Chasin' Chickens

My Erotic Tale said:
I never saw mary with breasts so big
I think she bought them from a kid
they sell ballons down at the store
a water faucet and "wa la" breast galore

Breast so big, watermelons
envy. Shipped and shaped
for Mary so tight ... skimpy.

She walks, trips ... tips
straight over, to tha ground.
All tha men yell ... holler.
Mrs. Mary's goin Down Town

A Yellow Rose: Lady in Yellow

Jolting jerk sways in drum beating steps
an Hombre and a Lady together they swept
across the floor like a train on the track
then they turned and came storming back.

The piano man finished his long tapping song
the Hombre turned quickly and the Lady was slung
then reeled back in, dipped to a close nose pose
ending the dance of the hombre and a Yellow rose.

Panting hot breaths and a long round of applause
frozen in time, silenced dancer's heels and balls.
He leaned in for a kiss and she burst from his arms
then went for a drink, brushing her dress with charm.

"It is your turn my friend," the Hombre said with a grin,
went to the bar and ordered a round for he and his friends.
Every one took a break from the dance floor show
giving a moment to pause, glimpsed a yellow rose.

The lady wiped her brow with a white handkerchief
sipped at her glass and flicked back her wrist.
The gentleman walked over to the piano man playing
whispered his request and tipped the jar's pane.

He walked across the floor the lady turned for more
as if drawn to each other they met on the dance floor.
A moment of silence fell as these two together fold
the Gentleman now holding the ravishing Yellow Rose.

Eyes were shot to the Hombre from the floor
a Gentleman poised and ready to soar.
"I assume we will let the crowd be the judge?"
The gentleman said to the Hombre in a nudge.

To be more clear and make things fair
the Hombre agreed by a waved hand in the air,
nodding his head and sank into the bar.
The piano said, "Ready when you are."

The Gentle man turned towards this beautiful lady
every one sat wide eyed, watching and waiting.
The first note of a song rang out and began to grow,
stepping into a dance with a beautiful, Yellow Rose.
Du Lac said:
Pythagorean dancers swirling around
midnight bonfires
fostering waking dreams
motherless nightmares of limited reality.

Lost in the chaotic caverns of our minds
whimsically wandering into fire and ice.
Shadows of slithering secrets glide
gratuitously through our souls;
abandoning dank fingerprints of doubtful lies.

Victorious visionaries call in our sleep
rousing to comfort our whispering peers!

Far above the battle of truth,
lies our veils burning in
pagan ceremony.
Vampirish vespers summon the enigma
falling on deaf ears of those who know.

Ancient angles of open plains bid
time return.

poem of renewal and hope.
me thinks ~~love it Du ~!!!

Dancing through fires.
Veils of love, shimmering
through. Spastic fire
feverishly burst. Jumping
out, from fragile logs heart.

Fingerprinting purpose, to life's
desire, upon times temporal soul.
Shadow dancing, to the blacking
beat, of what might have been.

Hypnotic history swaying,
to patiently pull back.

Just dance my friend.
Feel the whispering
wind beneath your wings.

Calming courage,
rhythmically rippling,

Piercing through,
the fires closing circle.
Jump ...
Fears soon forgotten,
comfort, closes in ~

:rose: :heart: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Breast so big, watermelons
envy. Shipped and shaped
for Mary so tight ... skimpy.

She walks, trips ... tips
straight over, to tha ground.
All tha men yell ... holler.
Mrs. Mary's goin Down Town


My Erotic Tale said:
erotic breeze
over tranquil thoughts
stirred emotions
passion and desire
to flow like a breeze

Brazenly breeze, upon
this body of desperation's
watch. Forgetting
fundamental thoughts
that tempt ... tarnish.

Fixating on foolish
dreams. Dangerous
demons, will blatantly
bring you down, to
depressions door.

Forage into the
woods of wayfaring
wickedness. Sponge
off the syrup of
supreme sovereignty.

Prolific poundings of
Powers paddle. Bounces
you back to domination's

In control, once again.
Feeling the flow of
brazen breezes upon
my skin. Whispering
wants ... desires.

:devil: :p
Thump ~

I have a
for you. I am gonna
your sexy
on tha matress.

you, till tha headboard
Your screams of sex
all the windows panes.

me, baby. Make it hurt!
those Hellacious
hips, till they
outta joint, and I
go up in flames !!!!

me Baby.
Yes, My
your racing desire,
for more
and lots of



Buummppss ~

:devil: :kiss: :p
RhymeFairy said:
Brazenly breeze, upon
this body of desperation's
watch. Forgetting
fundamental thoughts
that tempt ... tarnish.

Fixating on foolish
dreams. Dangerous
demons, will blatantly
bring you down, to
depressions door.

Forage into the
woods of wayfaring
wickedness. Sponge
off the syrup of
supreme sovereignty.

Prolific poundings of
Powers paddle. Bounces
you back to domination's

In control, once again.
Feeling the flow of
brazen breezes upon
my skin. Whispering
wants ... desires.

:devil: :p

cool beans

finer than socks on a chicken
there once was a girl from Mayberry
they say that her bush was hairy
she found a razor
and shaved for the pleasure
now she has a bare puss that's cherry<grin>
RhymeFairy said:
Brazenly breeze, upon
this body of desperation's
watch. Forgetting
fundamental thoughts
that tempt ... tarnish.

Fixating on foolish
dreams. Dangerous
demons, will blatantly
bring you down, to
depressions door.

Forage into the
woods of wayfaring
wickedness. Sponge
off the syrup of
supreme sovereignty.

Prolific poundings of
Powers paddle. Bounces
you back to domination's

In control, once again.
Feeling the flow of
brazen breezes upon
my skin. Whispering
wants ... desires.

:devil: :p

<laughing> something about this has blowing all over it <grin>
Du Lac said:
Pythagorean dancers swirling around
midnight bonfires
fostering waking dreams
motherless nightmares of limited reality.

Lost in the chaotic caverns of our minds
whimsically wandering into fire and ice.
Shadows of slithering secrets glide
gratuitously through our souls;
abandoning dank fingerprints of doubtful lies.

Victorious visionaries call in our sleep
rousing to comfort our whispering peers!

Far above the battle of truth,
lies our veils burning in
pagan ceremony.
Vampirish vespers summon the enigma
falling on deaf ears of those who know.

Ancient angles of open plains bid
time return.

Du we get more? <grin
there once was a man from hungry
he like to bath naked when it was sunny
he fell asleep
and burned his lil meat
now he is slightly grumpy
there once was a man from canass

There once was A man from Canass.
Who had great big balls made from brass.
and in the middle of a storm.
They would clank and get warm.
And somtimes they would shoot sparks out his ass.
Theree Once Was A Lady From Niger

There once was A lady from Niger.
Who smiled as she rode on A tiger.
They returned from the ride.
With the lady inside,
and the smile on the face of the tiger.
ZMP~ misty morning

light filters the morning sun
over dew rising

a mist that hovers over
grass blades sparkling

lingering mist that trails
and floats away

the sun's rays chasing
misty morning haze
ever felt like you were hit in the brain with a hammer?

I was informed last night that templeminded has cancer in the fourth stage!!! That her heart is already not functioning properly.!!!!!!!
There Once Was A Man From Kent.

There once was A man from Kent.
Whose dick was so long that it bent.
so to save himself trouble.
He would fold and stick it in double.
And when he came he went.
tis only one difference
between a condom
and a casket...
you come in one
and go in the other... :D
I know you were given your wings today
and now you're waiting to fly away
never have I met a more lovely soul
that is why you will be wearing a halo

you better come see me from time to time
or you will have this little devil crying
I will not cast a flower on your grave
I'll give them to you on my dying day

when you held my hand you held my heart
seemed like forever even though now we're apart
we've shared life in almost every angle
now they are calling you to be the new Angel
the longest day

I learned how fast a man can put his head in his hand and how fast a teardrop falls, then shatters as it hits the floor. Into a hundred pieces, like that of my heart, that is torn.
My Erotic Tale said:
the longest day

I learned how fast a man can put his head in his hand and how fast a teardrop falls, then shatters as it hits the floor. Into a hundred pieces, like that of my heart, that is torn.

You can will life to live and hope that the will to live prevails but in the end life will sail on a sea of eternal slumber, forever is never and our days are numbered.
There Once Was A Drunken Scott


There once was a drunken Scott.
Whom some say was a sot.
He fell to his knee.
Asleep under a tree.
When along came bonnie Heather.
Who was curious as the down on a feather.
When she peeked under his kilt.
Her little puss it did tilt.
She saw a surprise
She had lust in her eyes.
She was really in need.
So she mounted the steed.
Her lust now suppressed.
She started to dress.
The ribbon from her hair
She thought she would share.
This woman beautiful as Venus.
She tied A little blue bow on his penis.
This man she had drained.
And skipped down the lane.
The Scotsman came too after a while.
He woke with a smile.
He arose from the tree.
He needed to pee.
As he raised his kilt.
His head he did tilt.
He got a surprise.
" I don't know where you bin laddie, but IM sure glad you won first prize."