Chasin' Chickens

The paper factory

I am amazed at the box out by the road,
it always seems to have paper to unfold.
It sits on a perch of a wooden post,
Its metal and hollow white as a ghost.
I empty its contents every day
but daily more paper seems to get made.
I never feed it for its not alive,
but it makes paper like bees in a hive.
I open some of the papers that it grew,
and darn that box knows when my bills are due.
It holds the envelopes together with glue,
and the different colors of white, red and blue.
I watch it with curious and intrigued eyes,
this box that produces paper inside.
I'll raise the flag on its side,
then when its done down the flag lies.
I am intrigued by this paper factory,
and how it porduces letters is a mystery.
I've looked inside for a portal or clue,
to see how this box do what it do.
I find it stranger that its not a female,
for on the side it plainly says, "MAIL!"
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Zanzibar said:
got to toss one into the mix.. all this talk of southern girls and vacations brought back many memories of summers spent in Mississippi at my Grandma's house. Just a hop, skip and a jump from Elvis's childhood home in Tupelo.

Sitting on the back porch, arms around my knees
Grannys frying chicken, cooking black eyed peas

Fresh baked corn bread sitting on the shelf
She just smiled when I helped my self

Honey from the bee hive in the field out back
Blueberrys from the bushes by the old tool shack

Peach and apple butter with a taste so swell
Fresh churned butter chilling in the milk house well

Finally realize now what I had back then
Give anything to go back there again

Granny's been gone now, ten long years
But I have to smile, even through the tears

So I sit on my back porch, arms around my knees
Dreaming bout chicken and those black eyed peas

Then I make a batch of cornbread and a pitcher of tea
And I drift for a while in those memories...

this sounds so much like our life. if your ever in Bama I will gladly make ya some fried chicken n black eyed peas :) and there is always a gallon of sweet tea in the fridge
Snip Snip

When my hair starts to looking shaggy
I get it cut and then I appear snazzy'

My grass was long and knee high up,
so I give my grass a hair cut.

I trimmed around the outersides.
And cut its hair that was knee high.

The mowing sheers did a great job,
The smell of cut grass made me sob.

But now my lawn is freshened up,
because I give my grass a hair cut.
Minsues grass~

minsue said:
You know, mine could use a trim as well. . . :D

I mossey over to minsues yard,
hope I don't need a security card,
I start the mower and make a row,
gonna cut her grass ya know,
as I make a another pass,
she's probably checking out my ass.
I cut her grass cause it was high,
then I give a freindly "bye!"
City or Country noise?

I made a trip into the big shitty
well ok I meant city...
and the hustle and bustle was so high paced
makes your emotions and your heart race.
Honking and yelling and cars that wiz by.
Jack hammers and Jets that over head fly.
All this noise I wanted to die.
I was so relieved to be home again,
where I heard the familiar friend.
Of the squawking crows that cackle and shreik.
the hawk that cries high from a peak.
The deafening sound of the frogs on the pond.
Hundreds joining in on the song.
While crickets add their scratchy sound.
There is noise everywhere I have found.
I guess its what we get use to,
Because the country ain't quiet...
If you only knew.
wood pecker

A Wood Pecker goes tat.. tat.. tat
Now I'd be shy with a name like that...

I'm here to tell ya their a noisey lot,
pecking at wood with all they got.

Seen the red headed bread just today,
doin the usual woodpecker play.

Puttin his pecker in a hole,,,
and rat a tat tat it would go,

Red on the head & peckers long and lean,
to watch them peck is quite a seen.

Sounds like a hammer slapping wood,
well I'd pecker all day if I could.

Red on the head up from the neck
Yep, their quite a sight to watch them peck,
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Creature in the pit

Since I was young, I learned how it is done.
The low rumble growl, means feeding times now.
I've never seen it, the Creature in the Pit.
But there's no mistaking, the tummies ache'ing,
When the creature gets hungry, feed it something.
I've heard it get loud, with its deep down growl,
I often wonder what this Creature is like,
is it little or big or an aweful sight.
I carry it in me, even though it I can't see.
But I can hear it, when its hungry and throws a fit.
The rumbleing growl deep in my stomache,
from this strange, 'Creature in the Pit.'
Chicken Dance

Ever see a chicken dance?
struttin round in a prance.

Feathers ruffled and fanned out,
Doin' a dance theres no doubt.

Cluckin' and squackin' and scratchin' the dirt,
givin' it all that that chickens worth.

Now they don't need a partner for this,
Just one chicken in a dancin' bliss.

Flappin wings that can't carry a tune,
Hot july or maybe its june.

But they seem to impress the other yard birds,
cause lordy the clucking that can be heard.

Scratchin' and flappin and taking a stance,
Oh such a sight to see a chicken dance.
Kid again

Fishin' for crawdad's
and puddle jumpin'
singing mother goose songs.

Playin cowboys and injuns'
and totein around frogs
back in the days when nothin went wrong.

Swappin for jelly beans
and comic books
skimmin stones on a pond.

Racing our bikes
and hot wheel cars
on a strip that seemed so long.

Back when we laughed
at bubble gum jokes
seems like those days are gone.

Perhaps they have
or perhaps not
seems like I remember alot.

That old windmill spins around
as it towers off the ground
pumin water from deep down
into a bucket making a splashing sound.

The cycle of life is the same
and will probably always remain.
A fresh wind grows old and strained
as it spins the windmill again and again.

A paramount beacon across a field
made of wood and rusty steel.
To bring forth a refeshing feel
as it quenches dry and peeled.

To some it reminds them of home
or a country where buffalo roamed
Enchanting to the young and grown
Nothing like the a windmill blown.
Re: Kid again

My Erotic Tail said:
Fishin' for crawdad's
and puddle jumpin'
singing mother goose songs.

Playin cowboys and injuns'
and totein around frogs
back in the days when nothin went wrong.

Swappin for jelly beans
and comic books
skimmin stones on a pond.

Racing our bikes
and hot wheel cars
on a strip that seemed so long.

Back when we laughed
at bubble gum jokes
seems like those days are gone.

Perhaps they have
or perhaps not
seems like I remember alot.

*insert wistful sigh here*
Grammer Police

I can't help but write
but is it right?
I need to know please,
I fear the grammer police.

If it is wrong
they'll call it a song
or say that I'm sic
and I don't have spell check.

I'll be arrested and scoffed
as their comments are loft.
If I don't spell it proper
a dunce hat will be my topper.

Around every corner the hide
till my poem posts with pride,
I should just hand them the lease
when comes the grammer police
Faults in training

I taught my dog to retrieve the paper,
But when he brings it it's torn and teathered,
with a little bit of drool
but he brought it ain't that cool?

I had my parrot learn new words,
"Say, Polly wants a cracker," I said and rehearsed
He squacked and pruned his long feathers,
then said, "Crack Heads wear black leather."

I wanted my fish to come to the top of the tank,
when ever I fed it but it always turned and sank.
I went to fetch it out one day,
and out come a fishy baby.

Now my cat was smart so I got it to say,
"Meow meow," when it would play.
The bad thing is it won't stop
Now it "Meows," a whole lot.

I wanted my horse to learn to bow,
I knew I could teach it somehow,
When he finally kneeled by the cart,
he let out a great big fart.

Now my animals all do tricks,
but I have a few things to fix
I don't blame them it's not a brain thing,
its just some faults in they're training.
Toys and joys

Tinker toys and little boys...
Dolls with curls and little girls..
Listening to music is the coolest thing,
for a growing and ageing teen,
then friday nights holding someone tight,
Riding bikes and nature hikes
Finally get the car keys and going to the movies.

One night stands till we get a wedding band
Then cars and boats and a house note,
Puppy dogs with sharp teeth
then the pitter patter of little feet.
Running ragged between work and home
Then the kids tie up the phone.
When we finally get to relax all day,
we have grown old and grey.

Then look back only to see...
that all these things make us happy.
Hard noodle

I went to fix my noodle
and as you know they start out hard,
But I want a stroodle
so I read the card.

I know I need to get it wet,
is the only way to get it limp.
So I set the desired fire to jet,
Then I went to primp.

When I come out
my fluids were a boiling.
I put my noodle in stout,
It wasn't quite coiling.

Oh the pleasure that I take
in making my noodle soft
and I know that my mate
snickered from the loft.

But the process worked
as it always does,
I drained, strained and jerked
then removed the fuzz.

It then started to cool
we were both quite pleased
I got out the right tool
added the milky stuff and squeezed.

Nothing like sharing
your noodle with a friend
who is quite careing
it really made me grin.
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Re: Hard noodle

My Erotic Tail said:
I went to fix my noodle
and as you know they start out hard,
But I want a stroodle
so I read the card.

I know I need to get it wet,
is the only way to get it limp.
So I set the desired fire to jet,
Then I went to primp.

When I come out
my fluids were a boiling.
I put my noodle in stout,
It wasn't quite coiling.

Oh the pleasure that I take
in making my noodle soft
and I know that my mate
snickered from the loft.

But the process worked
as it always does,
I drained, strained and jerked
then removed the fuzz.

It then started to cool
we were both quite pleased
I got out the right tool
added the milky stuff and squeezed.

Nothing like sharing
your noodle with a friend
who is quite careing
it really made me grin.


Doodle bugs

Doodle Bugs~

Now I was wondering how they got their name
I hand one a pencil and people thought I was insane.

Don't they doodle and draw
I don't ever recall
seeing a doodle bug draw.

I like it when they curl up in a ball
maybe thats where they doodle and draw.

They must have a mighty small pen
curled up with their tough thick skin.

I use to roll them around on a table
then see if they can walk all dizzy if their able.

I'll find a magnify glass and see
if they have small pictures, maybe

But I was wondering how they got that name
If they don't draw how that would be a shame.

Oh well I give a shrug
wondering about the doodle bug.
Roll in the Hay


I like to roll in the hay,
you know what they say,
about a roll in the hay,
that its a frolic day.

The scratchy straw
some chew and knaw
gets in the balls
from the hay and all.

Then up the cracks
of someones ass
maybe even a rash
but its a blast.

All I can say is, "Hey"
I like to roll in the hay
night or day,
I like to play.
Saturday Night~

I like to play guitar
sip homemade wine fom a mason jar
sittin' on the front porch swing
doin' the saturday night thing
listen to the bull frogs sing
a cool night in late spring.

Watch the stars fall down
not a frown around
listen to country sounds
toes tappin' on the ground
by my blue tick hound
pass me another round.

Arm around a girl
who makes my head swirl
toyin' with her curl
give my hat a whirl
smile at my country pearl
kiss her and our tongues swirl

full of country fried chicken
homemade from the kitchen
ain't no body bitchin'
grannys probably stichin'
Talkin bout fishin'
and some of the things were wishin'

Yeah I like the Saturday night thing
Change Artist~

The fastest changer
of their clothes
is a Lizard ya know!

Yep, they'd be green
and I seen
them change to brown
when I put it down.

Right before my eyes
they change color not size
so its the same lizard
changes faster than a blizzard

I heard that women
are the fastest at changin'
but a lizard has them beat
I think its neat.

To watch a Lizard change
now you think I'm strange
I'm not perverted
I'm just alerted.

This is really cool
their camoflauge tool
just so ya know
a Lizard is the fastet changer of their clothes.

Goose Pimple

You might think I'm like "rip van winkle"
yeah I'm country simple

but I was alarmed
I ran back to the farm
went out to the barn

searching for my goose
that always runs loose

Oh My word
the sounds you heard
when I caught that bird

I searched its feathers
it was really nice weather

That goose squacked and squealed
wonderin' whats the deal
while my hands searched to feel

I was hopeing my goose was ok
cause I heard today

That something was catchin'
so my goose I went to fetchin

when I was in the cafe
and heard everybody say

that they all had a mass of dimples
from the goose pimples.
Re: Change Artist~

*dies laughing*

Thank you Art... I needed that today.
Always, E

My Erotic Tail said:
The fastest changer
of their clothes
is a Lizard ya know!

Yep, they'd be green
and I seen
them change to brown
when I put it down.

Right before my eyes
they change color not size
so its the same lizard
changes faster than a blizzard

I heard that women
are the fastest at changin'
but a lizard has them beat
I think its neat.

To watch a Lizard change
now you think I'm strange
I'm not perverted
I'm just alerted.

This is really cool
their camoflauge tool
just so ya know
a Lizard is the fastet changer of their clothes.
