Chasin' Chickens

Du Lac said:
happy you liked it honey... just showing you what I do with my poems.... take time and twist them. Listen to what others say work and do not work... see what others suggest... in a kind open fashion. We all write in unique versions of the self.... it is your poem baby... but I did borrow it to send to my honey.. get to get him ready for when I move out there loo.... love ya

Oh, No you don't !!!

'Tis your poem My Friend. Like I said, it in no way looks like mine, lmao. Anyone can see that. Grins* Thank You so much for the help, and the compliment to my writing by that same thoughtfulllll, kindness that you have.

My deepest respect ~


Jennifer C said:
There once was a man from Madrass
Who's balls were constructed of brass
When jangled together
They played stormy weather
And lightening shot out of his ass!


thats a good one...

I knew a man from the river
he was a ball and cock giver
his only fishing
was mentally wishing
he had a pussy sliver
RhymeFairy said:
Oh, No you don't !!!

'Tis your poem My Friend. Like I said, it in no way looks like mine, lmao. Anyone can see that. Grins* Thank You so much for the help, and the compliment to my writing by that same thoughtfulllll, kindness that you have.

My deepest respect ~



RF & Du

Ladies, that was quite a display;
seeing two poems layed out
side by side;
the original a bit raw with a hungry bite;
revised it comes out more sensual and taut

So, Du, go ahead and post your version :cool:
You went whole hog on this critique; now that's what I call constructive criticism.

RF, this doesn't diminish what you did or do;
a decade from now you may look back and wonder,
"Whatever was I thinking?!"
Remember, this is you, in the here and now;
If you can look yourself in the mirror and say,
"I did the best I could," then that's all that really matters.
That and remembering to keep thinking and learning and growing.
And let each poem reflect the magnificent wonder that is you.

:rose: :rose:
thank you Leon.. I only did it with RF 's permission. I would never be so forward to just rewrite someones poem. And really I did not do that just took her info and did my own version. .. this is how we learn and help each other........
du :rose:
Thank You !!

Du, Leon, Art ~

Just wanted to Thank You ALL
for your help and support.
I am a very lucky gurl to have
such great friends here,
and BOY don't I know it. !!!

I loved my poem * Bite * just as it is, because it says just what I wanted.
Also, Du's version does, just not my words. Boy, can she get HOTTT when needed eh ~ :catroar:
I swear I about hit tha floor when I read her version. :devil:
Hottttttttt !!! Just me ~ grins* :D
I wrote Bite as a fantasy. One I sooo wanna have. So I think it is perfect for me as is. Now if it had been one of my serious poems, then I would have been jumping through hoops waiting on the revised version. *grins*

So I am very happy with that ~ :)
Thank You again Du. You are most def. in my thoughts,
and my deepest respect and friendship ...


men men men
oh, I love them so
them all, I wanna blow.

early in da morn
late into the night
sukle left first
then a lil to da right.

shivers of anticipation,
fill my tongue slither
with delight ...


a lil taste of differ
styles with each stanza,
whatcha think?
grins n giggles *

ya had to know I could NOT
resist tha temptation of a lil smuttt ~

RhymeFairy said:
Du, Leon, Art ~

Just wanted to Thank You ALL
for your help and support.
I am a very lucky gurl to have
such great friends here,
and BOY don't I know it. !!!

I loved my poem * Bite * just as it is, because it says just what I wanted.
Also, Du's version does, just not my words. Boy, can she get HOTTT when needed eh ~ :catroar:
I swear I about hit tha floor when I read her version. :devil:
Hottttttttt !!! Just me ~ grins* :D
I wrote Bite as a fantasy. One I sooo wanna have. So I think it is perfect for me as is. Now if it had been one of my serious poems, then I would have been jumping through hoops waiting on the revised version. *grins*

So I am very happy with that ~ :)
Thank You again Du. You are most def. in my thoughts,
and my deepest respect and friendship ...



your welcome sweetie, just remember we are here for fun where others seem to be here to spill their unhappiness, just smile and create for their are shadows in the day light but be the one dancing on the clouds <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
your welcome sweetie, just remember we are here for fun where others seem to be here to spill their unhappiness, just smile and create for their are shadows in the day light but be the one dancing on the clouds <grin>

;) :D :catroar:
A Yellow Rose: Hombre's tango

There was silence in the tavern of this dance hall
a challenge was laid as an hombre stalled
He stroked his mustache and glarred at the man
holding the lady tight, "Okay, I except this challenge."

The Hombre walked over to the piano man's stool
the gentleman said to the lady "I'm doing what I can do!"
The piano man sprang forth a zippy tapping tune
the hombre swayed over as if dancing with a broom

He waved the gentleman to back off the dance floor
grasped the lady in yellow and they began to soar
She followed his lead reluctanly in a side step tango
held whisker close and dancing with a yellow rose

cheek to cheek and arms extended outward
across the floor they drifted in a single blur
all eyes watched this hombre preform well
as if the song had cast a musical dancing spell

feet that beat with drumming stepped tones
spinning the lady out then rolling back into his arms
dipped and held then twirled up close
stopping for a moment standing nose to nose

The gentleman shuffled a nervous foot tapping
watching this hombre's energy surge in rapsody
twisting and turning, extending an outward toe
impressive dancing, an hombre and a yellow rose
My Erotic Tale said:
A Yellow Rose: Hombre's tango

There was silence in the tavern of this dance hall
a challenge was laid as an hombre stalled
He stroked his mustache and glarred at the man
holding the lady tight, "Okay, I except this challenge."

The Hombre walked over to the piano man's stool
the gentleman said to the lady "I'm doing what I can do!"
The piano man sprang forth a zippy tapping tune
the hombre swayed over as if dancing with a broom

He waved the gentleman to back off the dance floor
grasped the lady in yellow and they began to soar
She followed his lead reluctanly in a side step tango
held whisker close and dancing with a yellow rose

cheek to cheek and arms extended outward
across the floor they drifted in a single blur
all eyes watched this hombre preform well
as if the song had cast a musical dancing spell

feet that beat with drumming stepped tones
spinning the lady out then rolling back into his arms
dipped and held then twirled up close
stopping for a moment standing nose to nose

The gentleman shuffled a nervous foot tapping
watching this hombre's energy surge in rapsody
twisting and turning, extending an outward toe
impressive dancing, an hombre and a yellow rose

May I gush now :p lol ;)
There once was a man from Racine,
Who invented a fucking machine,
concave and convex,
it fucked either sex
and jerked off itself in between.

My Erotic Tale said:
A Yellow Rose: Hombre's tango

There was silence in the tavern of this dance hall
a challenge was laid as an hombre stalled
He stroked his mustache and glarred at this man
holding the lady tight, "Okay, I except this challenge."

The Hombre walked over to the piano man's stool
the gentleman said to the lady "I'm doing what I can do!"
The piano man sprang forth a zippy tapping tune
the hombre swayed over as if dancing with a broom

He waved the gentleman to back off the dance floor
grasped the lady in yellow and they began to soar
She followed his lead reluctanly in a side step tango
held whisker close and dancing with a yellow rose

cheek to cheek and arms extended outward
across the floor they drifted in a single blur
all eyes watched this hombre preform well
as if the song had cast a musical dancing spell

feet that beat with drumming stepped tones
spinning the lady out then rolling back into his arms
dipped and held then twirled up close
stopping for a moment standing nose to nose

The gentleman shuffled a nervous foot tapping
watching this hombre's energy surge in rapsody
twisting and turning, extending an outward toe
impressive dancing, an hombre and a yellow rose

A Yellow Rose: Lady in Yellow

Jolting jerk sways in drum beating steps
an Hombre and a Lady together they swept
across the floor like a train on the track
then they turned and came storming back

the piano man finished his long tapping song
the Hombre turned quickly and the lady was slung
then reeled back in a dipped to a close nose pose
ending the dance of the hombre and a Yellow rose
A Yellow Rose: Lady in Yellow

Jolting jerk sways in drum beating steps
an Hombre and a Lady together they swept
across the floor like a train on the track
then they turned and came storming back

the piano man finished his long tapping song
the Hombre turned quickly and the lady was slung
then reeled back in, dipped to a close nose pose
ending the dance of the hombre and a Yellow rose

Panting hot breaths and a round of applause
frozen in time, silenced dancer's heels and balls
He leaned in for a kiss and she burst from his arms
then went for a drink brushing her dress with charm

"It is your turn my freind," the Hombre said with a grin
went to the bar and ordered a round for he and his friends
every one took a break from the dance floor show
giving a moment to pause, glimpsed a yellow rose

The lady wiped her brow with a white handkerchef
sippped at her glass and flicked back her wrist
the gentleman walked over to the piano man playing
whispered his request and tipped the jar's pane

as he walked across the floor the lady turned for more
as if drawn to each other they met on the dance floor
a moment of silence fell as these two together fold
the Gentleman now holding the ravishing Yellow Rose

Eyes were shot to the Hombre from the floor
A Gentleman poised and ready to soar
"I assume we will let the crowd be the judge?"
the gentleman said to the Hombre in a nudge

To be more clear and make things fair
the Hombre agreed by a waved hand in the air
nodding his head and sank into the bar
the piano said, "Ready when you are."

The Gentle man turned towards this beautiful lady
every one sat wide eyed, watching and waiting
The first note of a song rang out and began to grow
stepping into a dance with a beautiful yellow rose
Fuckin' Acrostic (in red)

First off, you say you wanna have it
unless you already got it
never turn it down.

Fabulous sex is hard to find
usually harder than a hard
cock in a whorehouse full of sailors.
Kinky? You bet!

Pet my wet and tease
orgasms up through my knees,
even if I beg you to stop!
Make me moan.
My Erotic Tale said:
A Yellow Rose: Lady in Yellow

Jolting jerk sways in drum beating steps
an Hombre and a Lady together they swept
across the floor like a train on the track
then they turned and came storming back

the piano man finished his long tapping song
the Hombre turned quickly and the lady was slung
then reeled back in, dipped to a close nose pose
ending the dance of the hombre and a Yellow rose

Panting hot breaths and a round of applause
frozen in time, silenced dancer's heels and balls
He leaned in for a kiss and she burst from his arms
then went for a drink brushing her dress with charm

"It is your turn my freind," the Hombre said with a grin
went to the bar and ordered a round for he and his friends
every one took a break from the dance floor show
giving a moment to pause, glimpsed a yellow rose

The lady wiped her brow with a white handkerchef
sippped at her glass and flicked back her wrist
the gentleman walked over to the piano man playing
whispered his request and tipped the jar's pane

as he walked across the floor the lady turned for more
as if drawn to each other they met on the dance floor
a moment of silence fell as these two together fold
the Gentleman now holding the ravishing Yellow Rose

Eyes were shot to the Hombre from the floor
A Gentleman poised and ready to soar
"I assume we will let the crowd be the judge?"
the gentleman said to the Hombre in a nudge

To be more clear and make things fair
the Hombre agreed by a waved hand in the air
nodding his head and sank into the bar
the piano said, "Ready when you are."

The Gentle man turned towards this beautiful lady
every one sat wide eyed, watching and waiting
The first note of a song rang out and began to grow
stepping into a dance with a beautiful yellow rose

A Yellow Rose: The Waltz

In two stepping unison two dancers took flight
like one feather they floated across the floor light
they began a twirling that continued in round
motion and movement to the musical sound

in circles upon circles they spun elegance and grace
matching and meeting the songs melody and pace
then with a twist they reversed their dancing flow
never missing a beat as the crowd sounded, "Oh!"

clapping sprank forth from such a bold move
as these two danced with perfect paced shoes
spinning, twisting and turning in their dance
a flickering flame sparked in eyes of romance

these two sailed over a sea of hard wood
sprinkled saw dust a foots aid to be fluid
under soles of souls in musical motions flow
a waltz with a lady, the lovely Yellow Rose

the piano man slipped in some double time beats
the pace soon quickened in new sounds, unique
the same song just faster and the dancers rallied
a different step stepped across the floors valley

something was strange but yet the same
the dancers spun together in tightly held frames
the lady spun outward then spun back in
held by a gentleman wearing a hat size grin

both bolted apart then circled onr another
together they clashed in soft body flutters
twisting to the sounds the the piano man strown
waltzing was a Gentleman and A Yellow Rose
My Erotic Tale said:
A Yellow Rose: The Waltz

In two stepping unison two dancers took flight
like one feather they floated across the floor light
they began a twirling that continued in round
motion and movement to the musical sound

in circles upon circles they spun elegance and grace
matching and meeting the songs melody and pace
then with a twist they reversed their dancing flow
never missing a beat as the crowd sounded, "Oh!"

clapping sprank forth from such a bold move
as these two danced with perfect paced shoes
spinning, twisting and turning in their dance
a flickering flame sparked in eyes of romance

these two sailed over a sea of hard wood
sprinkled saw dust a foots aid to be fluid
under soles of souls in musical motions flow
a waltz with a lady, the lovely Yellow Rose

the piano man slipped in some double time beats
the pace soon quickened in new sounds, unique
the same song just faster and the dancers rallied
a different step stepped across the floors valley

something was strange but yet the same
the dancers spun together in tightly held frames
the lady spun outward then spun back in
held by a gentleman wearing a hat size grin

both bolted apart then circled onr another
together they clashed in soft body flutters
twisting to the sounds the the piano man strown
waltzing was a Gentleman and A Yellow Rose

A Yellow Rose: Waltz across Texas

The dancers glided across the slatted board sea
of the dance hall tavern where all watched to see
who would be victor of this challenge this night
all in the name of trying not to kill or fight

Piano sounds sounded in musical note blasts
as the dancers twirled to the last notes cast
the gentleman pulled the lady in close
slowly they stopped almost nose to nose

the gentleman went to kiss the lady's lips
then dropped her from his hold as if he slipped
then caught her as she was close to the ground
kissed her lips lightly as the crowd clapped all around

It was obvious who had won this challenge
a disgruntled hombre showed his lips kringed
the desperodos became a wall along the flooring
"you understand the gravity of the situation my friend,"
the Hombre said threatening and wearing a wicked grin

the gentleman went to the hombre like a serpent's strike
a derringer held tightly, pointed between Hombre's eyes
"I know that you won't see much more,
unless you and your friends go out the door."

there was a moment when sound meant nothing
then Hombre snickered and a smile started growing
they bowed out humble with spur clancking chime
out the door they went and on horses went flying

Gentleman and the lady held each other on the dance floor
they waltz across Texas from that day till forever more
that was the night that loves magic started to grow
and sparked the legend of ravishing, a Yellow Rose
champagne1982 said:
Fuckin' Acrostic (in red)

First off, you say you wanna have it
unless you already got it
never turn it down.

Fabulous sex is hard to find
usually harder than a hard
cock in a whorehouse full of sailors.
Kinky? You bet!

Pet my wet and tease
orgasms up through my knees,
even if I beg you to stop!
Make me moan.

thank you 1982


I once knew a woman from Alabama
she came with a ball ping hammer
I thought she would hit me
instead she licked me
in a sensual and sucking manner
publishing ~

Okay, to answer the slew of questions, I see the need to explain a few things but first the good news <grin>

Coming soon: Into the Woods: Erotic Fairytales and Other Stories
*Art Campbell
*Scott Carpenter
*Al Case
*Daliso Chaponda
*Cordelia Speedicut
*Soren Narnia
*And more!

Ever wonder what really happened to Cinderella, or what made Jack's bean stalk so magical? Ever wonder what sex with Bigfoot would be like or what happens when Sleeping Beauty comes to life in the 21st century? Goldilocks gets a new name, Sherlock Holmes gets laid and a werewolf is on the loose.
Don't miss out on a fantastic collection of erotic tales that will send shivers and laughter through your body.​


the promo kit <grin> project number one goes to print tomorrow.

number two:

Portal to the Vixen Planet and other erotic stories by Art Campbell
to press Oct 1st

The Rose: a seris of poems by <grin>-


a christmas collection of tales, that is like the ...Into the woods....a collection of naughty x-mas tales

Tail waggin', a black Lab's tale
(title subject to change) formally: Numchucks, the legend

a total of 5 projects that will hopefully grow


How do you get published is the first question,

determination is a must have tool <grin>

this being the poem forum I can only point my finger to those who have achieved poetic greatness, or been in the buisness of publishing works in one way or another.

I just happen to luck into what is coined as commercially viable, I sent quieries out for two years, it is like throwing darts <grin< after a hundred throws I finally hit a bulls eye. You have to have two things, something to show that opens the eye wider than normal and something that will sell <bottom line>

Some of us will never make it as the top ten poets of the year but the Market for poetry goes from the intellectual poems with illustrations to coined phrases on a Hallmark card. I personally dabble more in novels and tales and wrestle with poetry, but the poems The Rose: are ballads ...little tales. Until I can clear a few more hurdles <editing> (bigrin) and other dates, I can't tell you much more than that other than life is filled with goals, we set them, then we reach for them. Each catapillar must make it's own way to be a butterfly ... but a field of butterflys will fill a field each year.

I am opening my heart and letting you into me
and answering questions about publishing
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An adventurous lass from Berlin
walked around with a big silly grin.
Because up her canal
sat a Dildo Royale,
the kind that can wriggle and spin.
Ice Cream ~

Mr. ice cream man
Can ya stop, for my dime
I have plenty of sugar,
Not much more.
Please, a Blast-o-Lime.

Hey Lil girlie,
What's that you say?
A Blast-o-Lime, traded
for some of your Cream Pie?

Back of the Truck
Did shimmy-shake
A Blast-o-Lime
was taken in trade
for some dreamy
Cream Pie.

Some might say
What a heck of a trade,
not me I say. I was in
betwixt the mix of a
Milk Shake ...

Creating and playing with........

Pythagorean dancers swirling around
midnight bonfires
fostering waking dreams
motherless nightmares of limited reality.

Lost in the chaotic caverns of our minds
whimsically wandering into fire and ice.
Shadows of slithering secrets glide
gratuitously through our souls;
abandoning dank fingerprints of doubtful lies.

Victorious visionaries call in our sleep
rousing to comfort our whispering peers!

Far above the battle of truth,
lies our veils burning in
pagan ceremony.
Vampirish vespers summon the enigma
falling on deaf ears of those who know.

Ancient angles of open plains bid
time return.
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Du Lac said:
Pythagorean dancers swirling around
midnight bonfires
fostering waking dreams
motherless nightmares of limited reality.

Lost in the chaotic caverns of our minds
whimsically wandering into fire and ice.
Shadows of slithering secrets glide
gratuitously through our souls;
abandoning dank fingerprints of doubtful lies.

Victorious visionaries call in our sleep
rousing to comfort our whispering peers!

Far above the battle of truth,
lies our veils burning in
pagan ceremony.
Vampirish vespers summon the enigma
falling on deaf ears of those who know.

Ancient angles of open plains bid
time return.

Mystique and mysterious...a ritual?
RhymeFairy said:
Mr. ice cream man
Can ya stop, for my dime
I have plenty of sugar,
Not much more.
Please, a Blast-o-Lime.

Hey Lil girlie,
What's that you say?
A Blast-o-Lime, traded
for some of your Cream Pie?

Back of the Truck
Did shimmy-shake
A Blast-o-Lime
was taken in trade
for some dreamy
Cream Pie.

Some might say
What a heck of a trade,
not me I say. I was in
betwixt the mix of a
Milk Shake ...


I never saw mary with breasts so big
I think she bought them from a kid
they sell ballons down at the store
a water faucet and "wa la" breast galore