Clicking off the safety

He dips his in coffee at times. :p

I know the thread started off a while ago, but this just really strikes a chord within me.

I'm a sadist. And not just the kinky cuddly kind. There is a raving lunatic within my psyche that would like nothing better to be riding with the Khan, raping, looting and pillaging with the Horde.

The best way I can describe it is like this....

Have you ever seen the movie "Saving Private Ryan"? Remember the knife fight scene? Okay, I'm straight, but that is absolutely the hottest movie scene I've ever watched. I find it highly erotic watching the knife slide into the soldiers chest, the German talking softly, gently, almost lovingly as the GI slowly dies.

Close behind that is the ending of "Looking for Mister Goodbar" where the guy strangles the girl as they are having sex. OMG hot.

There is one, and only one thing that keeps me from living out similar fantasies. An extremely strong sense of self-preservation. I do NOT want to spend the rest of my life sharing a cell with some 6'5" gorilla named "Tiny" and being asked if I want it in the mouth or the ass.

I'm a sadist. I'm just not an out of control or stupid one.