Commentary on the forum

Re: I figured it all out!!!

P. B. Walker said:
Outside OBserver is really MzChrista! LMAO... juuuusst kidding.

Why are ya'll giving this person so much of your time. I've stated it before... these threads never result in good. Just let it drop. How many times has a thread like this popped up? I can remember at least 2 others. Nothing ever came of it. And once everyone stopped posting to it, it went away. It's a troll just like the rest. Nobody gave that jamescarter puke much thought, so why bother with this one? Don't fall into their trap. Be strong. Resist the urrrge.. yes I know it's tough. Sorry treating this in a silly manner, but I think some of you are taking this WAY too serious. Remember this: only you can give the troll power. Think about it.

PBW "Oh yeah... Hey Cym, long time no see. Welcome back." <--- I just had to. :)

Good idea PB, but just having to say it to everyone, gives the troll as much attention as not saying it. I think why not, we are on a lit board might as well post against the trolls as well as posting on the legitimate threads.

Re: Re: I figured it all out!!!

mistresssilkeng said:
Good idea PB, but just having to say it to everyone, gives the troll as much attention as not saying it. I think why not, we are on a lit board might as well post against the trolls as well as posting on the legitimate threads.


True... which is partly why I've shut up about it... but bascially... only we can feed the beast. Shrug. If you want to keep him/her around... just keep feeding away.

PBW "Let me get the popcorn so I can watch the show. :)"
Don't lurk, you are right!

Azzy said:
As a dedicated lurker who has been here for months, bore witness to the flaming and mass exodus, and for a time tried to post positively in the forum, wholeheartedly agree with Chele and Zip.

I regret my quote of Lance's post and hasty question. However, I really believe some very rash statements have been made, and too many accusations flung.

Step back and breathe people, before this gets out of hand again.

With that, I respectfully return to lurk mode. At least no one can say that I don't have the guts to post with my own ID.

I agree. I am not gonna jump on the bandwagon. I do not care who OO is. Also, Pure, if I have done you wrong, I apologize publicly.

RS, you rock and I will say right now, congrats on your Phd. I am too damned lazy myself to get mine, so I admire those who do.

Re: Re: Re: I figured it all out!!!

P. B. Walker said:
True... which is partly why I've shut up about it... but bascially... only we can feed the beast. Shrug. If you want to keep him/her around... just keep feeding away.

PBW "Let me get the popcorn so I can watch the show. :)"

I have not been here to know the players or the fight, LOL but i like cheesy popcorn if your sharing ;)

Re: Re: Re: I figured it all out!!!

P. B. Walker said:
True... which is partly why I've shut up about it... but bascially... only we can feed the beast. Shrug. If you want to keep him/her around... just keep feeding away.

PBW "Let me get the popcorn so I can watch the show. :)"

Bend over instead! I'll find something else to watch!

Eb, <OK, old habits die hard>
Pure said:

It's unfortunate you raised valid questions about 'quality' in such an ill manner, esp. with your insults directed at an excellent moderator (and contributor).

Some have confused you with me, which is also a muck up due to your concealed identity. I don't suppose you'd clarify your identity in any way. I'm unsure why you highlight the word 'purely' in your posting of late.

There's a lot of jumping to wrong conclusions around here.


Pure, if you've been unfairly blamed for this, please accept my apology. I've done my best to edit out the flaming which was directed at you, and the accusations made in the absence of concrete evidence.

mistresssilkeng said:
Wouldn't care for a pickle, but green olives yes.. is there a menu to select from?


Green olives if they are queen sized, the big ones.

I also am apologizing to Pure if OO is setting you up.

I will edit the post because that truth that I spoke there, would have been better placed in a pm.

I am sorry if I added to a cross burning of which you should not have been a part.
Lancecastor said:

Ishmael, who rarely posts here, nailed her perfectly early on as someone here not to participate, but to gather information.

I've wondered since if perhaps Ish knows Pure under an a different Identity.


Nope, I don't even know it it's a hemale or a shemale.

You don't need to know any identity to read the tea leaves though.

Re: I figured it all out!!!

P. B. Walker said:
Outside OBserver is really MzChrista! LMAO... juuuusst kidding.

Don't fall into their trap. Be strong. Resist the urrrge.. yes I know it's tough. Sorry treating this in a silly manner, but I think some of you are taking this WAY too serious. Remember this: only you can give the troll power. Think about it.

But PB, we're all in different places in our heads and we all percieve the message differently. Had this poster hit on some issue you feel hot about (I don't know, what do you feel hot about?) you might have felt it worthwhile to answer even if you thought he was also a troll. Others are answering not because they see this thread as that important but because it's fun. Rufutation can often be fun, I agree with that. Remember, a forum without fluff is like a hitchhiker without a towel!

It doesn't matter if people answer this thread or if they don't answer it. I'm glad people are, because I am learning things about all of you by reading your answers (stares around with her evil mouth-eyeball, lol).

Also, why is a person who seems to have legitimate and strongly held beliefs, no matter how ill-presented, considered a troll? That seems like an overly cynical conclusion to jump to. The thread-starter message just struck me as disappointed--for wrong reasons largely having to do with false expectations towards humanity--but sincerely disappointed nontheless. My understanding of a troll is someone, well, like Lance except unknown, who purposefully goes around trying to yank people's tails all the time. I sense no ill-willed maliciousness of the troll variety in this Observer poster, but I haven't studied every word he's written. This is just my general impression of his tone.

Re: Re: I figured it all out!!!

UCE said:
But PB, we're all in different places in our heads and we all percieve the message differently. Had this poster hit on some issue you feel hot about (I don't know, what do you feel hot about?) you might have felt it worthwhile to answer even if you thought he was also a troll. Others are answering not because they see this thread as that important but because it's fun. Rufutation can often be fun, I agree with that. Remember, a forum without fluff is like a hitchhiker without a towel!

It doesn't matter if people answer this thread or if they don't answer it. I'm glad people are, because I am learning things about all of you by reading your answers (stares around with her evil mouth-eyeball, lol).

Also, why is a person who seems to have legitimate and strongly held beliefs, no matter how ill-presented, considered a troll? That seems like an overly cynical conclusion to jump to. The thread-starter message just struck me as disappointed--for wrong reasons largely having to do with false expectations towards humanity--but sincerely disappointed nontheless. My understanding of a troll is someone, well, like Lance except unknown, who purposefully goes around trying to yank people's tails all the time. I sense no ill-willed maliciousness of the troll variety in this Observer poster, but I haven't studied every word he's written. This is just my general impression of his tone.


True, UCE, some do get hot. I have to admit, there were a few comments that got me hot. But why respond? Why do we need to explain ourselves to a faceless person? I'll say it again, nothing ever comes from these threads. Just my experience. Take it or leave it. :)

Trolls, unregistereds, whoever... they are all the same in my book. Some are less malicious than others, true. I've never felt the need to post anything anonymously. If I'm not able to stand behind my posts as who I am, then I just keep them to myself. Simple enough.

Yes, humor has it's place. And if that was all people responded with, then I be cool with it. But getting so bent out of shape just means this person has succeeded in their task.

Re: Re: Re: I figured it all out!!!

P. B. Walker said:
Yes, humor has it's place. And if that was all people responded with, then I be cool with it. But getting so bent out of shape just means this person has succeeded in their task.


On this point we are in total agreement PB, I believe it gives the goader satisfaction to upset a poster or to create more arguments by his/her postings. I admit to enjoying a good laugh at the goading, but i hope that none affect Me enough to get bogged down in all the fighting.

Posting "who you are"

I do not think most people post who they really are. I know I do not. I post who I am as a dominant without giving my privacy away. Those of us who have bothered to register, use screen names, and the avatars are can be dramatizations of who we think we are.

You can adopt an alter ego without exposing yourself. So I find that those who do not register, just do so to cause trouble. They know registering under some fake name will not bring retribution, but they choose to be "unregistered" so that they cannot be held accountable.

Fluff ........

That has to be one of the descriptions I have seen in any room or forum on the net........


Hey ........ with such bad words being used here I must say that you people are pretty nice when your being mean...

well ....... PBW's ..... fighten with a grin kinda sums all this up I would say.

But this is what happens ..... everywhere you go on the web!

zipman7 said:

Lance - I don't know if I've ever met anyone who holds a grudge as long as you do. I know you hate Cym, but your perceptions and comments about KT are just plain wrong. Regardless of anything you may think, Outside Observer started this here, on Lit. It was not a KT argument that spilled over here and I think you know it.

He has the proof, why push it?
Originally posted by Unda

You are clueless about this particular issue, my man or woman. Fluff is an essential ingredient in the complex mix known as a message forum. Without allowing fluff, or in places where fluff is censored or disapproved of, you kill everyone's motivations for posting, including the motivations of those of us who know the very most and perhaps have that vital piece of information that you desperately need. But fuck it, if I can't joke, chat, say something silly to the few in a forum I am friends with, then the HELL if I'm going to strew any pearls of wisdom before ultra-serious lurkers. Nope. You take away fluff, and you kill a discussion board dead, unless the motivation to post to that board is something other than the kindness of one's heart for the ignorant--like money maybe, or the loss of your job or an F in your course if you don't post. None of those situations apply here--it's ALL voluntary, and if you want volunteers, you gotta give them something back in return. Many of us come here for F U N fun and while the definition of that little word varies quite widely, in most siutuations it includes the freedom to fluff a little. Take away my ability to fluff and you aren't getting anything worthwhile from me in return, I can guarantee you that. In most voluntary forums, fluff, as much as the overly serious may dislike it, is the fuel that inspires and makes possible the "really good stuff"--the stuff that is long and hard and takes great time and energy to write. Without fluff you can't get to know your audience emotionally and there is no reward in handing out the quality to what is essentially a big sucking black hole.


Its good to see your evil eye here again. I may not always (ever?) agree with you but I have missed your posts. On this point however, I will agree with you wholeheartedly. Imagine that.

I have been lurking lately but aparently I missed this post all together... and in a way I am glad... I have never left Lit... I have always been here... and for the most part I still read every thread whether I reply or not...

I have been somewhat remiss in my reading duties in the last couple of weeks... Real life has taken precidence over Lit.

I hate it when someone brings unrest to this community.

It is good to see so many familiar faces... UCE, Trinka... it is good to have you both here again... and I don't want to exclude anyone... Zip I am glad to see you and your wisdom here.

I will be moving along now to another thread... I really just wanted to stop by and let everyone know I have been here all along...
What a shame

I apologize for once again responding to this thread. I had every intent of dropping this and letting things run their course. I even thought that my comments on who you thought I was would have sunk in and a innocent person would not have been blamed. And then cymbidia came around...

I will try to be brief and just respond to a few. For the rest, sorry, I would have liked to respond to you all, but I feel this is just getting dragged on for no good reason. I feel it is important to clear Pure's name.

Originally posted by cymbidia
I thought some of you would want to know that your OutsideObserver troll is motivated almost entirely by a consuming jealousy for R's impeccable academic credentials.

My you are one delusional, melodramatic quack, cymbidia. I think Lance had your number. I am, as with anyone who takes the time to educate themselves, very happy for RisiaSkye and her quest for a doctorate degree. I have two myself. I wish her the best in life.

Originally posted by vixenshe
R has posted at KT that she won't be back, that she cannot trust someone there to allow her a safe place to simply relax and be herself and not use it against her here, though she says nothign bad about Lit over there. None of us do.

I did not question her activites there. And as I pointed out previously I did not bring up that other place first. What her activities are there is not in question. I stated this previously and I will again so that cymbidia can understand. RisiaSkye felt my original statement about her not being here as much was a falsehood. I simply backed up my statement. In addition, I said it was not a bad thing that she was not here. But I did have a problem with her calling me a liar (i.e., saying my original statement was false). So, what is your problem cymbidia? If she wants to spend all her time over "there", that is more than fine. I would think you would stand behind that statement. Maybe you were not smart enough to see that what I said was in fact in your favor.

Originally posted by cymbidia
This is all about fair play...and you, OutsideObserver, you do what you have to do. You can't hurt me and you can't hurt R. And you'll never, ever have R's place, either, as much as you try to usurp it.

No one loves you enough.

No one respects you enough.

No one cares about you enough.

No one ever will.

Now, you are being worse that RisiaSkye was. You are just making up accusations. Please point out where I say I would like to take over RisiaSkye's job? I will not wait long for you to post that evidence because I know there is none. My husband loves me enough, that is all that matters. That was really harsh scary stuff coming from the "Queen of Being Single". That was scarcasm.

Originally posted by cymbidia
for posterity...something we all learned to do last summer right?

Originally posted by OutsideObserver
I will leave you now, please hold the applause. I see no further need for me to post like this, nor do I think it will help make changes. While I am sure you are all dying to know my identity, anyone you think I am, is "purely" a coincidence.

This had to be my favorite. You are so sad, cymbidia. It is clearly obvious that I know you thought I was Pure. The reason I was so glaringly obvious about saying "purely" was to tell you that I knew this. I also simply state, you are wrong about that assumption. You have clearly made a very large ass out of yourself at this point. Not to mention, I guess Pure really knows how you feel about him. I guess you two will not be exchanging Christmas cards this year, to say the least.

Originally posted by MissTaken
So, OO, if you are so concerned about the quality of the forum, perhaps you should consider your own role in the "issues" you have identified.

What have you done to enhance the board? Why can't you show your face/id? What conflict have you waged or caused the board? If you are so concerned, do some soul searching before casting stones.

You raise valid points, MissTaken. I think change has occurred in this little bit of time since I began this thread. The old faces are reappearing. New topics are popping up. And change is still occuring. I chose not to show my features for a good reason. And it was re-affirmed when I saw how people reacted. I am sorry if you can not accept that. My intent was not to cast stones and I feel badly that I fell to that level. Some things, however, I could just not let go.

Originally posted by Pure

It's unfortunate you raised valid questions about 'quality' in such an ill manner, esp. with your insults directed at an excellent moderator (and contributor).

Some have confused you with me, which is also a muck up due to your concealed identity. I don't suppose you'd clarify your identity in any way. I'm unsure why you highlight the word 'purely' in your posting of late.

There's a lot of jumping to wrong conclusions around here.


Pure, I am sorry they so wrongly felt I am you. I thought I was being very blunt when I told them I was not. Stupidity is hard to counter or predict. I am sorry you had to find out everyone's true feelings toward you. I admit, I did not think anyone would be hurt by me appearing so anonymously. But I was wrong. You have truely been wronged. I can not fix that. What is done is done. Just know that I am very sorry.

Originally posted by SexyChele
I just popped back in here today and noticed the last post from "Outside Observer". It bothers me a great deal that he/she seems to be singling out Risia more than any of us. I would question why, but I don't think I would get an answer. I think Risisa has had to put up with her fair amount of sh** around here and to have this levelled at her is simply uncalled for.

I have no real reason for butting heads with RisiaSkye so much other than the fact that she was the most vocal against my discussion. She was also the one to state pure falsehoods that I could just not let go. If she had just said thank you for your opinion, or not responded at all, believe me, I would have never said a thing about her. Aside from EbonyFire, her posts are the most antagonistic. They also put up the most arguments against my assertions. Therefore, she was the target of most of my posts. It could have been anyone. It is not my fault that she is going to button up like a turtle and hide from the world.

Originally posted by Lancecastor
This is a Cymbidia KT FlameThread that has spilled over to the BDSM Forum.

Sorry, Lancecastor, not true.

Originally posted by UCE
You are clueless about this particular issue, my man or woman. Fluff is an essential ingredient in the complex mix known as a message forum.

Maybe the biggest hipocrite of them all. From someone that has not posted here in almost two months and then suddenly reappears. I never said fluff should be done away with. I feel that excessive fluff hurts the forum. Please go back and read. Also, loved your discourse on this being a site dedicated to writing. The quote from my post that you use was meant to be sarcasm. I am quite amazed that you went on so long about nothing because, in fact, I was being sarcastic. You like to listen to yourself type I think.

Now that I have cleared Pure's name I will again try to depart. I wish I could change things Pure, but the damage has been done. While I am sure I will get blamed for your hardship, I hope you realize who it really was that has sullied your name. To the rest of you, I have covered my tracks well. Please do not ruin someone else's name without some solid evidence, or else next time it could be you that they are accusing.
Play it Again, Sam.

My you are one delusional, melodramatic quack
Maybe you were not smart enough to see
You are so sad
You have clearly made a very large ass out of yourself at this point.
Stupidity is hard to counter or predict.
Maybe the biggest hipocrite of them all.
You like to listen to yourself type I think.
It is not my fault that she is going to button up like a turtle and hide from the world.
Last edited:
It had something to do with something that someone said about some forum and then, evolved into a discussion about someone who posts here and at another forum and then the other forum member visited here and then someone was hurt, someone angry, someone insulted and then someone almost cleared up the matter about someone not being the someone that everyone thought the someone was.


In a nutshell....

MissTaken said:
It had something to do with something that someone said about some forum and then, evolved into a discussion about someone who posts here and at another forum and then the other forum member visited here and then someone was hurt, someone angry, someone insulted and then someone almost cleared up the matter about someone not being the someone that everyone thought the someone was.


In a nutshell....


LMAO... your powers of abbreviation are truely amazing. :D

Simply perfect.

PBW "I need pizza"
P. B. Walker said:
LMAO... your powers of abbreviation are truely amazing. :D

Simply perfect.

PBW "I need pizza"


I made the big leagues if I got a laugh out of our resident jokester!


Miss *no anchovies* Taken