Comments on the Updated Stickies!

KillerMuffin said:
Well, if you ever figure it out--or if you already have, just remember that you thought of it first, I just tweaked it until it rocked.

Thanks for putting it in your sig, Muffy...I'd never have realized what you were referring to otherwise.

I skimmed your fantasy session with me quickly....I guess the difference is that whereas I'd actually like to bind and gag you for pleasure and to hear you have a proper orgasm or three.....your av has a fine ass, after all... the motivation in your story doesn't seem to convey any sense of sexual pleasure.

It sounds mostly like jealous anger towards me, which also rings through in your posts....not just the ones about me, but those at any guy who strikes you as being on good terms with anyone.

Perhaps you might want to consider an evening with your man/woman/family pet instead of adding to your 15,000+ might simply be spending too much time here in fantasy land, know? Just a thought.

Do you have any thoughts on the BDSM sticky, btw? I know you're smart....and I'm sure your incredibly vast experience here could be put to better use than painting yourself green over me.


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Lancecastor said:

That's the issue that keeps people away from here.

The bias.

The censorship.

The favoritism.

The PityParties are Red Herrings.
I'm working toward addressing these issues, as best I can.

To be honest, I didn't expect this kind of problem when I moved the thread per Rose's request. In *my* history, I've on occasion moved a thread when the thread originator asked me to do so. I don't generally ask for a reason, either. I don't know why cym told Lance that wasn't possible, but I don't have all the information on that case and am not comfortable speculating about it. It is enough to say that was then, this is now.

I'd like to hear from everyone about this. Do we have a problem with thread starters being able to request a thread's removal? If so, I need to hear about this now, before this turns into another big needless drama.

I'm sorry I didn't step in on this sooner, but I was away from the computer all day yesterday. I cannot return the thread (as Rose requested), because once it's moved to the mod queue, I can no longer move it. I'm afraid that unless Laurel's willing to move it back for you, this one is dead. However, we still have the opportunity to hash this out for future reference.

Best to all,

Out of respect for Risia's request, I won't flame with you here. I started a thread for you to wail on me on the GB if you want.

Much obliged; thanks for the cooperation, Lance.
THat was then, this is now...

A few months back, I asked cym to move a thread or delete it for me. I had posted a thread which referred to a friend of mine over and again.

Then, I invited the friend to join lit and realized that she may not have been pleased that I shared her story on line.

I wanted the thread moved in order to protect her from embarrassment as well as myself. Yes, a self centered twit as I , didn't want to lose a friend over a porn board.

Cym said she couldnt' do that as Laurel's policy was yada yada yada.

I respected her decision.

However, since that time, Laurel has posted concerning the mod's freedom to make decisions regardless of how she feels about it. So, my vote is Yay for thread starters being able to request threads be moved.

If posters don't feel comfie with that, they can start their own thread.
RisiaSkye said:

I'd like to hear from everyone about this. Do we have a problem with thread starters being able to request a thread's removal? If so, I need to hear about this now, before this turns into another big needless drama.

Risia, I have a problem with it. I've previously been involved in discussion boards that were heavily moderated (not suggesting that's what you do), threads were moved to "The Hot Box" or other appropriate forums as deemed necessary by the moderator. I didn't like it, the reason being, the discussion was relevant to the board it began in, regardless of the many directions it may wonder to.

Not only that, but the thread starter doesn't "own" the thread. I think it's been pretty well established here that threads take on a life of their own after the originator clicks the "submit" button.

The thread starter shouldn't have any more power over the direction of the thread than the participants in it.
I am fine with it.

If someone that replied is all in a tizzy over their response getting blasted in the process I feel they need to step back and get a grip.

Are some typed words floating around in the ether that IMPORTANT to you?

And I think so far Risia has done a great job. I think so far she has exercised a very fair attitude. She did get onto Rick about his attempted flaming of Lance and I am pretty sure Lance is not on her top ten hit parade.

Now hopefully we can find some other level headed individuals to lighten Risia's load.

I think for the same reasons that the thread originator can no longer "delete thread" (as was once an option), the originator should not be obliged when a request is made for a moderator to "move a thread".

I agree with Ruby, the originator does not own the thread ... and when other posters participate in the thread, it might not be fair to them to obliterate the time and energy they put into their posts.

Thank you for your consideration in asking for opinions. You're doing a great job!
I was wrong

I was in error. I should not have asked to have it removed. I agree with those who say that a thread should remain. The problem with me was not why I asked to have it removed but that my motives were questioned and erroneous conclusions were drawn about my motives.

I agree with the valid arguments for the threads to remain. Ruby is correct that some threads do take on a life of their own. It would be horrid if, for instance WriterDom removed his Dom Lounge thread, which to date has had 450 posts.

I apologize to any and all who care.
Just read Muffin's story about Lance... wow. Do we have a budding romance here? This is really sweet. :)

I Wanna Hold Your Glands

P. B. Walker said:
Just read Muffin's story about Lance... wow. Do we have a budding romance here? This is really sweet. :)


Muffy clearly is in crush mode with me; it's very paraphrase The Beatles, I Wanna Hold Her Glands; She Wants To Hold My Glans.


I don't think anything should ever be disappeared ("moved" is a misnomer...they make it disappear) by a Mod unless it breaks one of Laurel&Manu's Rules of Lit.

If Rose didn't like her article, she could have edited it.

Risia could have told her this.

But....More importantly, the Rules should be fucking well POSTED!

This bullshit about "Oh, you didn't know we could do that?" is like "house rules" at a pool table or "free parking money" in's fucking penny-ante bullshit rolled out by people who are losing a game and get pissy.

I hate poor losers. Especially when they then try to blame their passive aggressive "boo-boo" on somebody else.

If you're a gonna debate....debate, gawdamnit!

Otherwise, go watch Barney tapes or play Fantasy Sub/Dom Bingo at a Gor site.

But don't expect me to put up with the eye-batting crap or the hot tongue routine when I catch you at it. I'll chew your ass off.

Thank you!


RisiaSkye said:

I'd like to hear from everyone about this. Do we have a problem with thread starters being able to request a thread's removal? If so, I need to hear about this now, before this turns into another big needless drama.

Best to all,

I'd much prefer it if threads weren't removed; it makes it real hard for some of us to keep up with what's going on around here.

Besides, if you remove a thread, you're killing not just the threadstarter's posts (which he or she can do anyway without mod's help) but everybody's who posted there.

Btw, I had a great time in NY. Unfortunately absolutely nothing BDSM related happened there. At least not to me.

I can't speak for the whole city.

Hot4Heels said:
Are some typed words floating around in the ether that IMPORTANT to you?

Words are always important. They're the most important thing there is.
After sex, that is.
But then, sex is a kind of word, isn't it?
An Opinion

I see no problem with RELOCATING a thread to another Forum if the thread originator asks for it to be moved, or if the Forum Moderator deems the thread to NOT be appropriate for THIS Forum.

I mean,...what's the big deal,...all who have posted to the thread can STILL continue to post to it if they wish,...anyone can STILL read it if they wish.

Sometimes thread originators make a MISTAKE and post a thread to the WRONG Forum. I see no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to correct their mistake.

Thread "lock ups" and thread "removals", (deletions), should be done only in EXTREME circumstances.

(JMHO),...but it's mine,...and I own it. :rose:
Re: I was wrong

A Desert Rose said:
I was in error. I should not have asked to have it removed. I agree with those who say that a thread should remain. The problem with me was not why I asked to have it removed but that my motives were questioned and erroneous conclusions were drawn about my motives.

I agree with the valid arguments for the threads to remain. Ruby is correct that some threads do take on a life of their own. It would be horrid if, for instance WriterDom removed his Dom Lounge thread, which to date has had 450 posts.

I apologize to any and all who care.

No need to apologize. At least you don't spam the board with repeated posts when you get behind in a thread.
I agree with you Sandia. Believe me, the error of my ways will be brow beaten on me for the rest of my days at Lit I am afraid, no matter how many apologies I make.

I did know that I could edit out the link on the original post. My concern was that it would confuse the issue in regard to the thread as it was originally posted.

Some people just won't let it die, I guess. This will be the bane of my existance forever with some. And once again, I do apologize.

The thread in question was returned to the forum today by Laurel, per request.

All opinions on this subject are duly noted. From now on, I'll not remove threads just because the originator requests it...unless nobody else has posted to the thread.

RisiaSkye said:

The thread in question was returned to the forum today by Laurel, per request.

All opinions on this subject are duly noted. From now on, I'll not remove threads just because the originator requests it...unless nobody else has posted to the thread.

With all due respect,...if only the thread originator has posted to it. It is a very simple matter for them to EDIT their post out. I favor you give this a bit more time, to reflect others opinions before you make such a decision. :rose:
Re: THat was then, this is now...

MissTaken said:

However, since that time, Laurel has posted concerning the mod's freedom to make decisions regardless of how she feels about it. So, my vote is Yay for thread starters being able to request threads be moved.

If posters don't feel comfie with that, they can start their own thread.

I agree MissT, and it makes sense to ME. I mean,...why NOT? :rose:
A Desert Rose said:

I did know that I could edit out the link on the original post.

Your previous protestations stated that you didn't know you could edit your post, which I didn't believe at the time you said it.

And after days of snarling at me all over the Board for allegedly hurting your widdle feelings on that very point, you now say you did know you could edit the post.

I suggest you are the bane of your own existence in this matter, ADR.
Re: Risia

artful said:

With all due respect,...if only the thread originator has posted to it. It is a very simple matter for them to EDIT their post out. I favor you give this a bit more time, to reflect others opinions before you make such a decision. :rose:

They can edit the post out, but the thread stays in place, just empty. At that point, it's really a matter of housekeeping.
Re: Re: Risia

RisiaSkye said:

They can edit the post out, but the thread stays in place, just empty. At that point, it's really a matter of housekeeping.

I was referring to your decision stated below:

From now on, I'll not
remove threads just because the originator requests it...
Lancecastor said:

Your previous protestations stated that you didn't know you could edit your post, which I didn't believe at the time you said it.

And after days of snarling at me all over the Board for allegedly hurting your widdle feelings on that very point, you now say you did know you could edit the post.

I suggest you are the bane of your own existence in this matter, ADR.

LMAO..... You really wish you were the blue veiner of my existence..... Dontcha hon?
A Desert Rose said:

LMAO..... You really wish you were the blue veiner of my existence..... Dontcha hon?

I just think you should stop digging.

Lancecastor said:

I just think you should stop digging.


Maybe you should follow your own rules and stop referring to me in your posts. To the unknowing eye it would appear you and your blue viener were interested in me. ~smiling~
Welcome to Rose's Diner.

A Desert Rose said:

Maybe you should follow your own rules and stop referring to me in your posts.

A few days ago, the ADR Complaint Du Jour was:"He's ignoring me. He hates me."

Today's Feature Item is:" He's referred to me."

So, I will ignore you, as requested.

Take care; be well.
