After All Of The Sanctimonious BS And Handwringing About Election Certification

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren should not be taken seriously.
I take all the Marxists very seriously. They babble along about all the inequities of life so that they can steal my money, form commissions, establish well paid bureaucracies, not ever solve my problem, and tax me more.

For a problem that shouldn't exist on either side of the aisle.

Let me suck whatever cock I want to in peace. No government intervention necessary.

Thank you very much.
I take all the Marxists very seriously. They babble along about all the inequities of life so that they can steal my money, form commissions, establish well paid bureaucracies, not ever solve my problem, and tax me more.

For a problem that shouldn't exist on either side of the aisle.

Let me suck whatever cock I want to in peace. No government intervention necessary.

Thank you very much.
Hmm? Do marxists double tax? That’s what the Trumplikans figured always good.

You can suck who you want, you just might be able to read about it in books, marry your lover or visit them on your death bed, but maybe you be allowed to pursue some of what makes you happy

As for Florida votes ? There are those votes in 2000 that weren’t counted and all those whose votes were stopped by the legislature after the People of Florida voted to allow them to vote

Yup! Got to love Florida.., the future larger improved Florida Keys North
Thank you. I've been here a week or so with a profile. Long time reader, first time writer. TRANNY FOR TRUMP.

Sorry for those of you still trapped in California, New York or Michigan. (see how I avoided the Oxford comma there? even though work insists it's imperative)

I'm 50.00001% sure my propper Florida votes might actually go through. Not so sure about the rest of our land.
Despite what you might have heard from the right-wing media, there is no widespread election fraud in the United States. Thanks to Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression, we don't have free and fair elections everywhere in the country yet, but that's slowly being rectified.
That's how it was working in 2020 as well, when you decided to wet your pants and claim "insurrection!" The Democrats have contested every Republican presidential victory that I can remember.
Oh fuck off with the deflection, you got your ass handed to you again because you're a fucking dunce. Christ I'm not even an American I know more about your history than you do!!
I take all the Marxists very seriously. They babble along about all the inequities of life so that they can steal my money, form commissions, establish well paid bureaucracies, not ever solve my problem, and tax me more.

For a problem that shouldn't exist on either side of the aisle.

Let me suck whatever cock I want to in peace. No government intervention necessary.

Thank you very much.

We don't have Marxists in this country to any degree worthy of discussion. What exactly is your problem? Seriously you said "we" don't solve your problem so what is it we are not solving?
guess who doesn't get a blow job? ☝️

We're pretty happy here regardless; thanks for ruining it govvy
Thank you. I've been here a week or so with a profile. Long time reader, first time writer. TRANNY FOR TRUMP.
Oof. That's kiiiiiinda unfortunate. :cry:

The Trump part, not the tranny part.

You might be kinda disappointed in your 'Pub party brethren in this'a here parts, because they would rather toss you off the cliff like Thanos did to Gamora after you vote for the Orangina Overlord and then pretend the abomination of you didn't exist while whistling to the bank to buy shitty golden sneakers.


otherwise, welcome to the circus and enjoy your stay! Potluck dinners are on Wednesdays during bingo nights and we recycle our plastics on Thursdays! :ROFLMAO:
That's how it was working in 2020 as well, when you decided to wet your pants and claim "insurrection!" The Democrats have contested every Republican presidential victory that I can remember.
Yeah I remember seeing them each time call a large gathering-Bill especially to circle the wagons for his VP, bashing police with flags, breaking windows of the Capitol, except they had a person in a faux fur sitting in the big chair?

What kinds of drugs are you on exactly? Please talk to your doctor because they are having adverse reactions to your perception of reality.

These “news” sites you follow have filled you with all kinds of garbage, do you support them by buying whatever crap they sell as well? Is that crap what is reacting with your Rx?

You gotta tell your doctor this stuff.

Unless (gasp!), your doctor is one of the liberal elites deployed by Soros to keep the conservative voice quiet. Clearly your doctor isn’t effective if that is that case, but is doing a great job executive producing the clown show that you put out there.

When does your content pivot to Lit+?
Trump has already said that he'll declare himself the winner of the next election no matter how the voting goes. I don't know why he's even campaigning.
Oof. That's kiiiiiinda unfortunate. :cry:

The Trump part, not the tranny part.

You might be kinda disappointed in your 'Pub party brethren in this'a here parts, because they would rather toss you off the cliff like Thanos did to Gamora after you vote for the Orangina Overlord and then pretend the abomination of you didn't exist while whistling to the bank to buy shitty golden sneakers.


otherwise, welcome to the circus and enjoy your stay! Potluck dinners are on Wednesdays during bingo nights and we recycle our plastics on Thursdays! :ROFLMAO:
That's the nicest thing anybody has said yo me in hours! Thank you soooo much (insert big fake smile here).

My main purpose of being here is to ensure I "accidentally" get caught having sex with your significant other. On the 7th time we cheated on you.
Rightguide started this thread, not moi.

Have you swallowed the Pox Nurgle kool aid? Or maybe you forgot which account you were posting with?
Perhaps the two of you share similar thoughts, and I may have missed the origin of the thread.

I don't know what you mean with which account I post. I have only one account on Lit that I use. I don't use those 'Alt' things that get bantered about throughout these threads. You are mistaken if you believe otherwise.

Kool-Aid was a kids' thing until James Jones used Flavor Aid with poison, and then it became mislabeled as 'drinking someone's Kool-Aid' to their detriment. Obviously, you are using the inflammatory rhetoric term to refer to someone, me, as unwilling to change an opinion based on newly presented facts. I'm not that person. I form opinions trying for balance based upon legitimate news sources, and, of course, those are tinged with eighty-five years of past experiences.

[Unlike Donald Trump and Joe Biden - my faculties remain sharper than both. Though, with age, I am getting there - just not today.]
That's the nicest thing anybody has said yo me in hours! Thank you soooo much (insert big fake smile here).

My main purpose of being here is to ensure I "accidentally" get caught having sex with your significant other. On the 7th time we cheated on you.
Reprehensible political bent aside, what makes you think it would be an "accident?"

I just might be the one filming you two and using the content for the OnlyFans account.
