Chaos... to be continued

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Thank you for being a wonderful hostess throughout this thread’s first journey. No matter what Chaos threads follow, this one will always remain fondly in my heart.

The lights may go out but the glow will always remain.

Now let me go and cry in peace

I want to echo Amber. Thank you Bambi for the laughs and giggles we’ve had. It’s been such fun and the friendships made I cherish ❤️

If another thread follows that’ll be great but it won’t feel the same that’s for sure.
I booked a hotel one Saturday night. It was actually a pretty good room with a view of a large pile of garbage outside. It was warm.

She had to leave around 8:00 Sunday morning. I walked her to the door Feeling both satisfied and oddly frustrated.

I had no intention of getting dressed yet. Check out was not until noon and the house I’m living in has no heat. The dog and I sat on the hotel bed. Warm.

I edited a couple pictures I had taken (because I always take my camera), wrote a little something, and started going through lit.

Found this thread which has just been started that Friday and started fartin’ around.

I will always associate this thread with that morning.
I think my test results would have been much different before I joined Lit
I don't think, I know. A few days in Lit and I found out I am not just vanilla after all.
Opposite here, longer I am on Lit the more vanilla. I dunno I just like a good normal fucking.
I agree on lit changing the results, in a multitude of ways. Where I score high is where I would have always scored high, but the lower scores go up the longer I am here. Initially, I am prone to a knee jerk to click nope on something that seems too "weird", but once exposed, it becomes less weird, then I have questions, look for answers, and that is more exposure, a greater comfort level, less weird, more curiosity, etc.

However, the longer I am here I feel more vanilla, and more likely to identify that way, as my definition of vanilla changes, probably because lit is breaking my normal meter. How does one define how much or little we are of anything? I compare it to what I know of others as well as their perception of myself and the world, as how much or little something is is a much my own perspective as well as the most accepted perspective of average. Am I high energy, am I a good cook, am I anything is weighing as much information on average, high, low, as percentages to the general populous. If you are a better cook than 70% of the world you know, then you are a good cook. My world experience outside of lit had informed me that I am not best described as vanilla. However, on lit I am very vanilla. The longer I am on lit, the more weight I give to that perspective, as it seems like there are more people in the world much kinkier than I. Really, I probably just am not seeing enough vanilla around me to know the majority of the world is very boring lol.
Chaos2: bambi's brainfart battles ?
Chaosv.2 bambi got tired of yalls bullshit & retired
These both hit a little too close to home. 😅 😂

and the next one then: cheeky's successful flamethrower rebellion?

cheeky can i call you Chieftain in the new thread?

oh and could we link to the new one in the last post in this thread and link to the old one in the first post of the new thread?
Yes, please do call her Chieftain, no matter what she says. 😂
And I'm on board with all the linking. :love:
and the next one then: cheeky's successful flamethrower rebellion?

cheeky can i call you Chieftain in the new thread?

oh and could we link to the new one in the last post in this thread and link to the old one in the first post of the new thread?
Um chieftain is ok, I guess? I am trying to strengthen my leadership skills 🤔
I booked a hotel one Saturday night. It was actually a pretty good room with a view of a large pile of garbage outside. It was warm.

She had to leave around 8:00 Sunday morning. I walked her to the door Feeling both satisfied and oddly frustrated.

I had no intention of getting dressed yet. Check out was not until noon and the house I’m living in has no heat. The dog and I sat on the hotel bed. Warm.

I edited a couple pictures I had taken (because I always take my camera), wrote a little something, and started going through lit.

Found this thread which has just been started that Friday and started fartin’ around.

I will always associate this thread with that morning.
I'm a little conflicted about the pile of garbage being on the first line of your memory. 😂😂😂
I'm thrilled that @AnjaPPunk was the 100k post! And on that note of celebration, I'm asking @ToPleaseHim to close the thread. It's someone else's turn to host you wonderful crazy pervs! Thank you for making this one of the craziest, fast moving, crazy fun, insane things I've ever experienced.

@cheekygirl75 said she wouldn't mind starting Chaos 2. Until this one is closed, let's come up with titles for the new thread. My entry is:
Chaos 2: Absolute Anal Anarchy
Chaos 2: Whoring Harder, Chaos 2: Even More Reactive, Chaos 2: Even more whoring. Chaos 2: The Return. Chaos 2: The Rise of idk something. and apparently I know what I will be doing on meetings today.
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