chit chat anyone?

I'll lick the bedposts, you can eat the sheets, and we'll invite the trekkie over to see if he can install a warp drive in my vibrator.
WickedEve said:
I'd have you eating the sheets. :D
Oops, I'm using B.B.'s job/chat thread as a flirt/hair-color/whatever thread. I'm bad. BAD!

I dunno, seems like perfectly good chitchat topics to me. I was going to say that your hair always seems brown to me, but ya beat me to it. Although, I think 'Gatha is right that you'd look marvelous as a redhead.

Edited bit
I think it's that mischievous gleam in your eyes, and twinkle sitting on your smile.
Remec said:
I prolly used to be, but time and other interests have drawn me out to other corners of the genre. <g> Especially when it comes to literature. Never been much for reading about the Trek universe...content with watching the tv shows and movies, and playing the occasional game (both roleplaying and tactical things like Star Fleet Battles)...scifiwise I prefer Niven and Heinlein and McCaffrey. But prolly tend more towards fantasy than science fiction in the long run...

But could certainly be a Trekkie if need be...<smile>
Oh. I'm sorry. I really don't know much about any of that. I know William Shatner and umm... Mork.
WickedEve said:
I'll lick the bedposts, you can eat the sheets, and we'll invite the trekkie over to see if he can install a warp drive in my vibrator.

hey wait...that's like....3 people
is that legal???
Tathagata said:
hey wait...that's like....3 people
is that legal???
Not in Virginia but it's okay in my bedroom... as long as we board up the windows.
WickedEve said:
Not in Virginia but it's okay in my bedroom... as long as we board up the windows.

i'll just tell the po-lice i'm yer brother....
Tathagata said:
i'll just tell the po-lice i'm yer brother....
I'm an only child but I have lots of cousins--most of them ugly, though. You know, I'm surprised the police didn't get me last night after what I did in the yard.
WickedEve said:
I'm an only child but I have lots of cousins--most of them ugly, though. You know, I'm surprised the police didn't get me last night after what I did in the yard.

an ugly's a role i was meant to play...


should I ask...and does it involve a possum??
WickedEve said:
Oh. I'm sorry. I really don't know much about any of that. I know William Shatner and umm... Mork.

You know Mork? From Ork? Did I ever tell you that I'm related to the Ritz brothers (the comedians, not the cracker people). They were kinda like the Marx brothers. It may explain a lot.

I'm cutting my hair. Some. Not a lot.
Angeline said:
You know Mork? From Ork? Did I ever tell you that I'm related to the Ritz brothers (the comedians, not the cracker people). They were kinda like the Marx brothers. It may explain a lot.

I'm cutting my hair. Some. Not a lot.

I used to watch the ritz brothers........

how short??

hello ange
:kiss: :rose:
Angeline said:
You know Mork? From Ork? Did I ever tell you that I'm related to the Ritz brothers (the comedians, not the cracker people). They were kinda like the Marx brothers. It may explain a lot.

I'm cutting my hair. Some. Not a lot.
Not really. I know his cousin. :eek:
I know Ritz crackers. Ritz brothers?
I'm definitely perming mine. I feel curlyicious.
Tathagata said:
an ugly's a role i was meant to play...


should I ask...and does it involve a possum??
It always involves a possum.
WickedEve said:
I'll lick the bedposts, you can eat the sheets, and we'll invite the trekkie over to see if he can install a warp drive in my vibrator.

"Och, ah dinnae thin' it'll handle da strain!" <g>

I guess I'd just have to fill in for the vibrator until a new one can be found...<EG>
WickedEve said:
Not really. I know his cousin. :eek:
I know Ritz crackers. Ritz brothers?
I'm definitely perming mine. I feel curlyicious.

You'll be so cute. I can't perm mine. I look like a jewish little orphan annie if I do that--not a look I'm shooting for...

I fell over Bobby Rydell's feet once. (I was 7 at the time, running, and uh not looking where I was going)
Remec said:
"Och, ah dinnae thin' it'll handle da strain!" <g>

I guess I'd just have to fill in for the vibrator until a new one can be found...<EG>
So, you're capable of a lot of shaking? By the way, I've broken 4 or 5 vibrators in the past year--seriously. Is it worth the risk?
WickedEve said:
Not really. I know his cousin. :eek:
I know Ritz crackers. Ritz brothers?
I'm definitely perming mine. I feel curlyicious.

I'm assuming it's not
" nyuk nyuk nyuk...coitenly" curlyicious?

and you do realize the curlyicious term will be used over and over in a blantantly sexual manner right??

:D :kiss:
Angeline said:
You'll be so cute. I can't perm mine. I look like a jewish little orphan annie if I do that--not a look I'm shooting for...

I fell over Bobby Rydell's feet once. (I was 7 at the time, running, and uh not looking where I was going)
The perm I have is nearly gone. I'm naturally flat and stringy... but I don't worry about it as long as there are chemicals out there!
Angeline said:
You'll be so cute. I can't perm mine. I look like a jewish little orphan annie if I do that--not a look I'm shooting for...

I fell over Bobby Rydell's feet once. (I was 7 at the time, running, and uh not looking where I was going)

" the sun vill come should live so long"

:D :kiss:
Tathagata said:
I'm assuming it's not
" nyuk nyuk nyuk...coitenly" curlyicious?

and you do realize the curlyicious term will be used over and over in a blantantly sexual manner right??

:D :kiss:
Oh, tath, you firm monkey man, you sexy... oh god, why is that thing all curlyicious looking? Is that normal?

Yeah, I like that word. :D
<pokes 'is head out>

Did someone say... sci-fi/fantasy?

Heinlein? Got 'em all! Niven? Got enough!...

But why no mention of Stephen R. Donaldson? The first and second (and soon third!) Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever (Coolest title ever, by the way... "I am The Unbeliever"...RULES!) C.J. Cherryh deserves mention and in the strict fantasy realm, Robin Hobb needs three mentions, eight pumps and liberal squeezing. The farseer novels are excellent, as well as the tawny man novels. #3's due out soon!

I haven't cut my hair since last november, so it's all long 'n pretty an' whatnot, now.

"i'm a brunette in all my hair"

...I knew a girl who dyed her pubies blue and green, once, to match her tu-tone top-hair.

.....In other news, Eve-il, you're so pretty, stop fishing! Fisherwoman! ...and that picture of your saran-wrapped booty secretly gave me a boner.

"Boi-oi-oiiing! Boing! Ba-doiiiing!"

as a side-note, remind me to regulate my caffeine intake.

WickedEve said:
Oh, tath, you firm monkey man, you sexy... oh god, why is that thing all curlyicious looking? Is that normal?

Yeah, I like that word. :D

That's a war wound...a vietnamese basket job i got in saigon back in 72
bitch had the bungee chord wound to tight...

pay no attention if i scream " pop the cork" at moments of extreme pleasure....
DeepAsleep said:
...In other news, Eve-il, you're so pretty, stop fishing! Fisherwoman! ...and that picture of your saran-wrapped booty secretly gave me a boner.

"Boi-oi-oiiing! Boing! Ba-doiiiing!"

as a side-note, remind me to regulate my caffeine intake.

Was my ass saran wrapped? Jeez... tath just said something about me being a pot roast. Maybe I should be saran wrapped to keep the freshness in.