Chasin' Chickens

A Parent's Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my sanity to keep.
For if some peace I do not find,
I'm pretty sure I'll lose my mind.

I pray I find a little quiet,
Far from the daily family riot.
May I lie back and not have to think
About what they're stuffing down the sink,

Or who they're with, or where they're at
And what they're doing to the cat.
I pray for time all to myself
(did something just fall off a shelf?)

To cuddle in my nice, soft bed
(Oh no, another goldfish--dead!)
Some silent moments for goodness sake
(Did I just hear a window break?)

And that I need not cook or clean
(well heck, I've got the right to dream)
Yes now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my wits about me keep,
But as I look around I know,
I must have lost them long ago!
bubble under water
perhaps a turtle or an otter
what makes it even odder
the bubbles move along the water
Trailer Park Trash
by My Erotic Tail ©

Trailer park trash?
I think not
I cleaned everything out to the parking lot.

The flamingos
that had leaned over all year,
well I straightened them up
and picked up those empty cans of beer.

I'll have you know
that Mr. Springer
said my trailer was a hum-dinger.
Back when we were on his show,
when I caught my wife with her brother, Joe.

I even bought new chairs
those lawn chairs were on sale in pairs,
sure they look a little ruff
I bought them at, "Rent a dent and stuff."

Trailer park trash indeed...please!
I don't even live in a trailer park,
I got mine parked
at the five and dime parking lot.
Yeah, in the summer its a bit hot.
But my wife ain't missed a sale yet,
and easy parkings a sure bet.

I lived in a trailer park before,
where those trailers are parked
almost door to door.
And you can hear your neighbor snore.
Not me, huh uh, not no more.
Bought myself a four by four,
now I pull my trailer, forevermore.

As I stand here and scratch my ass,
You can't call me trailer park trash?
My Erotic Tale said:
Trailer Park Trash
by My Erotic Tail ©

Trailer park trash?
I think not
I cleaned everything out to the parking lot.

The flamingos
that had leaned over all year,
well I straightened them up
and picked up those empty cans of beer.

I'll have you know
that Mr. Springer
said my trailer was a hum-dinger.
Back when we were on his show,
when I caught my wife with her brother, Joe.

I even bought new chairs
those lawn chairs were on sale in pairs,
sure they look a little ruff
I bought them at, "Rent a dent and stuff."

Trailer park trash indeed...please!
I don't even live in a trailer park,
I got mine parked
at the five and dime parking lot.
Yeah, in the summer its a bit hot.
But my wife ain't missed a sale yet,
and easy parkings a sure bet.

I lived in a trailer park before,
where those trailers are parked
almost door to door.
And you can hear your neighbor snore.
Not me, huh uh, not no more.
Bought myself a four by four,
now I pull my trailer, forevermore.

As I stand here and scratch my ass,
You can't call me trailer park trash?

Ah you know I like this one ;)

My Erotic Tale said:
inspired by Du...

by dawn it'll be gone

by dawn all will have changed..
merely a thought now I know, fact
tomorrow. sleep will rob us all. time
shall boldly do a balancing act,
of what shall be.

this heart races, pants ... cries.
for the me, deep inside. wanting
to escape these feelings of wasted
wakeful wants.

memories, take me to dreamlands
gate. opens the darkened door,
of what used to be. pictures flying
in the sky, showing paintings brushed
with you and I.

liquid golden frame, surrounds two
people laughing, in a hot steamy tub.
naked skin glistening off the water,
as bubbles crest and wave.

red heart shaped borders snapping
into place, the mating of these
same two, just ... a different place.
presents also in red, upon a bed.
chocolate candies one could almost
taste, along with lingerie of green
racy lace.

the pictures whirl with slow motion,
shown with emotion. snap shots
of every time and place. not one day,
was ever erased.

drifting by now, a picture of you. head
bowed upon my shoulder, it is placed.
we were saying good-bye, in our meeting
place. cops on the standby, chanting
something, only God knows why. teary
eyes we both posses, hands hugging
under shirt. snapped it was, at
that precise moment, when we knew
this meeting, was at its end.

curving around my eyes side view, a
picture in a bluish hue. your shirt I
believe, worn when I last saw you.
scruffy beard, wide smile, just sizzling
through. long kisses as these two never
breath, nothing else, do their minds
conceive. pick up, for that long awaited
day. we had so much to say.

one last picture is suspended in air.
others have all disappeared. this one
is a picture of my soul. I know this,
for it is all but bare. a tiny picture
of hope, as love hides in its shadows,
and you my love ... are still there.

~4u :kiss:

Thank You Art ... for the bounce~ :)
RhymeFairy said:
by dawn all will have changed..
merely a thought now I know, fact
tomorrow. sleep will rob us all. time
shall boldly do a balancing act,
of what shall be.

this heart races, pants ... cries.
for the me, deep inside. wanting
to escape these feelings of wasted
wakeful wants.

memories, take me to dreamlands
gate. opens the darkened door,
of what used to be. pictures flying
in the sky, showing paintings brushed
with you and I.

liquid golden frame, surrounds two
people laughing, in a hot steamy tub.
naked skin glistening off the water,
as bubbles crest and wave.

red heart shaped borders snapping
into place, the mating of these
same two, just ... a different place.
presents also in red, upon a bed.
chocolate candies one could almost
taste, along with lingerie of green
racy lace.

the pictures whirl with slow motion,
shown with emotion. snap shots
of every time and place. not one day,
was ever erased.

drifting by now, a picture of you. head
bowed upon my shoulder, it is placed.
we were saying good-bye, in our meeting
place. cops on the standby, chanting
something, only God knows why. teary
eyes we both posses, hands hugging
under shirt. snapped it was, at
that precise moment, when we knew
this meeting, was at its end.

curving around my eyes side view, a
picture in a bluish hue. your shirt I
believe, worn when I last saw you.
scruffy beard, wide smile, just sizzling
through. long kisses as these two never
breath, nothing else, do their minds
conceive. pick up, for that long awaited
day. we had so much to say.

one last picture is suspended in air.
others have all disappeared. this one
is a picture of my soul. I know this,
for it is all but bare. a tiny picture
of hope, as love hides in its shadows,
and you my love ... are still there.

~4u :kiss:

Thank You Art ... for the bounce~ :)

way cool RF...thanks <grin.
Jennifer C said:
Ah you know I like this one ;)

yeah I had fun writing that one...

chicken nuggets are pieces of gold hiding cause they is chicken to show them selves, but a chicken pecks the ground for food and ther fore has the best chance of picking up a piece of gold and ingesting it and then it gets lodged in the meat and some lucky person will be eating chicken nuggets and bite into a piece of gold and that's why people have gold theys teeth.
My Erotic Tale said:
you like it rough like a red neck girls and measure your sex meter by the amount of bruises you recieve <grin>

ROFLOL :kiss:

Thant's a good title though: Rough like a red neck girl. :D I will think of something! LOL
My Erotic Tale said:
way cool RF...thanks <grin.

icicle chopsticks
dip within thread
consuming ... devouring
snowcream, puddled
on his head ~

I know, its way out there,
but I love this image ~

A Prose for you Nose

It is fairly simple, why we come here and thumb through some poems, cause eventually we find one, that really turns us on. We bury our nose into the computer, hoping for a read that'll do an inner tickle. We have the common factor, we like to read poems, posts and books by the chapters.

...that's how you found your nose in my Prose.

Two students graduate High school, one went to college the other the Army. A college bound youngster majored in Lit or made an attempt, and settled for teaching school, while the other flew missions and stormed into manhood to live by the gun and sword. have I got your nose by a prose?

They meet again after years flew by, shared some joys and shared some cries. Most men made warriors have two roads to go, Law enforcment or into the shadows, as for the teacher, they enjoyed writing prose. (Bushido's in souls, like plum blossoms grow) you knows my prose.

I can only imagine what they would do to some one that 'fluffs' a barracks pillow. When a thin skinned gentleman melts in the noon day sun, we reach down, pick him up and keep going on the run. Teachers mold young minds and teach grammar as a tool, razzle dazzle them with a story that's true. put your nose in my prose.

I feel into a world of write, standing on a mountain in middle aged life. I come through the back door as I heard it said, I may not write a WAR and PEACE but Mark Twain and I can relate. My enjoyment comes from creative typing not haggling over it with others for hours, for prose is written like a flower, bud today and bloom tomorrow. knows a prose.

Those that soar above others on wings of knowledge, circle in wait with others to stab at a prose with beak and talons, tearing at its flesh, to savor its flavor. But in balance to be correct, a strong foundation and structure help a prose stand erect.

...its a no no prose, I knows
My Erotic Tale said:
A Prose for you Nose

It is fairly simple, why we come here and thumb through some poems, cause eventually we find one, that really turns us on. We bury our nose into the computer, hoping for a read that'll do an inner tickle. We have the common factor, we like to read poems, posts and books by the chapters.

...that's how you found your nose in my Prose.

Two students graduate High school, one went to college the other the Army. A college bound youngster majored in Lit or made an attempt, and settled for teaching school, while the other flew missions and stormed into manhood to live by the gun and sword. have I got your nose by a prose?

They meet again after years flew by, shared some joys and shared some cries. Most men made warriors have two roads to go, Law enforcment or into the shadows, as for the teacher, they enjoyed writing prose. (Bushido's in souls, like plum blossoms grow) you knows my prose.

I can only imagine what they would do to some one that 'fluffs' a barracks pillow. When a thin skinned gentleman melts in the noon day sun, we reach down, pick him up and keep going on the run. Teachers mold young minds and teach grammar as a tool, razzle dazzle them with a story that's true. put your nose in my prose.

I feel into a world of write, standing on a mountain in middle aged life. I come through the back door as I heard it said, I may not write a WAR and PEACE but Mark Twain and I can relate. My enjoyment comes from creative typing not haggling over it with others for hours, for prose is written like a flower, bud today and bloom tomorrow. knows a prose.

Those that soar above others on wings of knowledge, circle in wait with others to stab at a prose with beak and talons, tearing at its flesh, to savor its flavor. But in balance to be correct, a strong foundation and structure help a prose stand erect.

...its a no no prose, I knows

Wow Art ..
Sometimes you just take my breath.
Your menu of writes is so varied. This piece is humorous yes,
BUT it is also sweet, inspirational and just a wonderful story
of two friends whom both fly with the prose/pro's. ;)

I love it ~!!!

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :)
RhymeFairy said:
Wow Art ..
Sometimes you just take my breath.
Your menu of writes is so varied. This piece is humorous yes,
BUT it is also sweet, inspirational and just a wonderful story
of two friends whom both fly with the prose/pro's. ;)

I love it ~!!!

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :)

me too thanks RF...your a lil darlin <grin>
CharleyH said:
ROFLOL :kiss:

Thant's a good title though: Rough like a red neck girl. :D I will think of something! LOL

I bet you will <grin>
....gimme a gimme a gimme a Red Neck Girl...
and I don't mean she has a 'hicky' <grin> (~_*)LMAO
red neck girls can ride a bull
grab em by the horns and pull
strap a calf in seconds flat
bondage 'baby' is where she's at

Ridin' high in pressing grind
red neck girls have sex all the time
they may roll in the hay, in the buff
red neck girls like it rough
RhymeFairy said:
icicle chopsticks
dip within thread
consuming ... devouring
snowcream, puddled
on his head ~

I know, its way out there,
but I love this image ~


how did I miss this <grin>
A Devilish Rose: The Treat

Motel lights under a neon sultry sky
room for rent to extinguish desire's cries
mini shirt starts shrinking as the door is closed
on the floor is a trail of quickly shed clothes

Two bodies wrapped in night's passion
on lustful sheets she teases by flashing
her ass in the air she wiggled and shook
fully exposed, he couldn't help but look

his reaching hands grasping at her flesh
lips crash together then lick then mesh
the throns of a rose in nails that bite
fuels a mans fire for the beast to arise

taught muscled grips create clashing hips
diving into ravaging nipple bit breasts
pressing himself deeply in tight gripped holds
dancing to passions bloom is a devilish rose

Charging is lust in payment seats sitting
devouring a woman that is seductive and pretty
graspping at legs to pull them apart
as beating as drums from a feverish heart

bone and flesh in loves clashing thrusts
swet and fire in the kiln of a body in lust
released is the warmth in a deep dark hole
biting into hell, tasting a devilish rose

A Devilish Rose: The Trick

Handcuffs and leather lure hands doom
click click click, the sound from the room
naked as a red bird, pinned to the head-board
smiles express passions that still playfully soar
a poetry song

a singer sang expressing hearts glee
applaud when done for what is done is done
then those speculate how it could have been
instead of consentrating on what was and is
My Erotic Tale said:
a poetry song

a singer sang expressing hearts glee
applaud when done for what is done is done
then those speculate how it could have been
instead of consentrating on what was and is


Hey huni :rose:

My Erotic Tale said:
A Devilish Rose: The Treat

Motel lights under a neon sultry sky
room for rent to extinguish desire's cries
mini shirt starts shrinking as the door is closed
on the floor is a trail of quickly shed clothes

Two bodies wrapped in night's passion
on lustful sheets she teases by flashing
her ass in the air she wiggled and shook
fully exposed, he couldn't help but look

his reaching hands grasping at her flesh
lips crash together then lick then mesh
the throns of a rose in nails that bite
fuels a mans fire for the beast to arise

taught muscled grips create clashing hips
diving into ravaging nipple bit breasts
pressing himself deeply in tight gripped holds
dancing to passions bloom is a devilish rose

Charging is lust in payment seats sitting
devouring a woman that is seductive and pretty
graspping at legs to pull them apart
as beating as drums from a feverish heart

bone and flesh in loves clashing thrusts
swet and fire in the kiln of a body in lust
released is the warmth in a deep dark hole
biting into hell, tasting a devilish rose

A Devilish Rose: The Trick

Handcuffs and leather lure hands doom
click click click, the sound from the room
naked as a red bird, pinned to the head-board
smiles express passions that still playfully soar

good golly miss molly...I lost it...grr
didn't save...shit, oh boy! back to the drawing board...
puddle pondering....

river colors
drifting in shorline swirls
gracfull steps of fishing birds
up stream to keep visuals clear
catching shrimp in sane
with saucer butt shaking
along a shorline cast
in bikini sunset smiles

barby is fired up
with sausage flopping
and pink meat grins

fish tail face slapped
another romper room rounded
A Devilish Rose: The Trick

Handcuffs and leather lure hands doom
click click click, the sound from the room
naked as a red bird, pinned to the head-board
smiles express passions that still playfully soar

"click" come again, as a flash flashed loudly
picture a kodak moment of passion's drowning
"What are you doing?" He asked slightly angered
she opened his wallet and thumbed through his pictures

"Your a naughty boy," she said with a wicked smile
waving the picture of him, his wife and their child.
Rattling chains while kicking with socks covered toes
flirting with danger for green backs is a Devilish Rose
Hello lover

I submitted a poem and I wanted to make a change but it wouldn't let me back to the poems page so I could edit. I use to be able to. What gives? Oh well, it is what it is as you always say.