Chasin' Chickens

Ninja Nookie said:
Hello lover

I submitted a poem and I wanted to make a change but it wouldn't let me back to the poems page so I could edit. I use to be able to. What gives? Oh well, it is what it is as you always say.


I look forward to reading it, I am not sure if you can edit, they changed the skins and things and that was one of the things. another thing, I called you?
A Devilish Rose: The Trickery

Handcuffs and leather lure hands doom
click click click, the sound from the room
naked as a red bird, pinned to the head-board
smiles express passions that still playfully soar

"click" come again, as a flash flashed loudly
picture a kodak moment of passion's drowning
"What are you doing?" He asked slightly angered
she opened his wallet and thumbed through his pictures

"Your a naughty boy," she said with a wicked smile
waving the picture of him, his wife and their child.
Rattling chains while kicking from a head board hold
flirting with danger for green backs is a Devilish Rose.

He sniveled his submission and "payment will be made."
She slid on the sheets beside him making a devilish trade.
She pulled out all his money and stuffed it in her purse
she got dressed while he remained bound and cursed.

She teased him with some words about his penis size
of course it wasn't out of anger, why would she lie?
seductively she walked towards the door in a stroll
dangling his car keys on the finger of devilish Rose.

A devilish Rose: the witches split

The motel room door burst open from the outside
startled she stood there with a look of surprise
Police barged in with guns drawn and shields high
"Freeze," they yelled as the man on the bed, cried.

"She was going to black mail me," as he shook the cuffs
she looked a little unsettled and slightly rough
The officer turned her and leaned her against the wall
towering over her for this policeman was very tall

"You have the right..." he stated to her, "Spread'em."
pulled her legs apart slightly as she smacked on her gum.
He run his hands down the sides of her body exposed
then up the inside thighs feeling a wet devilish rose

They un-handcuffed the man from the bed quickly
he wrenched his wrists imprints,rubbing and twisting
He spat his distaste for such trickery and deciet
then he was handcuffed also by the police

"You have the right," they began to reciet to this man
tossing him his pants and wallet and all his belongings.
She smiled a wicked smile and began a chant in prose
dissolving before their eyes, a witch with a devilish rose.
Rotic, the erotic elf

Now santa knows what little girls like.
Toys that will please them in the night.
So he had an elf that made the erotic
and his name is, "Rotic."

This little elf made sensual gifts,
that gave boys and girls a sexual lift.
From vibrators to dilos that grew and grew.
But tucked away no body knew..

Now Mrs. Clause made her rounds one day.
Was toying with elves in the reindeers hay.
When one let it slip, about Rotic's gifts.
She waited round untill his shift.

She asked him about his variety of toys.
Said she was tired of little elf boys.
So Rotic showed his display.
And Mrs.Clause had a field day.

She tried them all one at a time.
Then she tryed them twice in a line.
Needless to say she could hardly walk.
Told little Rotic it was all his fault.

Now Santas secret is out and about.
Every one screaming and some of them shout.
About little Rotic and his toys.
So put them on your list girls and boys.
Damned if I do and ...
well, I'm just damned if I do!

I have found this to be true!
As I turn the corner
who knew ...

I ran into you!

"What are you do-ing?"
"What do you want to do?"

"Want to do something?"
"Here in the Alley? How kinky!"

She bent over and pulled up her dress
I was an ... excited mess

Nothing between me and her but this thong
my man hood was feeling strong
I gripped her hips and told her to, "Hold on!"
That was wrong ...

"I'll be damned ..."

seemed like an eternity
before she let go of the electric fence
and we fell free!

So you see, I'm damned if I do ...
but I'd be damned if I didn't
ever had a snow koan
dripping sticky
down your chin it runs

licking lapping
at the sappy syrup

cold colored tongue
and hand gripping numb

eating a snow cone
in the sun
A devilish Rose: the witches split

The motel room door burst open from the outside
startled she stood there with a look of surprise
Police barged in with guns drawn and shields high
"Freeze," they yelled as the man on the bed, cried.

"She was going to black mail me," as he shook the cuffs
she looked a little unsettled and slightly rough
The officer turned her and leaned her against the wall
towering over her for this policeman was very tall

"You have the right..." he stated to her, "Spread'em."
pulled her legs apart slightly as she smacked on her gum.
He run his hands down the sides of her body exposed
then up the inside thighs feeling a wet devilish rose

They un-handcuffed the man from the bed quickly
he wrenched his wrists imprints,rubbing and twisting
He spat his distaste for such trickery and deciet
then he was handcuffed also by the police

"You have the right," they began to reciet to this man
tossing him his pants and wallet and all his belongings.
She smiled a wicked smile and began a chant in prose
dissolving before their eyes, a witch with a devilish rose.
A River Rose:

Curves that bend in an alluring way
dances with the wind and water that sway
soft to touch and refreshing to kiss
whispered emotions on passion's lips

Eyes will trail her shape and form
caught by temptation in a swarm
engulfed in her with body and soul
swelling with thirst as a river rose.
MLP~ looking down on heaven

as I view you
a thought or two

I might have let you down
I don't really know
but I know
I left you low

There I was high again
looking down on Heaven

the hawk had the wind
to help him in his lift
I had you
get my drift?

as I view you
I knew
it was you
that lifted me to this height

looking down on Heaven

you have always
looked up to me
yet it was I
beneath thee

your at the pearly gates
still looking up to me
with passion

I am still here
where you placed me
looking down on heaven​
My Erotic Tale said:
MLP~ looking down on heaven

as I view you
a thought or two

I might have let you down
I don't really know
but I know
I left you low

There I was high again
looking down on Heaven

the hawk had the wind
to help him in his lift
I had you
get my drift?

as I view you
I knew
it was you
that lifted me to this height

looking down on Heaven

you have always
looked up to me
yet it was I
beneath thee

your at the pearly gates
still looking up to me
with passion

I am still here
where you placed me
looking down on heaven​

:rose: :kiss: :rose:
DS thread my dear
It is the sound of home
to hear it's song
the long lone whistle blow

rumbling thunder of steel
coming on the rail
beneath my feet I feel

the train is coming down the track
the train is coming, welcome back

a warning whistle blown
so everybody knows
the train is nearing home

the train is coming down the track
the train is coming, welcome back
water rings
water rings
small ripples from something

smooth river surface
on a calm day
water rings
water rings
everywhere in the shade

something in the water
is making these
water rings
and water rings
top water ripplings
My Erotic Tale said:
water rings
water rings
small ripples from something

smooth river surface
on a calm day
water rings
water rings
everywhere in the shade

something in the water
is making these
water rings
and water rings
top water ripplings

morning sunshine
hello rain
night winds
(this is a duel poem; the first poem was written for Tungtied2u's challenge "In the Wake of Katrina" the second was inspired by Hurricane Ritas "Coming this way.")

The Suicide Sisters

~Katrina's foot print~
(part one)

Gulf breeze deceives
in camouflaged reality
to settle on shores
with open heart doors
with smiles to the sun
over soft sand beaches.

"Neptune draw your breath ...
for your children weep."
... like the day Katrina stepped a shore.

Her fury for her father
the King of the Sea
scorned her reality
to suicide shores
she yelled out a gail
of a hundred or more.

"She took a liquid Hammer to Homes,"
...a bad seed spun spawned
in a hurricane dawn.

Neptune lost a daughter
but humanity was devastated
the ocean kings words spiraling
a mere whisper to us all
he lives and breeds
his Kamakazi wind warriors.

"I am King," Neptune sings
his daighter, Katrina he seed
the cycling humanity bleeds.

Tornados of emotions
around every street
water higher than homes
mingles in tears seeped
the city of saints scorned
by Neptune's new born.

"Katrina's foot print forever,"
...when she stepped ashore
it was forever more.

~She is coming this way~
(part two)

Little sister follows her big sister's footsteps
headed for suicide shores
only down a few doors

the Gulf is being engulfed
by hurricane force
Neptune's daughters
spreading their scorn

like an ant hill disturbed
millions now trail
to higher ground
as Rita comes barreling down

mother nature spanks her children
with tough love from above
Neptune has spawned another bad seed
humainty flees
the uprooting of trees

for those that stay
will be carried away
in the angry baptism waters of life
joined by the wind
hand in hand
two sister's make their mark

the grand total death toll rise
when these sisters collide...
with land.

Katrina left a foot print
I fear Rita will lay her body down
taking her last breath on Texas shores
looking to the waters
there will be more
suicide sisters that roar.
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I got a lasso
ready for Rita
when she comes by
I'm gonna catch her

ride her like a rodeo
pat her on the behind
climb the forest fire tower
and spit in her eye

They call her a hurricane
when I am done
they will simply say
she came
Oh Art, should you not be running?

Post a take on PDC : I'd love to hear you critique. :)
CharleyH said:
Oh Art, should you not be running?

Post a take on PDC : I'd love to hear you critique. :)

I am one of those hard headed that don't run...
you know those men that stand on the front lines and shot first for what they call bravery is perhaps not <grin> thick in pride perhaps <grin> I'll meet the bitch at my front gate.

I don't critique sweetie, I don't know enough about poetry to give any valuble information. There are a lot who love to (regardless of their level of literary knowledge) ...that is enough.

I had to come back and throw this in...<grin> "I peeked"
but I like to critique the critics <grin> I found some of the critics views so far out of context with the poem that it was like sitting in their minds while they thought about it. (there's a halloween thought for you)

thanks for the offer


me giving a critic would be like a holy man having sex, its gonna happen except a few are going to frown on it. <laughing>
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A River Rose:

Curves that bend in an alluring way
dances with the wind and water that sway
soft to touch and refreshing to kiss
whispered emotions on passion's lips

Eyes will trail her shape and form
caught by temptation in a swarm
engulfed in her with body and soul
swelling with thirst as a river rose.

Drifting sway in a body of water
pressing shorelines bolder and harder
wakes of waves in passing hulls
chattering above the white winged gulls

engulfed in the depth of a valley floor
cupping the liquid that I savor and adore
dipping into the surface breaking the plane
swept in loves current and feeling the pain

floating on feelings a mysterious trend
like unknowing corners around every bend
engrossed in the awe of all that is exposed
tantalized by the alluring fact, a river rose
"Into the Woods; erotic fairy tales and other stories"
will be available on 9/25/05 <grin>

Not only does this book have Five of my stories in it ...I was told it has an excerpt and page highlighting their next project and new debut author and publishing of ..."Portal to the Vixen Planet" by Art Campbell due out in October. <Big grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
"Into the Woods; erotic fairy tales and other stories"
will be available on 9/25/05 <grin>

Not only does this book have Five of my stories in it ...I was told it has an excerpt and page highlighting their next project and new debut author and publishing of ..."Portal to the Vixen Planet" by Art Campbell due out in October. <Big grin>

WooHoooo ~!!!
I will just bet you are sooooo proud. I am happy for you my friend. Many Congrats and wellll wishes for this book. I for one shall buy one of the first copies. Keep'm coming and Thank You for sharing !!!


RhymeFairy said:
WooHoooo ~!!!
I will just bet you are sooooo proud. I am happy for you my friend. Many Congrats and wellll wishes for this book. I for one shall buy one of the first copies. Keep'm coming and Thank You for sharing !!!



Thanks Rf

I just did a check on Amazon and it's not out yet but was suppose to be available through them 9/25/05 I will certainly post a link as soon as I find it <grin> I am excited and suppose to have an author copy sent to me next week ...woohoo
sunshine rains down
smiles grow from frowns
picking up the grounds
from limbs fallen down
since Rita come around