Concerns that have reached my pm box

Does this mean our posts will be deleted or just moved? Will this affect our post totals?
P. B. Walker said:
Does this mean our posts will be deleted or just moved? Will this affect our post totals?

No, posts are not deleted.

I did, however, edit one of our poster's posts in order to leave it on the forum. She has informed me that this is fine.

Your post total remains the same.

Posts are generally moved to the forum in which they belong and are "on topic." If there is no such forum, they may be moved to the Mod Queue. This generally happens when it is one post in the middle of a thread which would not be a thread starter post. It would appear more as a random thought to others.

In so doing, the intent behind a thread or a poster's thoughts or opinions should not be affected unless it happens to be name calling and such...however, that is generally not "on topic."

Yes, a result of my pm box, hence the wishes of posters, I am taking this a bit more seriously.

I really hope we can get back to the serious discussion and occasional play of BDSM.

Keep asking questions as they come up.

And PBW,. as for you sex problem....cum 'ere, boy!
I gots just what you need! :D
MissTaken said:
And PBW,. as for you sex problem....cum 'ere, boy!
I gots just what you need! :D

Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

Cocked, locked, and ready to roll. lol
His_sugar said:
[..] i am curious why i see so many posts going ignored that are well thought out, sincere and even informational. i understand the need to ignore or not encourage the troll-ish type posters. But i am talking about the honest folks who pour effort and feeling into their words. i realize 'cliques' happen, but for a public forum, i have found this to be a somewhat cold and unwelcoming place to be at times... [..]

Hmmm. I'm relatively new here, and have found the place quite welcoming, and the discussions generally well thought out and evocative. I will keep coming back.

I know I have been guilty of reading posts and not replying, simply because there is nothing I can say. I try to be constructive in my comments. If I can't add, I will simply say nothing.

Perhaps others are the same?
FungiUg, that is what I do in most cases.
I have nothing to add and most of the time do not want to just post a 'me, too' or 'ditto'. I have done it but I find myself trying to only post when I actually have something to add.

I have found this board to be welcoming, informative and supportive. While we do not all practice the same form of BDSM, we are supportive of how our fellow posters live. While Ebony's way is not my own, I have great respect for her and her way. I like and enjoy most of the posters here.

Keep posting His_sugar.

Helena :rose:
MissTaken said:
[..] Now, some may feel that I am lax as a moderator. [..]

MissT, my hat is off to you! (Well, it would be if I wore one.)

As you may have noticed, I have enjoyed the widely-ranging topics of discussion here - some serious, others just pure fun. I enjoy the various personalities as well (for example, Eb is so much fun... I don't have to play devil's advocate any more!), and I think your moderation allows those personalities to express and flourish without worrying too much about "rules".

In comment to Lance -- I've not been concerned about his posts. I think it's important to consider our choices, and to see things from many angles. I know that abuse is a very serious issue for me, in and out of BDSM, so Lance raising that issue and continuing the discussion has been fine. His personal style doesn't seem to encourage making friends, but that's his problem.
FungiUg said:
Hmmm. I'm relatively new here, and have found the place quite welcoming, and the discussions generally well thought out and evocative. I will keep coming back.

I know I have been guilty of reading posts and not replying, simply because there is nothing I can say. I try to be constructive in my comments. If I can't add, I will simply say nothing.

Perhaps others are the same?

Yes, couldn't said it better myself.
Goddess Helena said:
Keep posting His_sugar.

Helena :rose:


Thank You, i sure will.. as i tried to explain.. i wasn't commenting about myself actually..

my posts seem to evoke plenty of reactions *chuckles*

i just meant some other posters i had seen on the thread.. no biggie.. i usually PM them with something positive to say if i see they are being ignored..

( aka kelli )
(had to since it was my first one and it fit so well right here ::snickers::)
Moonie some days
Moon-ster others

Goddess Helena said:
FungiUg, that is what I do in most cases.
I have nothing to add and most of the time do not want to just post a 'me, too' or 'ditto'. I have done it but I find myself trying to only post when I actually have something to add.

I have found this board to be welcoming, informative and supportive. While we do not all practice the same form of BDSM, we are supportive of how our fellow posters live. While Ebony's way is not my own, I have great respect for her and her way. I like and enjoy most of the posters here.

Keep posting His_sugar.

Helena :rose:
No Concerns

i see basque has initiated a good food for thought commetary.

i post when i can and try not to take it too seriously if my comments receive no replies. The purpose of a thread is to submit thoughts, feelings and comments on the topic at hand. Or, and i have been guilty of this myself, inject a little lighthearted fare when things get too tense.

As for hijacking the thread ... well that does seem to happen quite a bit. i've seen threads start out with very interesting and thoughtful subjects only to descend into "W/who has the wittier last word" or "i am going to make one inane comment that irks the posters so the attention is all about me and not the subject."

It happens, i do it as well and it makes for a good way to get to know people. Inasmuch as this forum is not based on chat (much like Lit's chatroom - hey murf), it does tend to stray into that realm a bit on the threads. For me, that is just fine too. No harm, no foul.
Thanks, s'lara, Your post is right on target.

It can be a challenge achieving a balance of serious topics and levity. Then, amidst a serous topic a bit of wit can lighten the reading or interaction in a much needed way.

Then, there are times, the chit chat takes over. To that end, let me know if a thread is getting too carried off by my incredible wit or that of others! ;)

I am as guilty as many and guiltier than most!


I do think that the barbs and chit chat create a more cohesive environment, but that too much takes away from what many people come here for, the sharing of ideas.

Keep on posting, all.

I am taking notes!
I'm taking notes for Saint Claus on each nd everyone of you
That means you also Miss T
Wow. I'm really impressed with the well thought out concerns and responses to this thread.

I often feel over whelmed by the majority of the people here who have so much more knowledge about BDSM than I do. It's my own fault that I've been allowing that fear of rejection and judgement from people who might see me as not worth their time to be here from posting as much.

Also sometimes threads do seem like a personal conversation and I don't want to just interrupt the flow of conversation with my .02. ;)

I guess I just need to get in here and start putting myself out there.

MissT, what about insanely long sig lines?? Is that something that has ever been brought up?? It's almost like another post attached to the bottom of every message. I haven't seen it in a while, and not by anyone in this thread. I was just curious if the mods had ever dealt with that sort of complaint issue. ;)

My 2 concerns

1) sig lines the length of Calif
But I would rather leave this up to each poster.
I am a few rule guy

2) people who post mean spirited stuff
this can also be expressed by thread hijackors

I have had 2 personal PMS from the same poster that were mean spirited ... I posted the last one on my bionic dom thread

But again as few rule guy I know you can not legislate morality

Just my 2 cents
Helia, you can change your profile so you will no longer see sig lines.
I think there are a lot of people who have done that around here.

Lovely to see you posting again.

Helena :kiss:
Goddess Helena said:
Helia, you can change your profile so you will no longer see sig lines.
I think there are a lot of people who have done that around here.

Lovely to see you posting again.

Helena :kiss:

I feel about this the same as I do about profiles that say nothing when your interested enough to go look

For me, and this is for me, I come here, at lest in part, to get to know people as people ... sig lines and profiles help me do that
Goddess Helena said:
Helia, you can change your profile so you will no longer see sig lines.
I think there are a lot of people who have done that around here.

Lovely to see you posting again.

Helena :kiss:

How do I do that, Helena?

I JUST figured out how to change the theme. :eek: As in just a minute ago...

Does it make all the sigs go away or can I get it to only not show ones that are insanly long?

I like Sig lines, don't get me wrong. It's just the longs way tend to make me not see all of the posts in a thread.. cause I''m skipping past stuff.

Richard, I'm not big on rules either. *Giggles* I'm often bad because of that. :p I just didn't know if that was something that had been an issue before. I do like guidelines which are clear about what is allowed in the forum or whatever. ;) But if people mostly have a clue and are aware of what is causing people problems or irriations they tend to not go out of their way to do them.

Thanks for the suggestion, Helena.

It's good to be posting again. :kiss:

Helia :rose:
Goddess Helia said:
I guess I just need to get in here and start putting myself out there.

And it is about time. Where have you been hiding?
User CP>Edit Options>Thread View Options>Show user's signatures in their posts?
Change that to 'no' and you won't see any sig lines at all.

Richard, I do understand your point of view.
Personally, I do not like seeing huge sig lines. I think they distract from posts and make threads much longer. If that means that I miss knowing someone better, that's too bad. My profile is more or less blank because I am not here looking for a playmate. I am here to learn and share and grow. I get more than enough weird PMs as it is.

Helena :rose:
Ebonyfire said:
Seems like he is a lock and load kind of guy. And he runs awfully fast!

And shaving my entire body and lubing it all up with oil doesn't make it any easier to catch me does it? LMAO.