Chasin' Chickens

champagne1982 said:
This seems a good place to put this lil resurrection. Thanks MET, this poem was written to illustrate the fun we can have writing, even though the piece is designed around examples we use in our art all the time.

Poetry Happens

Time to strip bare
Minimalist poetry.

in RHYTHmic METered MEAsures.

Each syllable of your strophe,
A caress of my tongue.

The play of alliteration through
Lurid, luscious lips;
Liquid, languid language.

Don't deny your poetic devices,
The deception of symplicity,
Like virginal innocence, entices
Poems of perfect prosody.

Ignoring the structures of long ago
Can labour the meaning of words, you know?
So trust in the fun
My poetic one
And let style, rhyme and rhythm flow.

There's more to be said,
I could go on and on,
About the joy in turning
The perfect phrase.
Never forgetting that,
There's a certain satisfaction,
Describing, in magical metaphor,
That last instant before
Poetic birth.

thank you carrie, I enjoyed your poem <grin> it was fun ...
slap happy hog wash
cock n bull they talk
find a feather and a quill
Ill have a tickle and a dill

for I see the kosher
soapy lathered in flustered
sling shots out of G-strings
doing fun poetry things

like tasting a slice of lime
it just might be a social crime
to grin on a line of thread
but dont worry thy lil head

we have poetry to lean on
less they tell ya it is gone
then I will make up songs
even mispell the words some

encouraging to write poetry
and have some fun
a yellow rose: gringo challenge

The doors swung open in a gust of wind
scrupulous gang of cutthroats walked in
like wolves they growled at everything
bullets, knives and guns come drinking

Pushing their way into the crowded bar
the desperadoes acted as if it was war
The dancing continued for stepping toes
eyes fell on the beauty of a yellow rose

The song hadn't ended and dancing he demanded
an hombre with a hunger for twirling and romancing
"I want to dance with the Lady," pushing the fellow
a hush fell upon the tavern around a yellow rose

The piano man stopped playing his tune
he knew that trouble was about to bloom
The hombre pushed the suited man back
took the lady by the waste and tossed his hat

The gentleman tapped on the hombres shoulder
"I wasn't through dancing," he said slightly bolder
"I will dance with the lady, you go sit down."
the hombre said as his friends gathered around

"I don't think the lady wishes to dance with you,"
the gentleman said and silence fell upon the room
"I propose a challenge if you are up to it," He said
this hombre became angered and turned face red

"Tell me of this challenge," he said with gritting teeth
every one waited for bullets to fly in heated release
"You dance then I dance, is the challenge I propose,
the winner gets to dance the night with a Yellow rose"
My Erotic Tale said:
slap happy hog wash
cock n bull they talk
find a feather and a quill
Ill have a tickle and a dill

for I see the kosher
soapy lathered in flustered
sling shots out of G-strings
doing fun poetry things

like tasting a slice of lime
it just might be a social crime
to grin on a line of thread
but dont worry thy lil head

we have poetry to lean on
less they tell ya it is gone
then I will make up songs
even mispell the words some

encouraging to write poetry
and have some fun

scribbling while chewing gum
want some?
playing with my sack buddy Rhyme Fairy....

by RhymeFairy ©

I wanna bite,
sink my teeth in,
deep. Run my wet
tongue, over your
entire body.

Bend your body,
like a pretzel,
given to me,
for my pleasures
of pain ... love.

Nip that tiny,
sensitive spot,
behind your knees.

Slow slide tongue,
guiding its way up,
to shaved, engorged

Slowly flick, lick
your rim. Sloppy wet
kisses, till you beg,
for more.

I shall not stop,
till I have tasted,
your whole body.

Beware, the time
has come, for me
to taste, your cum ~

POSTED To Play with.....
Nice saloon - I mean thread

A little ragtime on the piano, if yah don't mind, My Erotic Tale. Alright pilgrims, feel free to sing along...

Late one night I surfed the web
And much to my surprise,
Everything I thought as plain
Had changed before my eyes.

It’s porno in disguise, I say
When you bend to do a task
It’s porno in disguise, I say
When a widow hugs a cask

It’s porno in disguise!
It’s porno in disguise!
Watch out everyone, I say
It’s porno in diguise!

If you fly a helicopter
Or go to see your doctor
Don’t be surprised
To get a rise –
It’s porno in disguise!
dark waters
runnth deep
no where to run
to stay outta
tha creek

trickles of laughter
shimmy down
playful days spent
water bound

mud fights
to be had
yes, we
are ALL so bad.

on hot steamy days
come ... play
we shall refresh
you, this way ~

Du Lac said:
by RhymeFairy ©

I wanna bite,
sink my teeth in,
deep. Run my wet
tongue, over your
entire body.

Bend your body,
like a pretzel,
given to me,
for my pleasures
of pain ... love.

Nip that tiny,
sensitive spot,
behind your knees.

Slow slide tongue,
guiding its way up,
to shaved, engorged

Slowly flick, lick
your rim. Sloppy wet
kisses, till you beg,
for more.

I shall not stop,
till I have tasted,
your whole body.

Beware, the time
has come, for me
to taste, your cum ~

POSTED To Play with.....

come on
an play.
no keepin
it at bay.
nips, bites
no, no
more fights.

let me,
run you
a bubble

blow shiny
in the air.
Mmmm, see
THAT one,
just there.

I can
lick it off,
for you ...
or just
add it,
to your

out, the
toy bag.
time here,
shall not
lag ...

soap runs
yes, I can
your sighs.

opps, soap
our treat,
making it
hurt, to
sit on
your seat.

rinsing your
with my
ya wanna
try some ?

My Erotic Tale said:
I read that we are not to have fun
we should focuss on our poetry we done
I find this to be so very strange
where I read ....hog wash ...every day

no more chats about monkey beer
or hugs and grins with someone dear
get your pens to writing poets
fun will live and we all know it

put back on your panties and AVs
some one is upset that fun is to be had
so keep your posts with a ryhming song
so that we can all still get along <grin>

some get way to serious here
so try and over look their lil fear
and scratch out a little poem hun
cause like it or not we're gonna have fun

:nana: :nana: :nana:
Oh Art good idea
now I write while
drinking beer.
the alcholic
goggles appear
and numbness
spreads across
my rear.

Words begin
to blurr into one
but that don't matter
coz it's all for fun.
Slap my thigh
and bite my bum
now where's that old
bottle of christmas rum?

Lots of fun and
play to have,
by the way do
you like my av?
Oh my this
is fab, so much
fun and play
to have.


:nana: :nana: :nana:
Jennifer C said:
Oh Art good idea
now I write while
drinking beer.
the alcholic
goggles appear
and numbness
spreads across
my rear.

Words begin
to blurr into one
but that don't matter
coz it's all for fun.
Slap my thigh
and bite my bum
now where's that old
bottle of christmas rum?

Lots of fun and
play to have,
by the way do
you like my av?
Oh my this
is fab, so much
fun and play
to have.


:nana: :nana: :nana:
;) and so early in the morning too!

Come to the Rum
Jungle and get ya some
o' dat good liquor, mami.
Don't bother gettin' out
of that sexy satin p'jamy
we all wanna see
ya dancin' in dat.

Shake that jigglin' bootay,
listen 'what I say
'bout sippin' rum by the sink.
Chug it down, it don't matta
what da neighbours think
they all wanna see
ya dancin' there, too.
champagne1982 said:
;) and so early in the morning too!

Come to the Rum
Jungle and get ya some
o' dat good liquor, mami.
Don't bother gettin' out
of that sexy satin p'jamy
we all wanna see
ya dancin' in dat.

Shake that jigglin' bootay,
listen 'what I say
'bout sippin' rum by the sink.
Chug it down, it don't matta
what da neighbours think
they all wanna see
ya dancin' there, too.

Lmao Carrie ~ That is funny :nana:

It's actually just gone 2 in the afternoon here, is that any better?
Fou say fun?
I don't want no fun, hun.

I want notihng short of gut wrenching laughter,
to suffocate on a giggle, wheeze out my dying breath
with a grin so wide my lips crack,
fall down into a pool of my own
uncolntrollable tears of bliss...
Then pass to oblivion
on a spontaneous orgasm,
a 12.8 Richter explosion
of satisfaction,
be lulled to sleep
on an endorphine overdose,
and dream, dream, dream...
Then wake
to a heaven on earth,
apple blossom kisses,
a rose tinted milky bosom
and a deep, golden voice
humming a good morning hymn,
fumes of scalding hot
Kenyan coffee
drifting in between
her lavender hair
and her summer
salty skin.

So really... Fun?
Who the hell
is satisfied with fun?

by RhymeFairy ©

I wanna bite,
sink my teeth in,
deep. Run my wet
tongue, over your
entire body.

White, shining and strong
craving the seduction, to sink
into. . .
wet, misty,
drool drenched pools of you

Bend your body,
like a pretzel,
given to me,
for my pleasures
of pain ... love.

Twisted circles of your
human existence
Pandora's pretzel bitten,
treasures of pleasant pain...

Nip that tiny,
sensitive spot,
behind your knees.

Lonely secret behind your knees,
calls for the nip,
teasing incisors to grasp and pull
lust filled morsel of creamy desires

Slow slide tongue,
guiding its way up,
to shaved, engorged

Tedious slide of unspeakable demands,
hot tongue lathers the path
The Grail grasped; shorn and engorged,
pulsing wand the cocks magic explored

Slowly flick, lick
your rim. Sloppy wet
kisses, till you beg,
for more.

Dragging across your canyons rim,
flick. . .
lick. . .

sloppy sodden kisses
demands twisted ...
Now begs the slave

I shall not stop,
till I have tasted,
your whole body.

Stop I will not,
glutton for I am, a feast
your body,
mine to take and devour

Beware, the time
has come, for me
to taste, your cum ~

I control when and where, my eyes
tease and taunt,
dessert served hot and white.
Clutching restraint
lost in the bite

I did this fast and I would go over it at least 5 more times reading it out loud over and over.. playing with words, twisting envisioning the moment that I write about... over and over... making myself hot and needing to take a break (wink wink)... then listening to the heat to tell me it is done.

So that is what I do RF... play with the words, the positions to deal out intensity. Let the flow stop and then move on to heighten the moment....
just some suggestions... and I still feel it is not done.. but alot of fun~
thank you for letting me play...
Is this all?

Burning, licking, swirling and twirling,
powerful dance of life and death,
cradled in the heat
of a tiny flame.

Energy of light illuminates
taunting a scorching touch
reflective flickering in dancing silouettes
for darkness runs from fire.

Look above and see the truth,
cleansing fury bringing life to our world.
Generations away with influence so strong,
dependence floats on a solar wind.

A devouring fury with crackling fangs
consuming that which gives it life.
Limbs that bite in a burning grasp
melting the physical world into it's soup of existance.

Hot virginal ablution found in the flames
incessant umbra dusted with soot
smoldering embers breathing life to all
dark to light birthing white soaked moments of hope.

Energy in life that runs rampant
over vegitation sustained in a shpere
planetary realm in spinning stillness encircles
solid zen in emptiness of space, cups and holds life and water
Liar said:
Fou say fun?
I don't want no fun, hun.

I want notihng short of gut wrenching laughter,
to suffocate on a giggle, wheeze out my dying breath
with a grin so wide my lips crack,
fall down into a pool of my own
uncolntrollable tears of bliss...
Then pass to oblivion
on a spontaneous orgasm,
a 12.8 Richter explosion
of satisfaction,
be lulled to sleep
on an endorphine overdose,
and dream, dream, dream...
Then wake
to a heaven on earth,
apple blossom kisses,
a rose tinted milky bosom
and a deep, golden voice
humming a good morning hymn,
fumes of scalding hot
Kenyan coffee
drifting in between
her lavender hair
and her summer
salty skin.

So really... Fun?
Who the hell
is satisfied with fun?


I wouldnt know where to begin on some interpritations of some of the lines...but I like the poems fun intent <grin> thanks Liar
Last edited:
My Erotic Tale said:
a yellow rose: gringo challenge

The doors swung open in a gust of wind
scrupulous gang of cutthroats walked in
like wolves they growled at everything
bullets, knives and guns come drinking

Pushing their way into the crowded bar
the desperadoes acted as if it was war
The dancing continued for stepping toes
eyes fell on the beauty of a yellow rose

The song hadn't ended and dancing he demanded
an hombre with a hunger for twirling and romancing
"I want to dance with the Lady," pushing the fellow
a hush fell upon the tavern around a yellow rose

The piano man stopped playing his tune
he knew that trouble was about to bloom
The hombre pushed the suited man back
took the lady by the waste and tossed his hat

The gentleman tapped on the hombres shoulder
"I wasn't through dancing," he said slightly bolder
"I will dance with the lady, you go sit down."
the hombre said as his friends gathered around

"I don't think the lady wishes to dance with you,"
the gentleman said and silence fell upon the room
"I propose a challenge if you are up to it," He said
this hombre became angered and turned face red

"Tell me of this challenge," he said with gritting teeth
every one waited for bullets to fly in heated release
"You dance then I dance, is the challenge I propose,
the winner gets to dance the night with a Yellow rose"

chewing on it
A Yellow Rose: Hombre's tango

There was silence in the tavern of this dance hall
a challenge was laid as an hombre stalled

He stroked his mustache and glarred at the man
holding the lady tight, "Okay, I except this challenge."

The Hombre walked over to the piano man's stool
the gentleman said to the lady "I'm doing what I can do!"
The piano man sprang forth a zippy tapping tune
the hombre swayed over as if dancing with a broom

He waved the gentleman to back off the dance floor
grasped the lady in yellow and they began to soar
She followed his lead reluctanly in a side step tango
held whisker close and dancing with a yellow rose

cheek to cheek and arms extended outward
across the floor they drifted in a single blur
all eyes watched this hombre preform well
as if the song had cast a musical dancing spell

The gentleman shuffled a nervous foot tapping
watching this hombre's energy surge in rapsody
twisting and turning, extending an outward toe
impressive dancing, an hombre and a yellow rose
My Erotic Tale said:
A Yellow Rose: Hombre's tango

There was silence in the tavern of this dance hall
a challenge was laid as an hombre stalled
He stroked his mustache and glarred at the man
holding the lady tight, "Okay, I except this challenge."

The Hombre walked over to the piano man's stool
the gentleman said to the lady "I'm doing what I can do!"
The piano man sprang forth a zippy tapping tune
the hombre swayed over as if dancing with a broom

He waved the gentleman to back off the dance floor
grasped the lady in yellow and they began to soar
She followed his lead reluctanly in a side step tango
held whisker close and dancing with a yellow rose

cheek to cheek and arms extended outward
across the floor they drifted in a single blur
all eyes watched this hombre preform well
as if the song had cast a musical dancing spell

feet that beat with drumming stepped tones
spinning the lady out then rolling back into his arms
dipped and held then twirled up close
stopping for a moment standing nose to nose

The gentleman shuffled a nervous foot tapping
watching this hombre's energy surge in rapsody
twisting and turning, extending an outward toe
impressive dancing, an hombre and a yellow rose

okay my fork in hand......
My Erotic Tale said:
okay my fork in hand......
spell check says all is good...

art.. you need to get that Ispell that rybka posted... it works here and it is great!
thank you fish!
There once was a man from Madrass
Who's balls were constructed of brass
When jangled together
They played stormy weather
And lightening shot out of his ass!

(revised RhymeFairy~ Bite poem)


by Du Lac

White, shining and strong
craving the seduction, to sink
into. . .
wet, misty,
drool drenched pools of you

Twisted circles of your
human existence
Pandora's pretzel bitten,
treasures of pleasant pain...

Lonely secret behind your knees,
calls for the nip,
teasing incisors to grasp and pull
lust filled morsel of creamy desires

Tedious slide of unspeakable demands,
hot tongue lathers the path
The Grail grasped; shorn and engorged,
pulsing wand the cocks magic explored

Dragging across your canyons rim,
flick. . .
lick. . .

sloppy sodden kisses
demands twisted ...
Now begs the slave

Stop I will not,
glutton for I am, a feast
your body,
mine to take and devour

I control when and where, my eyes
tease and taunt,
dessert served hot and white.
Clutching restraint
lost in the bite

wanted to see your version, on its own ~

why don't I give this one to you. You did work hard on this.
It does not even look like the same poem ... eh ~ I love it Du !!!!!
It shows what I was thinking, in your words.
Just wonderfullllll imagery, and very sexy !!!

Thank You for your help. :rose: I do see a BIG difference here.
I think others will too. You should submit this Hun, it is GREAT !!!!

:rose: :D :heart: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
(revised RhymeFairy~ Bite poem)


by Du Lac

White, shining and strong
craving the seduction, to sink
into. . .
wet, misty,
drool drenched pools of you

Twisted circles of your
human existence
Pandora's pretzel bitten,
treasures of pleasant pain...

Lonely secret behind your knees,
calls for the nip,
teasing incisors to grasp and pull
lust filled morsel of creamy desires

Tedious slide of unspeakable demands,
hot tongue lathers the path
The Grail grasped; shorn and engorged,
pulsing wand the cocks magic explored

Dragging across your canyons rim,
flick. . .
lick. . .

sloppy sodden kisses
demands twisted ...
Now begs the slave

Stop I will not,
glutton for I am, a feast
your body,
mine to take and devour

I control when and where, my eyes
tease and taunt,
dessert served hot and white.
Clutching restraint
lost in the bite

wanted to see your version, on its own ~

why don't I give this one to you. You did work hard on this.
It does not even look like the same poem ... eh ~ I love it Du !!!!!
It shows what I was thinking, in your words.
Just wonderfullllll imagery, and very sexy !!!

Thank You for your help. :rose: I do see a BIG difference here.
I think others will too. You should submit this Hun, it is GREAT !!!!

:rose: :D :heart: :rose:

happy you liked it honey... just showing you what I do with my poems.... take time and twist them. Listen to what others say work and do not work... see what others suggest... in a kind open fashion. We all write in unique versions of the self.... it is your poem baby... but I did borrow it to send to my honey.. get to get him ready for when I move out there loo.... love ya