Chasin' Chickens

My Erotic Trail said:
I used a stripper
on the door
peeled the finish
like clothes falling

rubbed the grain
like feminine curves
in the hard wood

I entered the opening
and splat
my stain


The Finish

I used a stripper
at the entry-way door
that peeled the finish
like clothes falling.

Following the grain
like feminine curves,
in the hard wood.

Satisfied with the nude cherry
I entered the opening,
over the threshold
I splattered my stain.

Pressing it in deeper,
stroking it vibrantly,
till I was content
with the finish.
twiddle dee
twiddle the thumb
the index finger
plays along
followed by digits
that mimick
their movements
playing flesh
like an ovation
she expresses
her feelings
by singing
in orgasims

The wooden Indian gleemed a weathered smile as I walk past him and out the back door. He had a full head-dress of splintered feathers, chiseled eyes and a knotched out smile. A Hand carved antiquity that stood head high. Both its hands were in front of him holding rolled cigars.
My Erotic Trail said:

The wooden Indian gleemed a weathered smile as I walk past him and out the back door. He had a full head-dress of splintered feathers, chiseled eyes and a knotched out smile. A Hand carved antiquity that stood head high. Both its hands were in front of him holding rolled cigars.

Why the cigars? :confused:

I have oft seen these Indians. Very poignant look about them. Seems as if the artist just gave up, a job half done. I feel as if the Indian deserved more than just a curt carving and squared out smile ....

RhymeFairy said:
Why the cigars? :confused:

I have oft seen these Indians. Very poignant look about them. Seems as if the artist just gave up, a job half done. I feel as if the Indian deserved more than just a curt carving and squared out smile ....


in our history, it states that in the mid 1800's to the early 1900's ships began being built with steel, replacing the wooden boats, this put a lot of wood carving craftsmen out of work. the need for these indians with cigars grew as a way to show a general goods store in a cheep enough manner. I am using one in a story I am writing and researched them and found it interesting. Especially the part of how a lot of out national finance first came from tobacoo crops and taxes etc, our country was built on these trades and now, the no smoking rage is upon us, I don't smoke but I believe you have a right to if you want to, cause I will smoke a cigar now and again <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
in our history, it states that in the mid 1800's to the early 1900's ships began being built with steel, replacing the wooden boats, this put a lot of wood carving craftsmen out of work. the need for these indians with cigars grew as a way to show a general goods store in a cheep enough manner. I am using one in a story I am writing and researched them and found it interesting. Especially the part of how a lot of out national finance first came from tobacoo crops and taxes etc, our country was built on these trades and now, the no smoking rage is upon us, I don't smoke but I believe you have a right to if you want to, cause I will smoke a cigar now and again <grin

Do you mean the wooden indian with cigars became a 'shop sign' much the same as the barber shop pole?

Was it coincidence these wooden indians increased when the ships began to be built with steel, or did the carvers move from ships to 'signs'?

Have you ever read John Barth's The Sod Weed Factor?
wildsweetone said:
Do you mean the wooden indian with cigars became a 'shop sign' much the same as the barber shop pole?

Was it coincidence these wooden indians increased when the ships began to be built with steel, or did the carvers move from ships to 'signs'?

Have you ever read John Barth's The Sod Weed Factor?

nope, can't say I have read that...

yes, craftsmen, wood carvers had to find new jobs, carving wooden indians for stores much like the barber pole caught on quickly, (thanks) many had cigars in there hands and many did not, if they did not, chances are they did not sell cigars <grin they also made many other carved personalities to lure buyers to their products.
Contrary to the Contra, in a jungle's world
I taught the depressed to rise, survive and thrive
when metal falls like rain and anvils explode
erasing decades of villages within minutes
and the children lay dreamless
an inferno of Central atrocities
when a govenor govens with a pistol grip
elemintaing those who think differently
I spread my wings and circle above them
while villagers take back their homes
and North took the heat
My Erotic Trail said:
Contrary to the Contra, in a jungle's world
I taught the depressed to rise, survive and thrive
when metal falls like rain and anvils explode
erasing decades of villages within minutes
and the children lay dreamless
an inferno of Central atrocities
when a govenor govens with a pistol grip
elemintaing those who think differently
I spread my wings and circle above them
while villagers take back their homes
and North took the heat

Now this is gripping my friend ~
I have read this three times and still see more
behind the words with each reading ~

RhymeFairy said:
Now this is gripping my friend ~
I have read this three times and still see more
behind the words with each reading ~


thanks RF, (~_~) I am working on it...
I know it is a touchy subject
but the memories have been... frequent lately
I was hoping to vent them by writing
so far... so good!
I hear the chickens clucking
scratching their feet
and pecking the ground
unhappy cause
the hawk can fly around
My Erotic Trail said:
Contrary to the Contra, in a jungle's world
I taught the depressed to rise, survive and thrive
when metal falls like rain and anvils explode
erasing decades of villages within minutes
and the children lay dreamless
an inferno of Central atrocities
when a govenor govens with a pistol grip
elemintaing those who think differently
I spread my wings and circle above them
while villagers take back their homes
and North took the heat

hey bro!
alby-watching this one grow.
Where is the insane trail of the slug? Missed it?

seranade said:
hey bro!
alby-watching this one grow.
Where is the insane trail of the slug? Missed it?


You didn't miss nothin' <grin
where the 'heck' are ya, virginia?
There in gentle hover
over gravel
scales are weightless
swimming through life
from one meal to another
sleeping in the cover of darkness
exploration of an oval world
the four corners
of a fish bowl
"What's it say?"

"I don't know?
I can't here a thing!"

(Lowering his head, turning
his ear to the page)

"I can't hear any thing!
But it reads...
Dropping in
to blow you a kiss,
seeing if
anything's a'miss

Tipping your nose
with a
How you doin'
Erotic Trail?
Three Year Old Runs A Foul ...

Sitting at the computer, alone so I thought.
In came the kids, I knew not what they sought.
The smallest one was holding a stick,
Looking up from puter, and trying to be quick.
I looked him over, waiting to see what was amiss,
When into the room came this ...

A big fat chicken came flying through,
Oh my, Holly crap, what to do.
Falling outta my chair, and jumping up fast,
I watch the chicken go flying past.
It flew through the kitchen, landing on the stove.
The kids screaming, laughing, me shouting "Catch him by Jove!!!"

After the chicken goes Lil son, stick in hand,
One would have thought he was leading the band.
Running, screaming, laughing with delight.
My kids were upon it, it was alight ...

Flying to the table, the desk, and chair.
I started screaming "Get away from there!!!"
It flew to the fridge, landing on the top.
Kids giggling, me screaming "I wish you would stop!!"

Stick waving, kids running, I am a mess.
The crazy thing flew right into my chest.
Jumping, dancing, screaming am I.
The kids rolling in laughter it flew right by.
Grabbing a towel, I lunge for it.
Tripping over myself "Oh Shit !!"

Catching my footing I throw the towel.
Finally catching that stupid fowl.
Smiling, laughing "Finally some relief"
Hearing my kids giving me grief.

Taking the chicken out the door.
Away that stupid chicken did soar.
Back into the house I went with glee.
Rid of that crazy chicken, happy I be.

The kids still laughing all over the house.
Except the Lil one, he was quiet as a mouse.
To my Lil love I did go.
Taking his stick, away I did throw.
Out the door the Lil one ran.
Chasing that stupid chicken again ...

Remember when ... Was thinking of you today my friend. I remembered writing this and what a kick you got out of it. :D

Thinking that was right around the time I started posting on this thread ...

:rose: :p
RhymeFairy said:
Sitting at the computer, alone so I thought.
In came the kids, I knew not what they sought.
The smallest one was holding a stick,
Looking up from puter, and trying to be quick.
I looked him over, waiting to see what was amiss,
When into the room came this ...

A big fat chicken came flying through,
Oh my, Holly crap, what to do.
Falling outta my chair, and jumping up fast,
I watch the chicken go flying past.
It flew through the kitchen, landing on the stove.
The kids screaming, laughing, me shouting "Catch him by Jove!!!"

After the chicken goes Lil son, stick in hand,
One would have thought he was leading the band.
Running, screaming, laughing with delight.
My kids were upon it, it was alight ...

Flying to the table, the desk, and chair.
I started screaming "Get away from there!!!"
It flew to the fridge, landing on the top.
Kids giggling, me screaming "I wish you would stop!!"

Stick waving, kids running, I am a mess.
The crazy thing flew right into my chest.
Jumping, dancing, screaming am I.
The kids rolling in laughter it flew right by.
Grabbing a towel, I lunge for it.
Tripping over myself "Oh Shit !!"

Catching my footing I throw the towel.
Finally catching that stupid fowl.
Smiling, laughing "Finally some relief"
Hearing my kids giving me grief.

Taking the chicken out the door.
Away that stupid chicken did soar.
Back into the house I went with glee.
Rid of that crazy chicken, happy I be.

The kids still laughing all over the house.
Except the Lil one, he was quiet as a mouse.
To my Lil love I did go.
Taking his stick, away I did throw.
Out the door the Lil one ran.
Chasing that stupid chicken again ...

Remember when ... Was thinking of you today my friend. I remembered writing this and what a kick you got out of it. :D

Thinking that was right around the time I started posting on this thread ...

:rose: :p

I remember this... <bigrin (~_~)
The Dove of Lovelady grove

Pin Oaks shade waves of grain
in corner pastures where lonliness sounds
carried by the wind across a meadow
the sun sets with the song of a dove

Craddled in a porch swing
a lulliby sang on harmonious lips
this single soul's memory of love
echoed in 'coos' of a distant love
This one? :devil:

I can chase your chicken
down the forbidden path
catch it ... stroke
it. Fluffing feathers, nice

Small pecks, licks
to soften the
down below. Legs kicking
feathers flying
stroking your fancy
to your cocks

:rolleyes: roflmao~ :nana:

Sorry my friend, had to be done. Which one are you talking about? You know I write these chicken poems just to keep you amused ... right? :D
RhymeFairy said:
This one? :devil:

I can chase your chicken
down the forbidden path
catch it ... stroke
it. Fluffing feathers, nice

Small pecks, licks
to soften the
down below. Legs kicking
feathers flying
stroking your fancy
to your cocks

:rolleyes: roflmao~ :nana:

Sorry my friend, had to be done. Which one are you talking about? You know I write these chicken poems just to keep you amused ... right? :D

yep, and I love them...
the one you sent by e-mail and it was by some one else? I had upgraded from aol 5.0 to 9.0 and all my old mail is gone. The 5.0 quit working, probably aol but I can't get it back up, never the less, I'll enjoy your chicken writes <bigrin
Silly goose ~!!! :p

My point being, I have a whole lotta chicken poems just like you. :eek:
I sent it in an email eh ... trying to remember.

*biting tongue and tapping foot * :confused:

Nope, no memory of that one. What else was it about? Give me a line, a word, anything ... I am sooo drawing a blank here my friend.

... I did have a minor wreck last week, so I do have a valid excuse ~ * whew ....

:eek: ... :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Silly goose ~!!! :p

My point being, I have a whole lotta chicken poems just like you. :eek:
I sent it in an email eh ... trying to remember.

*biting tongue and tapping foot * :confused:

Nope, no memory of that one. What else was it about? Give me a line, a word, anything ... I am sooo drawing a blank here my friend.

... I did have a minor wreck last week, so I do have a valid excuse ~ * whew ....

:eek: ... :rose:

what? a minor wreck? where? How?

by the way, I am chatting with Du Lac <BIGRIN