Chasin' Chickens

A Solitaire Rose: Clubs

Smoke that hangs in the market of passion
taking the hand that is dealt you in rations
Drinks with umbrellas to shots that are clear
strangle the doubt and kick out the fears.

She walked in with a mini-skirt grin
silken soft ride of shear legs from heaven
her skirt hugging her hips like red lip stick
cornering the bar and stooled up a saddle sit.

Breast perk pump up and a hand hair wave
looking at a stranger in the strangest of ways.
her finger toiling with round the rim ring rubs
sitting at the starting gate, hunting the clubs.

Liquid courage for the tense and thirsty
waiting at the troft with her cup of liquid mercury
her eyes scan the room for a face that glows
a hunter of sensual passion, a solitare rose.

A Solitaire Rose: Diamonds

A Card is laid before her on the bar
"How would you like to be a Movie Star?"
Said a well dressed man extending his hand
She daintily reached and shook with the man.
The Dance of Anger

words reach out like a steady hand
frivolous yet tastey and inviting
the choice to except or walk away
"What the heck, I've got pride."

two to tango in a back and forth sway
toes stepped on ignored for total focus
rythym and stride of words that arise
emotional transitions in interactions spin

short of breath, in huff yet eager to continue
a shuffle or two of some tongue spears thrown
the fire with-in burns ever brighter
swirling in tune with that which inflames

waltz across a sea of meaning just to slice the pie
dabble in the thought of some fancy foot work
disco fever lights encourage another round
letting emotions flow during the dance of anger :catgrin:
A Solitaire Rose: Diamonds

A Card is laid before her on the bar
"How would you like to be a Movie Star?"
Said a well dressed man extending his hand
She daintily reached and shook with the man.
My Erotic Tale said:
I enjoy your daily literary expressions in writes <grin>
finer than socks on a chicken...

That must be One HoTTT Chick ... LMAO

Been in the 90's here.
So I shall NOT be puttin any socks
on Chickens anytime soon. Hehehehe.

Here is one for ya Art ~


Thirst for the wine of the living.
Tasting the sparkling dew drops,
of heavens tears. Aching for all
I want. Knowing it is no use, yet ...

Wish upon the clouds, asking
for my desire. Wrinkle in time,
robbing us of speech. Hypnotizing
the unthinkable hardships.

Life has taken my dreams,
threw them upon hot dessert
sands. Milking veins of nurturing life,
that has to be. Chuck-holding against
the wall of time. Push off this earth,
giving me my hearts' desire. Wishing
to sail away, upon falcons wings.

Scorching sun beats, denouncing
all that's good. Wind combs through,
taking all the living. Trees reach out,
choking the fallen moon. Angels cry,
tasting the blood of sea mist.

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Another Work In Progress

The padded feet of those who feel
slowly step softly and quietly
through the dew of the day
upon harden earth
forward always to feel once again

So many lost dead of the craving
ignoring the stroke of their hearts
suddenly a gasp screams from the lips
awakened and soaring in Sogobia's sensuality
Once lost now found standing within a new start

A day dawns and love is felt
overwhelming, powerful and obsessive
this new experience held in a feeling
nothing to fear but lost in the doubt
comfortable in past thinking clinging to the me

Feeling is the start to all that holds true
Love a gift to soar to new heights
To feel love is good but to commit is the way
The key now held to live a new way
Denial now lost when faced with this truth

Gold rings and stars on fingers
material examples of vows easily tossed
shadows of feelings short of the miracle
Devoiring oaths false in the spirit
Lessons abandoned when fear clings to self

True pledging of love holds no limits
no rings or forevers need to be shared
Wrongs of the past fade into shadows
holding no power over tomorrow
Truth now held in the new days dawn of the WE.
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RhymeFairy said:
That must be One HoTTT Chick ... LMAO

Been in the 90's here.
So I shall NOT be puttin any socks
on Chickens anytime soon. Hehehehe.

Here is one for ya Art ~


Thirst for the wine of the living.
Tasting the sparkling dew drops,
of heavens tears. Aching for all
I want. Knowing it is no use, yet ...

Wish upon the clouds, asking
for my desire. Wrinkle in time,
robbing us of speech. Hypnotizing
the unthinkable hardships.

Life has taken my dreams,
threw them upon hot dessert
sands. Milking veins of nurturing life,
that has to be. Chuck-holding against
the wall of time. Push off this earth,
giving me my hearts' desire. Wishing
to sail away, upon falcons wings.

Scorching sun beats, denouncing
all that's good. Wind combs through,
taking all the living. Trees reach out,
choking the fallen moon. Angels cry,
tasting the blood of sea mist.


very nice poem RF

there is a guy I run across every day...
and he always has some thing like that to say...
I heard that and knew I would use it on Lit..
your poem just happen to be the one...<grin>

Finer than socks on a chicken..

finer than frog hair


aint nothing like having sex with a midget contortionist

this person has 9 fingers (one cut off) he claims he is faster
than most martial artist
because he has less wind drag in his strike <now that's funny>

this person is a charactor in a half...
Okay Du...
now your poem needs the poetry decoder ring...
this is how I read blues poem <grin>
oh and a title might help cause I get it line for line
but don't know about the whole ...the direction
a tag to say this is what it is about... <grin>

Du Lac said:
The padded feet of those who feel >>>>>the living (humans)
slowly step softly and quietly >>>> easy <grin>
through the dew of the day >>> >>> "
upon harden earth >>>>>>>>>>>>> "
forward always to feel once again >>>> forward life goes filled with emotions

So many lost dead of the craving > sleep walkers? living dead? un-zen<bigrin>
ignoring the stroke of their hearts >>> they just don't see
suddenly a gasp screams from the lips >>>> a yell?
awakened and soaring in Sogobia's sensuality >>>>>their eyes open
Once lost now found standing within a new start >>>>>reborn

A day dawns and love is felt >>>>>> easy
overwhelming, powerful and obsessive >>>>>>yep
this new experience held in a feeling >>>>>> yep
nothing to fear but lost in the doubt >>>>>>> happens
comfortable in past thinking clinging to the me >>>>>>>> self awarness

Feeling is the start to all that holds true >>>>>> feelings spark reality?
Love a gift to soar to new heights >>>>>yep
To feel love is good but to commit is the way >>>>>> maybe..<grin>
The key now held to live a new way >>>fresh start
Denial now lost when faced with this truth >>>>>> ???

Gold rings and stars on fingers >>>marriage
material examples of vows easily tossed >>>>>> the honey moons over
shadows of feelings short of the miracle >>>> the romance died
Devoiring oaths false in the spirit >>>>>>> lies? deciet?
Lessons abandoned when fear clings to self >>>> fear motivates ingnorant moves

True pledging of love holds no limits >>> a new love or new vow?
no rings or forevers need to be shared >>>> understanding in trust
Wrongs of the past fade into shadows >>> the past fades
holding no power over tomorrow >>>>>>> fears subside
Truth now held in the new days dawn of the WE.
together with a new?

okay now I go back and figure out the total focus
and this one says...


feelings growing
a love sparked
severed relationship
with self doubt and fears
new love
new feelings
cut out the fear and past
and a new day with a new love...

is that right?
cool beans............putting my decoder ring up <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
Okay Du...
now your poem needs the poetry decoder ring...
this is how I read blues poem <grin>
oh and a title might help cause I get it line for line
but don't know about the whole ...the direction
a tag to say this is what it is about... <grin>

together with a new?

okay now I go back and figure out the total focus
and this one says...


feelings growing
a love sparked
severed relationship
with self doubt and fears
new love
new feelings
cut out the fear and past
and a new day with a new love...

is that right?
cool beans............putting my decoder ring up <grin>

your getting warmer... lol.. not hot yet but when the zen gets you will know it lol... the name will be Sogobia's Dream

okay... one hint... Sogobia is the Shoshone name for mother earth.

okay.. I give this is what it is about...
in a nutshell...

there are wise ones that walk softly upon the earth understanding that the ways we are living are not the true ways to live. In today's world so many are soul dead... no feelings... they get emotions based all on material things. Then one day somethng happens and they wake up as if from a nightmare. They gasp new air.. like that of a drowning man. And the heart begins to feel again.

Then love comes.. feeling... lost in the senses.. usually awakened first with the mother earth then moving onto people. Now... the ring ... marriage thing. So many jump into marriage because they FEEL love. But to feel love is just the start. They commit with rings material oaths that can be disposed off easily within 24 hours ... all because they based the commitment on rings not on spirit.

Marriage is not needed for true commitment. To truley love is to forget wrongs done understanding that all are done in which to learn. Rings can not do this for you.. only a heart that melds with the mind and is willing to move through all dark and light because the spirit has committed.

When we move through doubt and fear ... always clinging to the me... and join in the US... moving forward then you have something more powerful than rings or a piece of paper... you have the magic of the Creator. Once shared with one person.. you see it is not just you as a couple rather it is about all things... and you are never the same.

so that is it in a nutshell..
love to all
Du Lac said:
your getting warmer... lol.. not hot yet but when the zen gets you will know it lol... the name will be Sogobia's Dream

okay... one hint... Sogobia is the Shoshone name for mother earth.

okay.. I give this is what it is about...
in a nutshell...

there are wise ones that walk softly upon the earth understanding that the ways we are living are not the true ways to live. In today's world so many are soul dead... no feelings... they get emotions based all on material things. Then one day somethng happens and they wake up as if from a nightmare. They gasp new air.. like that of a drowning man. And the heart begins to feel again.

Then love comes.. feeling... lost in the senses.. usually awakened first with the mother earth then moving onto people. Now... the ring ... marriage thing. So many jump into marriage because they FEEL love. But to feel love is just the start. They commit with rings material oaths that can be disposed off easily within 24 hours ... all because they based the commitment on rings not on spirit.

Marriage is not needed for true commitment. To truley love is to forget wrongs done understanding that all are done in which to learn. Rings can not do this for you.. only a heart that melds with the mind and is willing to move through all dark and light because the spirit has committed.

When we move through doubt and fear ... always clinging to the me... and join in the US... moving forward then you have something more powerful than rings or a piece of paper... you have the magic of the Creator. Once shared with one person.. you see it is not just you as a couple rather it is about all things... and you are never the same.

so that is it in a nutshell..
love to all

oh, well shoot, why didn't you say so? <bigrin>
oh yeah, poet-tree

well that's just too cool, how did I over look that <snicker>
I look forward to the finished version and love the title
In order to reach the honey
you must swat a few Bees
They buzz around in protective mode
guarding their royal queen
they don't understand
you want the sweet nector
carefully reaching
past the taunting stings
fingers removed,
swatting bees
A Solitaire Rose: Clubs

Smoke that hangs in the market of passion
taking the hand that is dealt you in rations
Drinks with umbrellas to shots that are clear
strangle the doubt and kick out the fears.

She walked in with a mini-skirt grin
silken soft ride of shear legs from heaven
her skirt hugging her hips like red lip stick
cornering the bar and stooled up a saddle sit.

Breast perk pump up and a hand hair wave
looking at a stranger in the strangest of ways.
her finger toiling with round the rim ring rubs
sitting at the starting gate, hunting the clubs.

Liquid courage for the tense and thirsty
waiting at the troft with her cup of liquid mercury
her eyes scan the room for a face that glows
a hunter of sensual passion, a solitare rose.

A Solitaire Rose: Diamonds

A Card is laid before her on the bar
"How would you like to be a Movie Star?"
Said a well dressed man extending his hand
She daintily reached and shook with the man.

"You are kidding?" She took the card and read
"Albert Armstrong talent agent," he said.
He was charming, handsome and sat down
Turned to the bartender and ordered a round.

His arm slid around her like a snakes crawl
The diamond on his finger looked like a small ball.
"I wanta make you a star if you don't mind cozy?"
his cell phone rang and his cheeks turned rosey.

He answered his wifes call and withdrew his arm
slithering away was diamonds in bedroom stars
Snickering in the dim club lights raising a toast
discarding diamonds for passion, a soltaire rose.

A Solitare Rose: Spades
A Solitare Rose: Spades

Dim lit bar charged by an illuminating flame
He was tall, dark and handsome having no name
lit a fag and took a long drawn drag
suffled in his seat and then leaned back.

"What is your name?" he asked then swiveled
the bar stool turned to face her dead center
The silouhette come alive in dark oval eyes.
My Erotic Tale said:
A Solitare Rose: Spades

Dim lit bar charged by an illuminating flame
He was tall, dark and handsome built frame
lit a smoke and took a long drawn drag
shuffled in his seat and then leaned back.

"What is your name?" he asked then swiveled
the bar stool turned to face her dead center
The silouhette come alive in dark oval eyes.
"Jack-ie, Jaquelin Hart," she said ...

"What breeze blew you across my path?"
His arm stretched across her back.
His eyes fell to the valley of cleavage
soaking up the fragrance laid to enrich

"What is your name?" Jackie sensually said
He leaned in close and whispered, "Jack Spade."
She gave the thought then moved a tad close
taking a chance on the hand dealt, a Solitare Rose.

A Solitare Rose: Hearts
A Solitare Rose: Hearts

Two hearts went where hearts get laid
the table, the shower and then the bed.
From clubs with diamonds to holding a spade
A hotel shuffle where kings and queens play

Jackie lay as a pair without a suit
both in passion's fanned swaying moves
Lips that licked while they talked
bodies swinging in a thrusting rock

Ace in the air for a higher hand's grasp
Jack jokered about the spread and laughed
Took on a rythme like cards being dealt
then Jackie rounded and sensually knelt

Diamond and star sparkles over a wet tongue
loves passion like a four club clover sung
a pair of hearts lay in the after glow
Jack Spade holding a Solitare Rose.
My Erotic Tale said:
A Solitare Rose: Hearts

Two hearts went where hearts get laid
the table, the shower and then the bed.
From clubs with diamonds to holding a spade
A hotel shuffle where kings and queens play

Jackie lay as a pair without a suit
both in passion's fanned swaying moves
Lips that licked while they talked
bodies swinging in a thrusting rock

Ace in the air for a higher hand's grasp
Jack jokered about the spread and laughed
Took on a rythme like cards being dealt
then Jackie rounded and sensually knelt

Diamond and star sparkles over a wet tongue
loves passion like a four club clover sung
a pair of hearts lay in the after glow
Jack Spade holding a Solitare Rose.

Art ~ your poetry is beautiful and inspirational and never fails to amaze me!

Love your work my friend... :rose:
Jennifer C said:
Art ~ your poetry is beautiful and inspirational and never fails to amaze me!

Love your work my friend... :rose:

thanks Jennifer,

that means alot coming from a well written poet like your self
one day I wanta write like Du ~ blue and you <>...but then I won't be
writing like me <grin>
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My Erotic Tale said:
thanks Jennifer,

that means alot coming from a well written poet like your self
one day I wanta write like Du ~ blue and you <>...but then I won't be
writing like me <grin>

Art I am so flattered by that ~ I am just an amature and nowhere near your league, you are an inspiration and I wish I could be half as good as you.

Thank you my friend... :rose:
Jennifer C said:
Art I am so flattered by that ~ I am just an amature and nowhere near your league, you are an inspiration and I wish I could be half as good as you.

Thank you my friend... :rose:

The Zen Master gave the student a stone.

The student took it with pride. After a couple days of carrying the stone he asked the Master, "Why did you give me a stone?"

The Master replied, "You do not know?"

The student, "No."

"Give me the stone back," the Master said and so the student handed the stone to the Master.

"But I want the stone?" The student barked when the Master put the stone back in his pocket.

"Oh, you do want the gift? With out spoiling the gifts luster with questions that have no real bearing." The Master asked.

"Yes," the student replied and the Master handed the stone back.

"Do you know why I give you a stone?" The Master asked.

"To teach me a lesson?" the student said.

"To see if you took things for 'Granite'"

My Erotic Tale said:
The Zen Master gave the student a stone.

The student took it with pride. After a couple days of carrying the stone he asked the Master, "Why did you give me a stone?"

The Master replied, "You do not know?"

The student, "No."

"Give me the stone back," the Master said and so the student handed the stone to the Master.

"But I want the stone?" The student barked when the Master put the stone back in his pocket.

"Oh, you do want the gift? With out spoiling the gifts luster with questions that have no real bearing." The Master asked.

"Yes," the student replied and the Master handed the stone back.

"Do you know why I give you a stone?" The Master asked.

"To teach me a lesson?" the student said.

"To see if you took things for 'Granite'"


Lol...oh I love that... :D

Thank you my friend... :rose:
a long walk through a life to awaken
forged and tempered by bone over stone
in time measured by sprouts and era
a sponge to knowledge and memories
slicing through the air slowly we go
following the direction of our sight
only to think in living color images
accumilation off all we know and dream
till our last breath is release, affinity
My Erotic Tale said:
a long walk through a life to awaken
forged and tempered by bone over stone
in time measured by sprouts and era
a sponge to knowledge and memories
slicing through the air slowly we go
following the direction of our sight
only to think in living color images
accumilation off all we know and dream
till our last breath is release, affinity

I like this, very much. :kiss:
The Portal to the Vixen Planet

Not much faster than a herd of turtles,
a spotlight climbed in to the night sky
I argued it was not a portal to the vixen planet
but they wouldn't speak of it,
they just got the ladder and tried to climb up to the moon.

The trampoline was the second trial
after the 26 feet didn't make it.
They called for the local VFD for a fire truck ladder
but they would not come,
they said they had a pussy tree'd
I have to admit the moon seemed a bit brighter
hanging over the tops of trees, inviting

Well Bud Waswiser got the bright idea
to take a canon from the civial war historical park
and shoot old jim bob to this protal
holding a rope to throw down to the rest of us.
I promise I didn't even volunteer for that honor
I think jim bob was drafted, anyway

The canon was fetched with Jill's 4 wheel drive
and jim bob sank into the hole of this firing device
and Bud hollard, "Wait." well every body stopped.
"Raise the canon, the dang protal is moving higher.
Well that meant raising the canon straight into the air.
they lit the fuse and it sizzled with sparks spews

The puff of smoke bellowed way before the boom
if jim bob was shot out it was faster than a full clothed eye.
but he wasn't in the canon we checked
he must have went straight through the hole in the sky
the portal to the vixen planet, lucky dog!
cloudy said:
I like this, very much. :kiss:

'oniwa' cloudy~

how the heck are ya?
"Trinity" made it to publication...
<bigrin> so...what wind blows YE this way
You should ride it more often <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
'oniwa' cloudy~

how the heck are ya?
"Trinity" made it to publication...
<bigrin> so...what wind blows YE this way
You should ride it more often <grin>

Osiyo, my friend :kiss:

I check in this thread every once in awhile ;)
My Erotic Tale said:
The Portal to the Vixen Planet

Not much faster than a herd of turtles,
a spotlight climbed in to the night sky
I argued it was not a portal to the vixen planet
but they wouldn't speak of it,
they just got the ladder and tried to climb up to the moon.

The trampoline was the second trial
after the 26 feet didn't make it.
They called for the local VFD for a fire truck ladder
but they would not come,
they said they had a pussy tree'd
I have to admit the moon seemed a bit brighter
hanging over the tops of trees, inviting

Well Bud Waswiser got the bright idea
to take a canon from the civial war historical park
and shoot old jim bob to this protal
holding a rope to throw down to the rest of us.
I promise I didn't even volunteer for that honor
I think jim bob was drafted, anyway

The canon was fetched with Jill's 4 wheel drive
and jim bob sank into the hole of this firing device
and Bud hollard, "Wait." well every body stopped.
"Raise the canon, the dang protal is moving higher.
Well that meant raising the canon straight into the air.
they lit the fuse and it sizzled with sparks spews

The puff of smoke bellowed way before the boom
if jim bob was shot out it was faster than a full clothed eye.
but he wasn't in the canon we checked
he must have went straight through the hole in the sky
the portal to the vixen planet, lucky dog!

well wouldn't you know it, jill looked over and there it was
the moons reflection on the water.
well that just fueled up their intrest and the bass boat
a midnight dive into the protal to the vixen planet?