Chasin' Chickens


My Erotic Tale said:
thanks Rf
I have a request wrtie from ? in a feedback for ...
"A Devil's Rose" >>>>>??? I think I will have to check but I am twirling another to surface...I need some good ones for the collection <grin>< excepting extremly good ideas for the rose series <rolls eyes>just no time...

seems to me a devil's rose...would simply be...
colors of buds...uncolored..
RhymeFairy said:
Lol. You are one silly man. :cathappy:
You do know you could have
Edited right. Lmao!!! :rolleyes:

Aww, what a poem. I love this one too. :D
The yellow rose poems are just irresistible !!!
The dancing and witty charm of the dance ...
Tingly Tango of a saucy tale ~ :devil:


Laughing because this hit me like five minutes later...
I am an author poet and literary creator of the art of mental journeys the editing for the editors ...they are very helpful
over in the editor forum ..cheaper by the dozen <grin...but really there are some great people who love to rearrange and ywist a tale or poem to make it right and are very good at it...mystic arrival was my fav for hawkl and a dove...Du did the "Dance of a Kiss" <great duet> and Wanton Vixxxen did the Cherokee Rose series.,...yep all six of think about that for your friend with the story well <grin>

I take them from here to spell check via e-mail <grin then post/submit them to lit ...the spell check does not catch all ....but then neither do I ...thank god this isn't a profeessional forum or my stuff would not get posted <grin> of course there is very little chance it will get published in Baptist weekly either <laughing>

always a pleasure my friend
My Erotic Tale said:
Laughing because this hit me like five minutes later...
I am an author poet and literary creator of the art of mental journeys the editing for the editors ...they are very helpful
over in the editor forum ..cheaper by the dozen <grin...but really there are some great people who love to rearrange and ywist a tale or poem to make it right and are very good at it...mystic arrival was my fav for hawkl and a dove...Du did the "Dance of a Kiss" <great duet> and Wanton Vixxxen did the Cherokee Rose series.,...yep all six of think about that for your friend with the story well <grin>

I take them from here to spell check via e-mail <grin then post/submit them to lit ...the spell check does not catch all ....but then neither do I ...thank god this isn't a profeessional forum or my stuff would not get posted <grin> of course there is very little chance it will get published in Baptist weekly either <laughing>

always a pleasure my friend
el...prophets...we have none..we have many songs of accolades and ...oh well the bottom ..line I know you...and you are a good guy....see what i mean jelly bean..
bluerains said:
el...prophets...we have none..we have many songs of accolades and ...oh well the bottom ..line I know you...and you are a good guy....see what i mean jelly bean..

I feel bad now cause I should name them all...huh! <grin>

got a white hat anyway <grin> and a blue jelly bean please <hand out>
Katrina ......challenge

Gulf breeze deceives
in camouflaged reality
to settle on shores
with open heart doors
with smiles to the sun
over soft sand beaches

"Neptune draw your breath ..."
for your children weep ...
like the day Katrina stepped a shore.

Her fury for her father
the King of the Sea
scorned her reality
to suicide shores
she yelled out a Gail
of a hundred or more

"Liquid Hammer to Homes,"
a bad seed spun spawned
in a hurricane dawn

Neptune lost a daughter
but humanity was devastated
the ocean kings words spiraling
a mere whisper to us all
he lives and breeds
his Kamakazi wind warriors

"I am King," Neptune sings
his daighter, Katrina he seed
the cycling humanity bleeds

Tornados of emotions
around every street
water higher than homes
mingles in tears seeped
the city of saints you scorn
it was Neptune's new born

"Katrina's foot print forever,"
when she stepped ashore
it was forever more.
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My Erotic Tale said:
Katrina ......challenge

Gulf breeze deceives
in camouflaged reality
to settle on shores
with open heart doors
with smiles to the sun
over soft sand beaches

"Neptune draw your breath ..."
for your children weep ...
like the day Katrina stepped a shore.

Her fury for her father
the King of the Sea
scorned her reality
to suicide shores
she yelled out a Gail
of a hundred or more

"Liquid Hammer to Homes,"
a bad seed spun spawned
in a hurricane dawn

Neptune lost a daughter
but humanity was devastated
the ocean kings words spiraling
a mere whisper to us all
he lives and breeds
his Kamakazi wind warriors

"I am King," Neptune sings
his daighter, Katrina he seed
the cycling humanity bleeds

Tornados of emotions
around every street
water higher than homes
mingles in tears seeped
the city of saints you scorn
it was Neptune's new born

"Katrina's foot print forever,"
when she stepped ashore
it was forever more.

That's a beautiful poem Hun :rose:

A lovely tribute to an awful disaster, it brought
tears to my eyes.

Well done hun... :heart:
My Erotic Tale said:
thanks Rf
I have a request wrtie from ? in a feedback for ...
"A Devil's Rose" >>>>>??? I think I will have to check but I am twirling another to surface...I need some good ones for the collection <grin>< excepting extremly good ideas for the rose series <rolls eyes>just no time...

devils rose ~ yes colors ... thoughts attached to. Also, go with the words ... like a word game in tha mind, what do you think of when you say it? like word association, then My Friend .... go woith tha flow.

grim ... blackness, hole, dance of ~ ....

black rose
with no
of remorse,
to tempt
... tell

rushing ...
black rose
in hand.

gracious I need coffee,
before I can attempt this ~ lol

have no clue where ya waan go with it? :eek:
Just a few thoughts here ~
pm me if ya want and I will help ~

My Erotic Tale said:
there once was a woman who was mushy
she would dance and waddle her tushy
some man came in
wearing a wicked grin
she let him play with her pussy

LOL :rolleyes:

Cute Art ~ Very cute ;)

A Devilish Rose:

A devilish rose in long spiked heels
along a side walk she wheels and deals
stinch of a city drowned by her perfume
like a tempting morsel perched on a spoon

street lamps brightness her illumination
in a concrete jungle of gold and secration
rubber and pavement smells of money
as a new lover comes to savor her honey

twice the thorns of an ordinary rose
a devilish grin across her lips grows
she gets in a car and they zoom away
a deal is made to ensure the devil is paid.

long finger nails over a trouser leg lump
causes his heart to sound like a drum
she nibbles at his ear as he shifts a gear
she slid over leather till he was near

pressing against him made him smile
working a customer with professional pride
gripping his cock until it arose
working the shadows was A Devilish Rose
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Pythagorean dancers swirling around
midnight bonfires
fostering waking dreams
motherless nightmares of limited reality.

Confused images of shadowy reality,
belief, sanity and truth weaved in liquid purity.

Lost in the chaotic caverns of our minds
whimsically wandering into fire and ice.
Shadows of slithering secrets glide
gratuitously through our souls;
abandoning dank fingerprints of doubtful lies.

Victorious visionaries call in our sleep
rousing to comfort our whispering peers!

Far above the battle of truth,
lay our veils burning in
pagan ceremony.
Vampirish vespers summon the enigma
falling on deaf ears of those who know.

Ancient angles of open plains bid
time return.

Arrogant youth blindly grasp for truth,
clarity cloaked
in soulful desert winds.
Trickster twisted minds,
desired knowledge clouds the way,
a child's sagacity
buried in fear.

Aboriginal dreams haunt haggard
doubters of tech-no color worlds.

Chanting the rites of ancient ages
passed and forgotten
resurrected lifestyles fall at the feet
of misfit spirits
meekly armed with truth
dusted on the wings of the owl.

more to come.........
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My pussy has a fetish
I confess my face is reddish

it has an attraction to drawers
I don't understand the problems core

if I leave one out
my pussy's sure to sniff it out

it paws at the open holes
curiously this mystery grows

Strangley this pussy will snore
it loves to sleep in the desk drawers
Pussy Fetish

My pussy has a fetish
I confess my face is reddish

it has an attraction to drawers
I don't understand the problems core

if I leave one out
my pussy's sure to sniff it out

it paws at the open holes
curiously this mystery grows

Strangley this pussy will snore
it loves to sleep in the desk drawers
My Erotic Tale said:
A Devilish Rose:

A devilish rose in long spiked heels
along a side walk she wheels and deals
stinch of a city drowned by her perfume
like a tempting morsel perched on a spoon

street lamps brightness her illumination
in a concrete jungle of gold and secration
rubber and pavement smells of money
as a new lover comes to savor her honey

twice the thorns of an ordinary rose
a devilish grin across her lips grows
she gets in a car and they zoom away
a deal is made to ensure the devil is paid.

long finger nails over a trouser leg lump
causes his heart to sound like a drum
she nibbles at his ear as he shifts a gear
she slid over leather till he was near

pressing against him made him smile
working a customer with professional pride
gripping his cock until it arose
working the shadows was A Devilish Rose

A Devilish Rose:

Motel lights under a neon sultry sky
room for rent to extinguish desire's cries
mimi shirt starts shrinking as the dorr is closed
on the floor is a trail of quickly shed clothes
swagger-nauts swagger in swagger way lane
some thought this was the place
for the criminal insane

nurses with needles that piss pot pee'dled and
held there noses while shuffling
around the bed pans

yells yelled outward from cells of dim light
electricity flickering throughout
the long stormy night

whimsickle winds blew blowing blown right
stiffened the poles
that perched the lamps light

darker than darkness fell upon the site
when all the inmates were listed
has escaped last night
My Erotic Tale said:

coming soon

"A Rose's Sultry Serenade"
"A Spanish Rose"

What of a Lilley?

A Sandy Rose!

A Lover's Rose

Death's Rose

An Eternal Rose

The Last Rose!

I was just surfing and stopped by :) :heart: :rose: :kiss:
Ninja Nookie said:
What of a Lilley?

A Sandy Rose!

A Lover's Rose

Death's Rose

An Eternal Rose

The Last Rose!

I was just surfing and stopped by :) :heart: :rose: :kiss:

Hey Hun~

A Sandy Rose <grin>
~Cometh the Wild~

Thunder that rumbles across a cloudless sky
is the sound of an ancient wild and free pride
for that which creates wind
on a windless day
is coming
they're coming
they are coming this way!

Beating the earth in a drumming sound
hundreds of beatings pounding the ground
in unison they bray
as frisky as a spring day
yes coming
they are coming this way

Mane in the wind created by flight
massive muscles moving of strength and might
herd of the many the local and stray
gather together on gathering day
they're coming
yes, coming
wild horses are coming this way.
Ninja Nookie said:
What of a Lilley?

A Sandy Rose!

A Lover's Rose

Death's Rose

An Eternal Rose

The Last Rose!

I was just surfing and stopped by :) :heart: :rose: :kiss:

Aawww I missed Nin

Stop by again soon Hun :rose:
Found this and just had to post it here :D

A Naughty Little Poem

She whispered "will it hurt me?"
"Of course not" answered he
"It's a very simple process,
You can rely on me."

She said "I'm very frightened,
I've not had this before.
My friend has had it five times
And said it can be sore."

It was growing rather painful
Tears formed in her eyes
It was hurting quite a bit now
It must have been a size.

"Calm yourself" he whispered
"His face filled with a grin
"Try and open wider
So I can get it in."

"It's coming now" he whispered
"I know" she cried in bliss
Feeling it deep within her now
She said "I am glad I'm having this."

And with a final effort
She gave a frightened shout
He gripped it in anguish
And quickly pulled it out.

She lay back quite contended
Sighed and gave a smile
She said "I'm glad I came now
You made it worth my while."

Now if you read this carefully
The dentist you will find
Is not what you imagined
It's just your dirty mind!!

Author Unknown
Silence Like Cool Sand

First lie in it. Close your eyes. Let it move through you. Rock your shoulders back and forth. Dig your heels in. Slow your breath. Curl forward and wash your hands with it. Pour it slowly on your legs. Rub your heels deeper into the damp. Bury your toes. Roll back, eyes shut. Disappear into it. Listen to the scratchings, then listen, listen to the roar.

-- From Communion by Pat Mora, Arte Publico Pres
Hooves and feathers on a mystic flight
shadows form shape
on the color, cloud white

wings out-reached, soaring higher
long mane whipping
that flickers like a fire

crystal balls in the Iris
upon the winged horse
... pegasus
A flowing Mane like a flickering flame
whips wildly in the wind
Outreached wings take flight in a spring
Hooves stop thundering

magical dust
mystical winds gust
... flys a horse called Pegasus

Where the old was new, the wind blew
and Gods played chess with Men
A horse as white as the moon at night
soars on an effortless wind

love and trust
a befriending must
to ride the Horse called ...Pegasus

Like a dream, dancing on moon beams
wearing the shield of the valiant
racing lightening over mountains rising
on the back of this stallion

magic dust
where mystical winds gust
... fly's a horse called Pegasus​
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Ready in two hours
by My Erotic Tail ©

She grabbed him and
pulled him to her.
Laid him down and
starts to rub...massageing.
She rolled her hands
around on his skin
and fixed his position, rubbing.
Spread his legs a bit
and pulled out
his long bone.
Rock hard like stone.
The juices flowed a bit
as she pulled on it.
Rolled him over
and put her finger
in his little hole
and then a little deeper, she would go.
Fixed him to lay just right.
As sloshing sounds came from his insides.
She massaged him a bit more.
She turned and opened the door.
Then picked him up
and put him in the oven, steady.
"Yep, bout two hours the
Turkey will be ready."