chit chat anyone?

WickedEve said:
So, you're capable of a lot of shaking? By the way, I've broken 4 or 5 vibrators in the past year--seriously. Is it worth the risk?

This was rhetorical, yes? hehehe
WickedEve said:
I'm definitely perming mine. I feel curlyicious.

Growing up in the 60s, I yearned, for long straight hair! Instead, my natural curls were unruly, frizzy and totally 'unhip'! I can remember begging my mother to use hair relaxers on me, and even they didn't work. :(

Now, people pay mucho dinero for perms. And I have a crew cut. Go figure...
WickedEve said:
Was my ass saran wrapped? Jeez... tath just said something about me being a pot roast. Maybe I should be saran wrapped to keep the freshness in.

..I distinctly remember an av with a butt in saranwrap, or some other kind of clear plastic business.
DeepAsleep said:
<pokes 'is head out>

Did someone say... sci-fi/fantasy?

Heinlein? Got 'em all! Niven? Got enough!...

But why no mention of Stephen R. Donaldson? The first and second (and soon third!) Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever (Coolest title ever, by the way... "I am The Unbeliever"...RULES!) C.J. Cherryh deserves mention and in the strict fantasy realm, Robin Hobb needs three mentions, eight pumps and liberal squeezing. The farseer novels are excellent, as well as the tawny man novels. #3's due out soon!

I haven't cut my hair since last november, so it's all long 'n pretty an' whatnot, now.

as a side-note, remind me to regulate my caffeine intake.


do shots of Kona espresso
3 or 4 in the morning..then write
it's like mainlining crystal

ever read " Robots Have No Tails" - lewis padgett/ henry kuttner\
about scientist named Gallagher who invents things while he's drunk and then has no idea what to do with them when he sobers up

you can see why it appealed to me...
DeepAsleep said:
..I distinctly remember an av with a butt in saranwrap, or some other kind of clear plastic business.
Well, it wasn't my butt! You can't even keep your butts straight! :D
WickedEve said:
Well, it wasn't my butt! You can't even keep your butts straight! :D


I'm lost and scared, now.



Tathagata said:
do shots of Kona espresso
3 or 4 in the morning..then write
it's like mainlining crystal

ever read " Robots Have No Tails" - lewis padgett/ henry kuttner\
about scientist named Gallagher who invents things while he's drunk and then has no idea what to do with them when he sobers up

you can see why it appealed to me...

No, but I'm writing it down for the next time I go to the used book store (my second home)
WickedEve said:
Well, it wasn't my butt! You can't even keep your butts straight! :D

i think he means the white lace/ tap pants av
( no i havent studied them why??)
it looked like sran wrap.....kinda......
Tathagata said:
i think he means the white lace/ tap pants av
( no i havent studied them why??)
it looked like sran wrap.....kinda......

Dadblammit, it was an Eve, and it was a butt, and it looked like plastic wrap to me!


I suck.
DeepAsleep said:
No, but I'm writing it down for the next time I go to the used book store (my second home)

probably out of print....
you can get a decent copy from a used place....
Tathagata said:
probably out of print....
you can get a decent copy from a used place....

You get the best copies from the used bookstore. They already smell right, they're already broken in, and if you get the right copy, the dog-ears are already in the right place. I've got a copy of Still Life With Woodpecker by Tom Robbins that I snagged at the bookstore I go to that already had corners turned down at all the parts I liked the best.

Used books are the way to go.
Tathagata said:
i think he means the white lace/ tap pants av
( no i havent studied them why??)
it looked like sran wrap.....kinda......
Hmm, you always seem to have all the details, don't you monkey?
WickedEve said:
it's pointless to tell you my point since you wouldn't get the point.

Did you hear about the John Kerry pencil??
it has no point...


ok how about..

I got a point for ya right here??
Tathagata said:

ok how about..

I got a point for ya right here??
Don't tease me, monkey. I've been pointless far too long and I'm ready to sharpen any point that gets close enough.
I suddenly had a horrible thought! 10 years from now I could still be... you know, pointless. I'll be old and surrounded by broken dildos. And pizza delivery boys and UPS guys will be too scared to deliver anything...especially the point!
WickedEve said:
I'd have you eating the sheets. :D
Oops, I'm using B.B.'s job/chat thread as a flirt/hair-color/whatever thread. I'm bad. BAD!

hmmm job chat or flirting?? ..gee, tough choice!!:rolleyes:
Tathagata said:
" the sun vill come should live so long"

:D :kiss:

I'm so glad I didn't actually hear you sing that. I'd have to slap you--but you'd like that, wouldn't you? :D

WickedEve said:
I suddenly had a horrible thought! 10 years from now I could still be... you know, pointless. I'll be old and surrounded by broken dildos. And pizza delivery boys and UPS guys will be too scared to deliver anything...especially the point!

so....the difference would'd be older??


ok ok
I'll hit mapquest and drive down to ole virginny and slip you the point...
course me being a yankee they'll probably lynch me...
WickedEve said:
Don't tease me, monkey. I've been pointless far too long and I'm ready to sharpen any point that gets close enough.

of a monkey..damn you are desperate!!:D
Tathagata said:
so....the difference would'd be older??


ok ok
I'll hit mapquest and drive down to ole virginny and slip you the point...
course me being a yankee they'll probably lynch me...
Well, you'd finally be hung for once. LOL :D