Comments on the Updated Stickies!'re all alike.

Tell em you wanna fight, they cry.

Tell em you wanna hug, they wanna fight.

Be rational, they're emotional.

Get emotional, they go cold.

I'm tellin' ya, you all oughta be locked up around a full moon.



MissTaken said:

Dammit, Lance!

Maybe I just wanted to get into a rousing and reasonable debate with you.

You always spoil my fun ;)
Lancecastor said:'re all alike.

Tell em you wanna fight, they cry.

Tell em you wanna hug, they wanna fight.

Be rational, they're emotional.

Get emotional, they go cold.

I'm tellin' ya, you all oughta be locked up around a full moon.



I swear,the more I see the smilie face at the end of your posts,the more convinced I become.
lovetoread said:

I swear,the more I see the smilie face at the end of your posts,the more convinced I become.

Some of the finest things in life are an acquired taste, lovetoread.
Just to keep you on your toes!

Lancecastor said:'re all alike.

Tell em you wanna fight, they cry.

Tell em you wanna hug, they wanna fight.

Be rational, they're emotional.

Get emotional, they go cold.

I'm tellin' ya, you all oughta be locked up around a full moon.



Gearing up? Nah, just calling it like I see it.

I've no need to carry on a flame war in forum right now. I'm entirely too ridiculously pleased with myself right now. I'm a bloody genius.

The joke is on you, do you even know about it?
NemoAlia said:
Lance, do you really mean that?

Of course not, Nemo; MissT and I were trading friendly quips, as we often do.

Hi Lav....I don't want to fight with you tonite, thanks; perhaps another time. But it's good to see both you and Muffy trolling here; I'm sure you'll find someone to get tortious with.

Hi Muffy....Your intellectual superiority and glory is, as always, both radiant and telling of your majesty. Congratulations, you've cut two submissive women to the quick in just a few days. Bonus, they almost never even spoke to you, let alone deigned to discuss or debate anything with you, or say anything that could have ever challenged your mighty prowess with keyboard venom. You rock.
Christ... can't we all just fucking get along??!! <sniffles>

btw... nice tits lav.

PBW "This is a stupid argument"
I lost the point of the arguement as I am too preoccupied with being locked up around a full moon.

The possibilities are endless.

Now, back to the stickies?


Haven't we beaten the issue to death yet?

Couldn't we just go with it and see what happens?

I am sure that if the stickies lead to any discomfort or ire on the board, it will lead to many new threads so as not to violate anyone's freedom of speech.

This is the internet, a porn board.

If ya want democracy, run for office :D
MissTaken said:

Couldn't we just go with it and see what happens?

Sure. Let's see what happens!



PS: the moon thing pissed you off, I gather. it's statistically accurate, you know.
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Lancecastor said:

PS: the moon thing pissed you off, I gather. it's statistically accurate, you know.

No way!

The moon thing did not piss me off.

I find the my imagination took the image and made it rather alluring.

Of course, I may be misreading the intent behind your words, but hell, I am feeling good, so let my fantasy lie!


Oh, and it didn't piss me off as I learned how to take our Lance when he gets into a certain funk....

I take him like I do my celery sticks, with a grain of salt!

Oh, good.

Just running some routine systems checks here, that's all....never mind!

Funk? Moi? Funk no!


MissTaken said:
No way!

The moon thing did not piss me off.

I find the my imagination took the image and made it rather alluring.

Of course, I may be misreading the intent behind your words, but hell, I am feeling good, so let my fantasy lie!


Oh, and it didn't piss me off as I learned how to take our Lance when he gets into a certain funk....

I take him like I do my celery sticks, with a grain of salt!

I still get that titillating feeling that I know something that you don't know and it just amuses the everlasting hell out of me. Well, maybe not the hell, but it does amuse me. Terribly.

I never claimed perfection, Lancie Pants. That's your job.
Good to hear, Muffy. We aim to please.

KillerMuffin said:
I still get that titillating feeling that I know something that you don't know and it just amuses the everlasting hell out of me. Well, maybe not the hell, but it does amuse me. Terribly.

I never claimed perfection, Lancie Pants. That's your job.
Well, if you ever figure it out--or if you already have, just remember that you thought of it first, I just tweaked it until it rocked.