Companion to the Five in Five

Tz--your Sharon Olds poem reminds me of Barthelme's The Dead Father. Wonderful work.
Thanks, Dora.

I have a mustache with my beard. Don B. did not. One way you can tell us apart.

Oh, or that talent thing. Kind of some biggish gap there, you know? That works too. :)
Oh, or that talent thing. Kind of some biggish gap there, you know? That works too. :)
Uh, T-zizzle? Nicole Richie's skeeeeenny ass wouldn't fit down that "gap".
Just sayin'.

Dora, love. Great stuff.
Your phrasing always thrills me. :rose:
Thank you so much, Bluebell. This week I have read so many good poems on this site that it makes me want to squeal and stomp feet.

It's so nice to get a visit from you. :rose: And thanks for the compliment.

(30/30's rocking too!)
Angel your black wings
are soft as the dark of sleep
and the perfume they spread clings
to the nose like hashish, like opium.
Perhaps that's why I crave you
with my body, so.

Your wings are strong enough to lift
both of us up and through
panes of truth and into
wind rush where we must embrace
against the chill and in this cocoon
of you, I find a new born world
living between us.

PG — to celebrate another great 5/5 here is an image to go with number 5.


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Thank you, Eluard! I love that thread. And I really like those images you posted! I am curious as to how you made them. Is that watercolor? Hmmm. Anyway, very cool.

Sassynyc, I really enjoyed reading your poems, and this! introduce me to God, and the color of release. Very nice.

And Tzara, your poems were moving this time and not a little sexy. I felt a stretch there, like you were getting out of your head and into your heart (or other parts, maybe. :))

I really do need to force myself to sit down and edit, one of these days. For me, the writing is the most torturous/fun part.

Anyway, thank you El, for your image and thanks also to Tz and Sassy for keeping me company there. (Or I guess I kept them company since I started after they did. hehe)
Thank you, Eluard! I love that thread. And I really like those images you posted! I am curious as to how you made them. Is that watercolor? Hmmm. Anyway, very cool.

As to how I did them — I should treat that as a trade secret. I will say that they started out life as one of the most beautiful and strangest sunsets I have ever seen. Taken on the island of Naxos in Greece, the nuptial island of Dionysus — the island on which it is said that Ariadne jumped to her death from a cliff when Theseus put up the wrong sail on his return (either that or she ascended into the heavens, believe either one).

At any rate this cloud formation lasted for ages — a cloud formation that tells you to change your life, and which you ignore at your peril. It did and I did. The rest, as they say, is silence.

I agree, btw, a great run of poems in here, all around.
Thanks Dora. I always enjoy your poems, as well as Tzara's. I was really glad to see you on the second run. :) Lovely as usual, my favorite of your poems from this round was your last. Very sleek and sensual phrasing. Coupled with Eluard's picture, it would make a wonderful illustrated poem.
This thread really is addictive. I think I'll go for round three. I may need some poets to keep me company
*cough, cough, hint, hint* ;)
Thanks Dora. I always enjoy your poems, as well as Tzara's. I was really glad to see you on the second run. :) Lovely as usual, my favorite of your poems from this round was your last. Very sleek and sensual phrasing. Coupled with Eluard's picture, it would make a wonderful illustrated poem.
This thread really is addictive. I think I'll go for round three. I may need some poets to keep me company
*cough, cough, hint, hint* ;)

Well I will be very pleased to volunteer a picture for a collaborative illustrated poem. :)

*more coughin and hintin*
And Tzara, your poems were moving this time and not a little sexy. I felt a stretch there, like you were getting out of your head and into your heart (or other parts, maybe. :))
Well, thanks. You make me feel like I should zip my fly, though.

You and Miz Sass were great. I think you need to tease Mr. El into tagging along with you. I'm feeling kinda poemed out, right now. And it's wintertime in Oz, so he needs something to warm him up.

Anywhich, thanks both of you. Good poems.
Well I will be very pleased to volunteer a picture for a collaborative illustrated poem. :)

*more coughin and hintin*

Ooh, marvellous, Eluard. I am in! (though Sassy, I think you've worn me out, girl!) :rose::rose:

Cool. I'm in. So how would this work? Would you want to see a poem first, and then put up a picture here to accompany it? It might be cool to have one of your pictures posted in the thread, and then whoever wants in, can write their poem about it. It could be like a poetic Rorschach test, open to interpretation.
What do you think?
Well, thanks. You make me feel like I should zip my fly, though.

You and Miz Sass were great. I think you need to tease Mr. El into tagging along with you. I'm feeling kinda poemed out, right now. And it's wintertime in Oz, so he needs something to warm him up.

Anywhich, thanks both of you. Good poems.

I suppose peer pressure won't work. :eek:
I guess you've earned your time off. El is volunteering graphic support, so that's one foot in the door. Maybe we can drag the rest of him along for the ride. If you change your mind....:cattail:
Cool. I'm in. So how would this work? Would you want to see a poem first, and then put up a picture here to accompany it? It might be cool to have one of your pictures posted in the thread, and then whoever wants in, can write their poem about it. It could be like a poetic Rorschach test, open to interpretation.
What do you think?

Sure I can do that — the picture in this thread and anyone who wants to riff off of it can post in the 5/5. One per day for the next 4 days. (First day is already here.)
Sure I can do that — the picture in this thread and anyone who wants to riff off of it can post in the 5/5. One per day for the next 4 days. (First day is already here.)

Sweet! I was gonna ask for a 5 day supply, but thought i might be pushing it.
Thanks. :D
I suppose peer pressure won't work. :eek:
No, sorry. At my age, you'd have to dope my drink with sildenafil citrate to maybe get my Muse up enough for another round. I'm not sure my BP cound stand that.

Besides, I have some crucial AARP things I is working on, like trying to figure out what local restaurants will give me a senior discount.

I will, though, watch y'all's writingliness with great interest.

Rock on, poets. :)
Tzara, you're back! I knew you couldn't stay away. ;)
Now don't be doing that Lady Day, thing, m'dear, or I will be wolfing all over you and that will confuse my Poetic Spirit. :)

Well, OK, do it a little bit. Just don't make me think too much about licking 'round that gardenia (that is a gardenia, in't it?) stuck back of your ear.

Thing makes me restless. Just sayin'.
Now don't be doing that Lady Day, thing, m'dear, or I will be wolfing all over you and that will confuse my Poetic Spirit. :)

Well, OK, do it a little bit. Just don't make me think too much about licking 'round that gardenia (that is a gardenia, in't it?) stuck back of your ear.

Thing makes me restless. Just sayin'.

*swoooooooning* :heart:

yes, it is a gardenia....and that is a particularly sensitive spot. since we're, y'know....'just sayin'.
Ultimate Roar-shark

The title of this is A'arab Zaraq. Look it up on Wikipedia if you need more fuel for poetry. But I'm sure you won't. ;)


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