
I have been wearing a chastity cage periodically over the last 15 years. The longest I have continuously been caged is 2 1/2 months. Once it has been on for a few hours it is barely noticeable and is very comfortable.

I’m the same way and have been wearing mine about the same amount of time. We don’t use it for chastity but for control. My wife is my key holder. It started out as a novelty, we like to play fun games. But it is very comfortable and I enjoy wearing it and it doesn’t bother me. Funny thing last summer we had some exceptionally hot days. My wife felt my cage (metal) and thought it was too warm and should take it off for the 110+ weather since I would be out side. That night when she got in to bed and pulled back the sheet she started giggling because I had put it back on locked it and set the key on her nightstand.
I’m the same way and have been wearing mine about the same amount of time. We don’t use it for chastity but for control. My wife is my key holder. It started out as a novelty, we like to play fun games. But it is very comfortable and I enjoy wearing it and it doesn’t bother me. Funny thing last summer we had some exceptionally hot days. My wife felt my cage (metal) and thought it was too warm and should take it off for the 110+ weather since I would be out side. That night when she got in to bed and pulled back the sheet she started giggling because I had put it back on locked it and set the key on her nightstand.
Mine doesn’t bother me at all. I play golf and pickleball in it and I live where it is consistently at 105+. I have even worn it on a nude beach. The wife’s interest in participating wanes at times and then it is not as much fun.
Mine doesn’t bother me at all. I play golf and pickleball in it and I live where it is consistently at 105+. I have even worn it on a nude beach. The wife’s interest in participating wanes at times and then it is not as much fun.

I do most my activities wearing mine. Never gone to the beach but went to jury duty. In two weeks I only went through the metal detector twice. My wife is a nurse and she doesn’t want me damaging her stuff.