Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from 2024 ballot

Why do you think the constitution came into being and continues to exist? Did it just fall out of the sky as sacred text? It's there to serve the ruling class and their profit making. The government and federal forces are not neutral arbiters of fairness, but represent the interests of big business capitalists as a whole.

The US big business class don't want Trump winning in 2024, including possibly removing him from the ballot if needs be, because they find him unreliable in terms of their future profit making and the reputation of US establishment institutions.

In regards to the judge or anyone involved in getting Trump removed from ballot papers, or testing the idea. Who is he close to in terms of powerful and rich people? What are his business links? Any links between his business interests and businesses that give money to Biden's political campaigns? That sort of thing. You can ask the same thing on Trump's side as well, but Biden will have most of the big internationalist corporations on side.

I am more aware of the history of the country, our founding, the documents and the context they emerged in than most.

I am also aware that your problems with it are not going to be addressed by cliches and conspiracy theory-like verbiage.

You tell me. You are the one who keeps insisting this ruling is tied to capitalism. Instead of answering as to how and who, I'm getting trite cliches with vague "theys" as culprits of this master plan.

No sensible and truly patriotic person wants Trump on the ballot after J6.
You tell me. You are the one who keeps insisting this ruling is tied to capitalism. Instead of answering as to how and who, I'm getting trite cliches with vague "theys" as culprits of this master plan.
What explanation would satisfy you? Do you see the reality that the government, legal, military, police etc. authorities serve the richest in society, and protect their profits, landholdings etc? Or are you under the illusion that all these authorities are just neutral and fair arbiters (i.e. referees) who govern for us all fairly?
What explanation would satisfy you? Do you see the reality that the government, legal, military, police etc. authorities serve the richest in society, and protect their profits, landholdings etc? Or are you under the illusion that all these authorities are just neutral and fair arbiters (i.e. referees) who govern for us all fairly?

I feel like a broken record.

How were the people from the case - the litigants, the justices - influenced by which corporations and people for this case?

The problem is that you are making a stand based on cliches when we have a very real very serious problem with the Trump candidacy. He is a fucking traitor. He engaged in insurrection and would sell out the country in one half of one heartbeat if it meant he could make a buck.

The court did the right thing. He shouldn't be anywhere near the ballot. The court took a stand in defense of the constitution and country.

Regardless of your opinion of said constitution or country.
I feel like a broken record.

How were the people from the case - the litigants, the justices - influenced by which corporations and people for this case?

The problem is that you are making a stand based on cliches when we have a very real very serious problem with the Trump candidacy. He is a fucking traitor. He engaged in insurrection and would sell out the country in one half of one heartbeat if it meant he could make a buck.

The court did the right thing. He shouldn't be anywhere near the ballot. The court took a stand in defense of the constitution and country.

Regardless of your opinion of said constitution or country.

I have an image of you playing catch with "Becky", and despite your softly lobbed throws, and alerts to "Becky” that the ball is coming, “Becky" keeps failing to catch the ball, and repeatedly gets hit in the head.

It’s painful to watch… but also somewhat amusing.

Considering that elections are controlled by the state/counties then I don't see SCOTUS siding with him. My guess is they will reject the case and let the state supreme court decision stand.
It would be hard for SCOTUS to consider abortion a states rights issue, but state election laws and decisions a federal one. It's gonna take a few extra paid vacations and mother's houses bought to overturn CO's ruling.
It would be hard for SCOTUS to consider abortion a states rights issue, but state election laws and decisions a federal one. It's gonna take a few extra paid vacations and mother's houses bought to overturn CO's ruling.

So you’re saying it’s in the bag for Drumpf…

So you’re saying it’s in the bag for Drumpf…

Considering we're all living in the Upside-Down now, nothing will surprise me anymore.

And why is it all of you political wonks are always up late, but none of my fellow perverts over on Fetish and Sexuality Central ever are? 😉
It would be hard for SCOTUS to consider abortion a states rights issue, but state election laws and decisions a federal one. It's gonna take a few extra paid vacations and mother's houses bought to overturn CO's ruling.

I think Thomas and Alito are in the bag for trying to overturn it. But the other seven may not be so quick.

The reality is that they would be putting the approval stamp on any future president engaging in insurrection as constitutional. That's a lot to say is okay. I think even Barrett would have problems with that.

The laws are very clear in states having control of elections - all elections. I'll be curious to see if they take this case up just how they grapple with that.
Considering we're all living in the Upside-Down now, nothing will surprise me anymore.

And why is it all of you political wonks are always up so late, but none of my fellow perverts over on Fetish and Sexuality Central ever are? 😉

Apparently I haven't had enough hits off the peace pipe yet. Ha.
Trump is a creation of the left, because of nonsense like this ruling. He would have faded into obscurity had the left not decided to make him a Martyr.

Trump wasn't going to win Colorado anyway, so the ruling is irrelevant as a practical mater. But the ruling feeds the narrative that Trump is being persecuted by liberal judges and prosecutors.
Trump is a creation of the left, because of nonsense like this ruling. He would have faded into obscurity had the left not decided to make him a Martyr.

Trump wasn't going to win Colorado anyway, so the ruling is irrelevant as a practical mater. But the ruling feeds the narrative that Trump is being persecuted by liberal judges and prosecutors.

Do you feel the same way about all criminals?
Trump is a creation of the left, because of nonsense like this ruling. He would have faded into obscurity had the left not decided to make him a Martyr.

Trump wasn't going to win Colorado anyway, so the ruling is irrelevant as a practical mater. But the ruling feeds the narrative that Trump is being persecuted by liberal judges and prosecutors.
Ahhhhh yes.
I along with all my liberal friends got together sitting before a warm fire smoking cigars and sipping cognac thinking the best way to screw with everyone is to turn a suck up wannabe 90s democrat into a republican with just a slight bent towards authoritarianism.
Trump is a creation of the left, because of nonsense like this ruling.
LOL he's what? If anything, Trump is a creation of television, mainly "the apprentice".
He would have faded into obscurity had the left not decided to make him a Martyr.
Trump has been seeking the spotlight his entire life, Trump himself would never fade into the lime light.
Trump wasn't going to win Colorado anyway, so the ruling is irrelevant as a practical mater.
Not really, this shoves it into SCOTUS's face,and it's going to be very hard for SCOTUS not to rule on it. So it is very relevant as a political matter.

But the ruling feeds the narrative that Trump is being persecuted by liberal judges and prosecutors.
The only people feeding that narrative are Trump himself, his campaign and his ardent supporters.
Well apparently because it was a 4-3, it is pretty much a guarantee they'll take up the case.

What will they rule, now that will be interesting.
I’m annoyed and don’t know how to express my exact why (I know!).
I think my complaint is against the two tiered judicial system. His trials haven’t even started yet, but from day one I’ve always been upset with the judicial hang wringing over everything this asshole does. Is the president an exempt king or subject to the laws that he takes an oath to uphold? Chop chop! Hurry up! It would seem clear that this judicial process should’ve started on January 7, 2020.
The Trump-stacked SCOTUS will overrule the Colorado decision on the grounds that a court must rule on whether inciting a mob to violently break into a secure area for the purpose of overturning election results and hanging the Vice President might be considered insurrection.

Gotta protect the safe space of the fascist who appointed these "Justices"!
Trump is a creation of the left, because of nonsense like this ruling. He would have faded into obscurity had the left not decided to make him a Martyr.

Trump wasn't going to win Colorado anyway, so the ruling is irrelevant as a practical mater. But the ruling feeds the narrative that Trump is being persecuted by liberal judges and prosecutors.

Did you miss the post that immediately preceded yours???



Hope that ^ helps.


👉 JohnnySalvage 🤣

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I’m annoyed and don’t know how to express my exact why (I know!).
I think my complaint is against the two tiered judicial system. His trials haven’t even started yet, but from day one I’ve always been upset with the judicial hang wringing over everything this asshole does. Is the president an exempt king or subject to the laws that he takes an oath to uphold? Chop chop! Hurry up! It would seem clear that this judicial process should’ve started on January 7, 2020.

It’s the "Deep State’s" 3 YEAR "rush to judgement / justice"…

Just ask ineedhelp1.



Much as I like the obvious being upheld again--that Trump tried to lead an unsuccessful coup against the United States--I think the ruling is premature. He hasn't been charged or convicted of that yet. I think that's how the U.S. SC will rule--that he hasn't been convicted of that and that it thus isn't covered by the 14th amendment. It's a national election. I don't see the U.S. SC ruling that a state has total control over denying a candidate in a national election.

Beyond that, the move doesn't have much meaning. Colorado has been a blue state since 2004. I don't think the Trump campaign has seen Colorado's electoral votes as being in their column.
Much as I like the obvious being upheld again--that Trump tried to lead an unsuccessful coup against the United States--I think the ruling is premature. He hasn't been charged or convicted of that yet. I think that's how the U.S. SC will rule--that he hasn't been convicted of that and that it thus isn't covered by the 14th amendment. It's a national election. I don't see the U.S. SC ruling that a state has total control over denying a candidate in a national election.

Beyond that, the move doesn't have much meaning. Colorado has been a blue state since 2004. I don't think the Trump campaign has seen Colorado's electoral votes as being in their column.
Agreed. I fully expect SCOTUS to reinstate him to the ballot. The challenge lawsuit was a test case in a safe state.

That being said, I don't believe 45 has the awareness outside of his ego to recognize the harm he's done to the country. His refusal to participate in the peaceful transfer of power will impact us from now on.

He shouldve used the election as an opportunity to improve election integrity, but Instead has done the opposite
“This should be up to the people! Let the voters decide!”

- Republicans who tried to toss out the votes of 81 million Americans on January 6th.

(Via Jojo on threads)
The orange ones play is always the same: delay, delay, delay. I don’t think this is premature because there’s an urgency to this if he is able to get back into office. SCOTUS Needs to make a ruling on this BEFORE the elections. And the sooner the better! He has made it clear what he intends to do with all his troubles if he has the power granted to him from the office of the presidency.

I’m gonna do my Matlock and say it may come down to the argument of does “engaged” in insurrection mean a court conviction is necessary. Even if this is a yes, how can the Supreme Court ignore a person telling you they plan to be a dictator on day one? The courts have granted police authority to usurp a person’s civil rights in case of an emergency. Here you have the creepy guy in a van telling you he intends to entice children with candy. America? Run! Gurl, you in danger!