Chasin' Chickens

The Pet Shop man
offered her a Cockatoo.
The lady said thank you,
but one cock will do.

now that's funny...

Woody the Pecker Inspector
by My Erotic Tale ©

Woody Woodrow
the Pecker Inspector
knows all there is to know
about peckers.
With his magnifying glass
bent over
with a pouched out ass.
the hard stiff wood
with his pointer
poking at the tiny hole.
Then demanding
another load.

Some say Woody
has a thing for peckers.
Been pecked himself
I suppose.
But to the head he leans and stares.
Gives the stiff wood
a glare.
Then his hands raised in the air.
"Hold the load"
he shouted "There."
Pointed his finger at a hole.
Seeping, slimey, sappy, goo!
Drip down the hard wood.

A bunch of pecker heads
gathered round.
While Woody Woodrow
leaned way down,
Then he came
up in a gush.
"This pussy willow's
been pecked by peckers."
He reached in his coat
and pulled out a stamp
of black and yellow checkered

Woody 'stamped'
the wood condemned
Then pushed his way through
the small crowd of workmen.
"Back to inspecting again?"
Woody had a rather big grin.
Walking towards a pile
of Double Decker's
Woody Woodrow
the wood pecker
My Erotic Tale said:
A Devilish Rose:

Motel lights under a neon sultry sky
room for rent to extinguish desire's cries
mimi shirt starts shrinking as the dorr is closed
on the floor is a trail of quickly shed clothes

Two bodies wrapped in night's passion
on lustful sheets she teases by flashing
her ass in the air she wiggled and shook
full exposure, he couldn't help but look

his reaching hands grasping at desires
He went lower and she went higher
A Devilish Rose:

Motel lights under a neon sultry sky
room for rent to extinguish desire's cries
mimi shirt starts shrinking as the dorr is closed
on the floor is a trail of quickly shed clothes

Two bodies wrapped in night's passion
on lustful sheets she teases by flashing
her ass in the air she wiggled and shook
full exposure, he couldn't help but look

his reaching hands grasping at desires
He went lower and she went higher
My Erotic Tale said:
A Devilish Rose:

Motel lights under a neon sultry sky
room for rent to extinguish desire's cries
mini skirt starts shrinking as the door is closed
on the floor is a trail of quickly shed clothes

Two bodies wrapped in night's passion
on lustful sheets she teases by flashing
her ass in the air she wiggled and shook
full exposure, he couldn't help but look

his reaching hands grasping at desires
He went lower and she went higher

Hey Art, your rose garden keeps growing - - - ever more wicked;
but I swear - sometimes I think you copy my typing technique -
I assume you meant to say mini skirt, not mimi shirt
my typing technique gets better after a few glasses of Sangria
as women grow more beautiful and I more virile.... :rolleyes:
LeBroz said:
Hey Art, your rose garden keeps growing - - - ever more wicked;
but I swear - sometimes I think you copy my typing technique -
I assume you meant to say mini skirt, not mimi shirt
my typing technique gets better after a few glasses of Sangria
as women grow more beautiful and I more virile.... :rolleyes:

hey amigo

good to see ya,
use to love Sangria and JJW music <grin> "Pissin in the wind"
I appreciate the finger points to better my write (~_*) ty

don't be a stranger and place a poem here anytime amigo ...dabble <grin
My Erotic Tale said:
hey amigo

good to see ya,
use to love Sangria and JJW music <grin> "Pissin in the wind"
I appreciate the finger points to better my write (~_*) ty

don't be a stranger and place a poem here anytime amigo ...dabble <grin

I shall post a poem.
Do not say ya didn't ask for it ... *winks*

I also love the rose series. :rose: :rose:
Have been in an outta Lit for a few lately,
Sorry about missing so much goooood stuff ~ ~ :)

RhymeFairy said:
I shall post a poem.
Do not say ya didn't ask for it ... *winks*

I also love the rose series. :rose: :rose:
Have been in an outta Lit for a few lately,
Sorry about missing so much goooood stuff ~ ~ :)


your smiling face and sun shine reviews have been missed (~_*)
Creature in the Pit
by My Erotic Tail ©

Since I was young, I learned how it is done.
The low rumble growl, means feeding times now.
I've never seen it, the Creature in the Pit.
But there's no mistaking, the tummies ache'ing,
When the creature gets hungry, feed it something.
I've heard it get loud, with its deep down growl,
I often wonder what this Creature is like,
is it little or big or an aweful sight.
I carry it in me, even though it I can't see.
But I can hear it, when its hungry and throws a fit.
The rumbleing growl deep in my stomache,
from this strange, 'Creature in the Pit.'
My Erotic Tale said:
Add to ... share and enjoy country poultry
I mean poetry ...


You might be a ... bLuE cOllAr pOeT
and not know it!

You could be a blue collar poet
if your poem was the winner of
the county fair poultry contest (thanks fohen)

You may be a blue collar poet
if you have ever sprayed your poem
in graffeti on the town water tower

You might be a blue collar poet
if most of your shirts are blue
and have collars on them (thanks Nin)

You might be a blue collar poet
if your poetry is 'sick'
or meter tetters

You could be a blue collar poet
by giving your twins ryhming names
like Billy and Willy or Marcy and Darcy

You may be a blue collar poet
if you recite your poetry to farm animals
before reading it to your love at the local Dairy Queen

You might be a blue collar poet
if you use your words in such a manner
that it confusses the reader like ... (he he he poets?)

red-neck ... and not mean a hicky
faint ... fey aint wrote a poem in years
Shakespeare ... shakes a pear tree to get them pears
William ... will ya hum read my poem?
edgar allen poe ... edgar and allen is po'
e e cummings ... (we best leave that one alone)
mayonaise ... man naise a lot of poems listed
poppyseed ... oh no, Poppy seed us online
lesbian ... less being more
poetry ... poultry (thanks fohen)

Yes ...You might be a blue collar poet
and not know it!

feel free to add any country charm or wit <grinin'>
I am trying to make this poem better so any advice will
be considered, enjoy !!!

Perhaps posting this you are a blue collar poet
seeking vengence
searching for

Lights in the minds
of all who read?

Maybe a post is just a post
"meaningless," I bet you will say ...
a blue collar is true.

Lights in the minds
for all to read.

But blue is in white collar minds.

Inevitable. Blue

artificial lights
for all to read, flourescent
to keep people


blue is blue in the night

for all to see but you.
CharleyH said:
Perhaps posting this you are a blue collar poet
seeking vengence
searching for

Lights in the minds
of all who read?

Maybe a post is just a post
"meaningless," I bet you will say ...
a blue collar is true.

Lights in the minds
for all to read.

But blue is in white collar minds.

Inevitable. Blue

artificial lights
for all to read, flourescent
to keep people


blue is blue in the night

for all to see but you.

we faster than a herd of turtles they come
with white collars undone

to make it brown ? I think perhaps not
but for grins and giggles
there is no harm done

to the site's entertainment is spun
a smoking gun?

weapons of words I shall try and shun
for I see that there is room for everone!
My Erotic Tale said:
we faster than a herd of turtles they come
with white collars undone

to make it brown ? I think perhaps not
but for grins and giggles
there is no harm done

to the site's entertainment is spun
a smoking gun?

weapons of words I shall try and shun
for I see that there is room for everone!

Shunning is a black
not night or Dionysus
the colour is bruised

the turtles immerse and swim
in the sea
its not a tale by Grimm

mud is for those who bank
a gun is for those who die

a beach and the surf is for
those who ride the waves and
never stand
looking at the girls
to mend

More than
a poem out of it.
CharleyH said:
Shunning is a black
not night or Dionysus
the colour is bruised

the turtles immerse and swim
in the sea
its not a tale by Grimm

mud is for those who bank
a gun is for those who die

a beach and the surf is for
those who ride the waves and
never stand
looking at the girls
to mend

More than
a poem out of it.

well that just might be a tad deeper than my river
but I could eat a pie ho' full of maybes

taking soil and wetting it with rain to make mud
only helps my crops to grow...
got a back forty full of corn, ever cobbed?

to mend a gate to control the irrigation
only aids the growth
and spread a little manure for fertilizer
and green is lush and pure with health and full of bud

but I know good tasting tuna and relish in convos with charley
and fish for her not but watch as we grow
we may run in different schools of the currents in life
but every body likes tuna...thats poetic
My Erotic Tale said:
your smiling face and sun shine reviews have been missed (~_*)

sun shine has escaped.
weathered a storm.
to be blown away, by
the eye. caught off guard,
by the comic misfortune of
loves ... mistaken hand.

so many things, gone wrong,
so very ... very fast.
when one is watching
... protecting the future,
only to be
tripped by the past.

all is going so well.
finally seeing, the rainbow,
at the end of the storm.
finding out,
you were in the eye,
the storm
... has yet to pass.

playing cards, with a
manic storm, is a game
I have been
to learn, to play well.

with a flick of the wrist,
my loving dealer,
deceiving dealt in
... a twist.

throwing the card, I never
saw coming. this card marked
with ... death to this ... forever

no words uttered ... for nothing
could be said. the dealer, like
the customer is always ... right.

my future was marked, right
from the start. for nothing
beats, the
love of this, my
double dealing man.

so I wait ... forever if it
takes. for the turning
.... flipping of the next

my hope ... dream
twill be a
joker of healing hearts, come
to save us ... hence, this
is where, comic misfortune
comes in hand ...


just a thought,
a bounce, a sly
of hand ~

I know I started with a storm
and ended playin cards ...
(or maybe not ...)

have a great one ~

A Devilish Rose: The Treat

Motel lights under a neon sultry sky
room for rent to extinguish desire's cries
mini shirt starts shrinking as the door is closed
on the floor is a trail of quickly shed clothes

Two bodies wrapped in night's passion
on lustful sheets she teases by flashing
her ass in the air she wiggled and shook
fully exposed, he couldn't help but look

his reaching hands grasping at her flesh
lips crash together then lick then mesh
the throns of a rose in nails that bite
fuels a mans fire for the beast to arise

taught muscled grips create clashing hips
diving into ravaging nipple bit breasts
pressing himself deeply in tight gripped holds
dancing to passions bloom is a devilish rose

Charging is lust in payment seats sitting
devouring a woman that is seductive and pretty
graspping at legs to pull them apart
as beating as drums from a feverish heart

bone and flesh in loves clashing thrusts
swet and fire in the kiln of a body in lust
released is the warmth in a deep dark hole
biting into hell, tasting a devilish rose
CharleyH said:
Shunning is a black
not night or Dionysus
the colour is bruised

the turtles immerse and swim
in the sea
its not a tale by Grimm

mud is for those who bank
a gun is for those who die

a beach and the surf is for
those who ride the waves and
never stand
looking at the girls
to mend

More than
a poem out of it.

you like it rough like a red neck girls and measure your sex meter by the amount of bruises you recieve <grin>
Dr. Heckle and Mr. Pride
by My Erotic Tail ©

Dr. Heckle was very old man
he could hardly walk
much less stand.

When the 'knock'
came at the door
Dr. Heckle hobbled
across the floor.

"Trick or treat
smell my feet
give me something good to eat."
rang out from some neighborhood kids.
As Dr. Heckle did the Halloween biz.

He dropped some candy in their sacks.
Then reached to hold his old back.
The kids ran off happy with glee
Dr. Heckle shut the door to the screen.

As he hobbled back to his chair
'Poof' came a sound
then smoke filled the air.

There before him
stood his fairy god-mother
Dr. Heckle thought she was an Angel
and said "Oh Brother."

As the fairy flew and then hovered.
"Am I going to heaven? or will it be hell?"
Dr. Heckle asked as he almost fell.

"Neither Heckle." The fairy replied.
"I'm here to give you, a night to come alive."
Dr. Heckle let out a sigh.

The Fairy waved her glistening wand
began chanting some unknown song
Dr. Heckle changed, he grew young and strong.

"Now be home by the stroke of two,
or you'll be an old man stuck out in the blue."
Then away the fairy flew
she had things, she had to do.

Dr. Heckle gleamed with pride
Feeling young, strong and revived.
He went off dancing along the drive.

He came upon a pub that was filled with cheer.
Thought he'd go in and have a beer.
Soon he was chatting with a lovely dear.

Her big eyes and robust smile
Dr. Heckle charmed her for awhile.
With his new appearance and his strong style.
Till the empty glasses were in a towering pile.

"By the way, my names Mr. Pride."
Dr. Heckle blurt his age he did hide.
The lovely lady
moved close to his side.

"Want to go to my place?"
She asked with a grin.
They started walking
she was tall and thin.

When they got to her house
she took off her clothes.
Soon Dr. Heckles manhood rose.

The two began kissing
in the bedroom with passion.
Dr. Heckle fucked her
as she was thrashing.

Their orgasims were many
as time slipped away.
Dr. Heckle was enjoying his day.

The clock rang out that it was two.
Dr. Heckle's head jerked up
what was he to do?

Then came the scream
from his new queen
Dr. Heckle thought his old self had been seen.

But as he turned
he saw his new love grow old.
Then his body grew chilly and cold.

He began to hobble
as he tried to run away.
The old woman smiled
and said, "Stay."

"We must have had
the same Halloween treat."
The woman said.
"The fairy must have known
that we would meet."

Dr. Heckle crawled back in bed
the woman soon was giving him head.
Dr. Heckle no longer
wished he was dead.

Their aniversary is now Halloween
Dr. Heckle and his new queen.
Mrs. Pride's favorite thing
Licking Mr. Prides trick or treat cream.