about boobs/melons and melon-choly, which I think would be the absence of boobs? lol
Hormones can do this to us. The hormones we produce that enable “womb stuff” spike and drop every month. And they have something to do with endorphins and the chemicals in are brain that promote feelings of joy. It happens to me all the time and it’s only gotten worse as I’ve gotten older!
And look- you made your own pun to laugh at which would cheer you up! Meloncholy! 🤣🤣🤣 👌
I could probably go without saying this but here i go

So basically you're policing some people's behavior over some people's "comfort." Sometimes this thread feels so restricted but this is a bit over the top for me.

Not that anyone cares but if slowly stopped coming around here it would be bc of stuff like this

Happy weekend all ✌️
It’s the cycle of things. People come in, people leave, the thread takes on a new vibe with different energies and adjustments need to be made . Maybe if someone needs to be called out for something it can be done in a pm. Out of care. We all go through shit in our real lives and a lot of us take comfort here. But might not realize their own behavior is having a negative impact on the thread. I council “ address problem in private(s) 🤣 first with offending parties and then if that doesn’t solve the problem… well you gave them a shot.” So many beautiful people on this thread!! Including you @Diosax . And there is great camaraderie. We should cherish it with love and also respect
Fucking Namaste bitches 😂
I love grocery stores… the best one around here is Market Basket - best prices and pay their workers well. Plus they always have interesting food that reflects the ethnic backgrounds of the customers.

I always make a point to go to a grocery store when I’m traveling, especially in other countries. So many interesting things!
I FUCKING LOATHE THE GROCERY STORE. No. I FUCKING LOATHE GROCERY SHOPPING. I feel like I was absent from school when they taught us how to do that, because I can’t handle that task. Or I avoid as much as possible. I even left my cart in an ALDI’S once, like fuck it. I’m not that hungry
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It will turn around. That’s the ebb and flow of things Strix. I’m sorry that you’re feeling this way, but trust that it is temporary. Because everything is. Good or bad. Maybe it’s good that your inbox isn’t overflowing right now. You just moved ! That’s stressful shit! You need to rest and just be for a little bit. Then you will have the energy to enjoy all the chatting you want. All I’m saying (with a bunch of babbling) is that sometimes life/the universe/Ganesh/who/whatever gives you exactly what you need. ❤️❤️ Hang in there
I know it is temporary. Knowing it makes it only so much easieirng, still need to get through it.

Concerning my inbox I much rather have some traffic there when I am feeling off. Having it go all quiet makes it worse, as one on one chatting helps to keep my head straight.
I know it is temporary. Knowing it makes it only so much easieirng, still need to get through it.

Concerning my inbox I much rather have some traffic there when I am feeling off. Having it go all quiet makes it worse, as one on one chatting helps to keep my head straight.
You can always chat with friends in your inbox?

It’s morning you say?? Carpe diem. Do one thing today that will boost your mood and energy levels. It doesn’t matter what it is. Sweep the step/porch/patio/ whatever that leads to your front door. It’s clears out bad energy supposedly and it’s one thing you did in an attempt to improve your state of mind. Take active steps to get through it. Baby steps. Reach out if you need support babe
You can always chat with friends in your inbox?
Duh - only when they have time for that. Lately some have disappeared and some have been busy.
It’s morning you say?? Carpe diem. Do one thing today that will boost your mood and energy levels. It doesn’t matter what it is. Sweep the step/porch/patio/ whatever that leads to your front door. It’s clears out bad energy supposedly and it’s one thing you did in an attempt to improve your state of mind. Take active steps to get through it. Baby steps. Reach out if you need support babe
I know you mean well. You just missed something - I am still exhausted and mainly need rest. Oh I will need to go for groceries, but it is not likely to boost my mood. At this point pretty much anything feels like just chores. Not enjoying things I normally would, as I would need more energy to enjoy them. That is precisely one reason for me feeling down.
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