Chasin' Chickens

My Erotic Trail said:
thanks RF

I agree it needs a lot of work, so I placed it in my work space <grin
now if I could just wittle the time to do it <grinin' (~_~) I need time and a muse :D

aint it so my friend, aint it so ...

if I had a muse:

I'd spread eagle him wide
jump on all fours.
body to body
let heat rise while I
watch, play on his
rising thermometer stick
round his doughy
flesh, with mounds
of cushiony breast. hot
buns shall be my treat.

... damn, I dont need a muse, I need a man !!

:catroar: ;)
In the death of June
Julie rises
Sept, she is not next
August'a awaits
for Summer
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RhymeFairy said:
aint it so my friend, aint it so ...

if I had a muse:

I'd spread eagle him wide
jump on all fours.
body to body
let heat rise while I
watch, play on his
rising thermometer stick
round his doughy
flesh, with mounds
of cushiony breast. hot
buns shall be my treat.

... damn, I dont need a muse, I need a man !!

:catroar: ;)

Zen of the Bow

carved by thought the grain is tamed,
whittled by a man's hand,
smoothed by paper and sand
tied, bound and stressed
molding a grasping hold
forming its true shape and power

like the sun and the sky
the moon and the stars
the bow awaits its mate, the arrow

laid together they touch
Directed by vision
the two make a point
as one of them soars
'clumsy me'

I did not dive into your soul
like a cliff diver into the blue pacific
but climbed slowly from a summit
easing my way into you
a hands hold and a foot wedged
taught muscles wrestling
with the gravity of the situation
and some where
along the face of the cliff
I fell for you
My Erotic Trail said:

I could
would amuse my muse
shower him
in chocolate. dry him
off with tongue strokes
his flames higher
higher. dress him
in whipped
yes, my lil treat
much more
for me
to eat ...

*licks lips*

RhymeFairy said:

I could
would amuse my muse
shower him
in chocolate. dry him
off with tongue strokes
his flames higher
higher. dress him
in whipped
yes, my lil treat
much more
for me
to eat ...

*licks lips*


mmmm mmmmm good idea <grin (~_~)
love grows more every day
between two people's heart
and if they never meet death
does love continually compound?
is there no end to how much
love can grow?
so... after 70 some odd pages is it still about a chicken?

fingers stickin,

greazy, sleazy,
plump 'n

(sorry - i like fried chicken... ; )
HotKittySpank said:
so... after 70 some odd pages is it still about a chicken?

fingers stickin,

greazy, sleazy,
plump 'n

(sorry - i like fried chicken... ; )


it's a thread to post/play with poems... mostly humor, some serious, then my other thread 'Zen Mountain' is for 'enlightenment' poems and quotes. Just my little playground... welcome to post and play <grin ...
gracias dude,

so I could say:

I used to have many lovers,
one better than the others,
but when I awoke,
I found a short note,
"good-bye, I just fucked your mother..."

too trashy, not funny enough...
My Erotic Trail said:
love grows more every day
between two people's heart
and if they never meet death
does love continually compound?
is there no end to how much
love can grow?

compounding emotions

elements of love
get trans-potted. transferring
from one to another. forget
me not friction
plays a dilly dalliance
of deliverance.

showers of kisses
hills of hugs
petals of passion shall grow

nurture into never ending
eternal empathy. kindred
hearts flame, flowering
into blossoms of lust
secreting its seed
to sprout anew ...

just a thought ~ ;)
RhymeFairy said:
compounding emotions

elements of love
get trans-potted. transferring
from one to another. forget
me not friction
plays a dilly dalliance
of deliverance.

showers of kisses
hills of hugs
petals of passion shall grow

nurture into never ending
eternal empathy. kindred
hearts flame, flowering
into blossoms of lust
secreting its seed
to sprout anew ...

just a thought ~ ;)

two vines
that intertwine
though they be coupled
they are but one
a one legged grasshopper
stepped on an ant
seen only by the lizard
that had one eye closed
while the other eye searched
for the bob-tail cat
that usually was on the run
from the three legged doberman
or prowling for blind-sided mice

the cat bit off the lizards tail
but the lizard had grown another
in the time it took a seven legged spider
to spin a large oval web

the grasshopper made a lop-sided leap
and went crashing through the spider's web
the lizard's tongue lashed out
and captured its meal
as the bob-tail cat's stealth pounce
got it more than just a tail
then it +turned to see the doberman
close enough he didn't need legs.
Grasshoppers ...

Stir-fried, drizzled
with teriyaki sauce.
Just one taste is enough
to knock your socks off ...

*can I have huneey with that? *

:catroar: :p :D
RhymeFairy said:
Grasshoppers ...

Stir-fried, drizzled
with teriyaki sauce.
Just one taste is enough
to knock your socks off ...

*can I have huneey with that? *

:catroar: :p :D


this is a true tale
yesterday I was mowing the yard before the big rain and when I was done I went into the house. As I went up the steps I felt something in the crack of my butt cheeks but figured it was my shirt tail but by the time I was in the house I knew something was trying to wedge in my ass. I dropped my pants and a grasshopper came hopping out <grin no joke...
(based on a true event)

Nature's Awakening

a beautiful day unfolded
before my sleepy eyes
the sun arose
and colors filled the sky
as nature's song birds sang
walking into my awakening

a tiny little bird
flew near, then landed
and hobbled closer
I became absorbed
in the beauty of nature

a grey cat darted
from out of no-where
and pounced on the bird
then run away with a feathered mouth
I awoke to nature's world
My Erotic Trail said:

this is a true tale
yesterday I was mowing the yard before the big rain and when I was done I went into the house. As I went up the steps I felt something in the crack of my butt cheeks but figured it was my shirt tail but by the time I was in the house I knew something was trying to wedge in my ass. I dropped my pants and a grasshopper came hopping out <grin no joke...


omg ... :eek:

the question remains :
whatcha do with the grasshopper?

RhymeFairy said:

omg ... :eek:

the question remains :
whatcha do with the grasshopper?


laughing, I removed it, set it in the grass and it did not move, as if it was in as much shock as I was <grinin'
My Erotic Trail said:
laughing, I removed it, set it in the grass and it did not move, as if it was in as much shock as I was <grinin'

LMAO ~~ Only you Art, only you ~

RhymeFairy said:
LMAO ~~ Only you Art, only you ~


the grasshopper
climbed to the edge of a hole,
but, I think it was an ass
not so much the grasshopper
as its location
I got the gee willys
from little legs crawling
across my naked flesh
and call me anal
if you like
but there is no joy
in a grasshopper
entering a hole
behind, me
My Erotic Trail said:
the grasshopper
climbed to the edge of a hole,
but, I think it was an ass
not so much the grasshopper
as its location
I got the gee willys
from little legs crawling
across my naked flesh
and call me anal
if you like
but there is no joy
in a grasshopper
entering a hole
behind, me

I read this last night and about busted a tear laughing so hard. I have followed this story and what a treat ~!!!

I had a headache so no reply was forth coming ... had to come back, visit and check on the grasshopper ~

:rose: :D
RhymeFairy said:
I read this last night and about busted a tear laughing so hard. I have followed this story and what a treat ~!!!

I had a headache so no reply was forth coming ... had to come back, visit and check on the grasshopper ~

:rose: :D

I may have to do something with this poetic tale <grinin

My Erotic Trail said:
Ants in my pants?
Not exactly...
a grasshopper
strangely enough
found itself
at the edge of a hole,
but, I think it was an ass
not so much the grasshopper
as its location.

I got the creepy-willys
from little legs crawling
across my naked flesh
and call me anal
if you like
but there is no joy
in a grasshopper
entering a hole
behind, me.

I shed my clothes
faster than a coed in heat
and released this creature
from the caverns
of my denim's
setting the grasshopper
in the grass.

It seemed to be
in as much shock
as I was.
Questioning why,
a grasshopper
would wonder
to the crack
of my ass.

that is why
people wear
My Erotic Trail

My Erotic Trail
twists and turns
like a unpaved
country road.

Veiled by trees
that border the woods
filled with many tales
like a sheet
with a story
in it's print.

Revealing my tail
to a many lucky seductress'
on nights, I travel not
but as I look
into my past
I see
My Erotic Trail