Chaos... to be continued

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I still don't know what on earth is Publix and what's so special about it. I seem to live pretty well without it though. And yes, I live in Scandinavia.
to me, what is special is employees everywhere. happy ones. Everything is clean, every register is open. there are baggers and back up baggers so the bagger can load your car if you accept the offer. there are employees all over so if you need help finding something or reaching something, they are there. they go above and beyond. I will say shopping early in the morning is a little unnerving as the store has no customers, so employees are bored and constantly asking if they can help you lol.

every other store is miserable, long lines, just self check outs, no customer service. Publix is my grocery paradise. walmart is the worst, and going makes me want to burn them down (not a threat, just I hate lines, and no people but the rude receipt checker.)
to me, what is special is employees everywhere. happy ones. Everything is clean, every register is open. there are baggers and back up baggers so the bagger can load your car if you accept the offer. there are employees all over so if you need help finding something or reaching something, they are there. they go above and beyond. I will say shopping early in the morning is a little unnerving as the store has no customers, so employees are bored and constantly asking if they can help you lol.

every other store is miserable, long lines, just self check outs, no customer service. Publix is my grocery paradise. walmart is the worst, and going makes me want to burn them down (not a threat, just I hate lines, and no people but the rude receipt checker.)
Oh yeah, I avoid Walmart like the plague. 😂
to me, what is special is employees everywhere. happy ones. Everything is clean, every register is open. there are baggers and back up baggers so the bagger can load your car if you accept the offer. there are employees all over so if you need help finding something or reaching something, they are there. they go above and beyond. I will say shopping early in the morning is a little unnerving as the store has no customers, so employees are bored and constantly asking if they can help you lol.

every other store is miserable, long lines, just self check outs, no customer service. Publix is my grocery paradise. walmart is the worst, and going makes me want to burn them down (not a threat, just I hate lines, and no people but the rude receipt checker.)
Well here... No store has baggers. Not a single one. And considering some of my shopping bags are insulated, some not (I never buy single-use bags), I rather do it myself anyway. Instead there is space for doing it yourself after the checkout. If I have more than I can easily carry to my car, I'll just use the cart.

Only big markets have any self check outs, and even they have service, too. K-chain usually has minimal lines, S-chain may have a little longer. Employees are usually decently happy and helpful everywhere, but I think Finns would freak out if they were offered help while browsing the aisles. But if the store has a service point with meat, fish and readymade food, the employees there are super helpful, and even elsewhere you just call one and you'll get help.

S is owned by patrons on a provincial basis, so I can even say my thing to how it is managed. It is slightly cheaper. K is more like a franchise, I think. The owners usually really put effort into how they are managed, and may go above and beyond to provide good service, especially to regular customers. My friends have for example requested lobsters, definitely not a regular thing to find in shops around here.

I think our choices se better than what you have besides Publix 🤔 so no, not missing it as I don't miss having baggers.
Weird we dont have Kroger stores here but do have Kroger delivery so not sure how that works. We have a lot of those Fresh Markets and Whole Foods and Sprouts which are ok and attract some decent hippy chicks. Also I like Ingles when I visit GA and NC. Safeways are dreadful when I travel to CA. I like grocery stores.
I love grocery stores… the best one around here is Market Basket - best prices and pay their workers well. Plus they always have interesting food that reflects the ethnic backgrounds of the customers.

I always make a point to go to a grocery store when I’m traveling, especially in other countries. So many interesting things!
I love grocery stores… the best one around here is Market Basket - best prices and pay their workers well. Plus they always have interesting food that reflects the ethnic backgrounds of the customers.

I always make a point to go to a grocery store when I’m traveling, especially in other countries. So many interesting things!
me too!
I love grocery stores… the best one around here is Market Basket - best prices and pay their workers well. Plus they always have interesting food that reflects the ethnic backgrounds of the customers.

I always make a point to go to a grocery store when I’m traveling, especially in other countries. So many interesting things!

Yes! When we were in Mexico in March, we made it a point to visit the grocery store. I like to do that on my travels as well. So fun and a good glimpse into everyday life!
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