Confessional Booth

I'll have to come up with a real sin. It'll be tough. I never even had detention in school.

Same here.

Well, no, once I had a day of in-school suspension off the books. Two friends and I had to come in and work in the school on the first day of Summer because we changed the date on a library pass. Yep, library pass.
Pad Thai? How long would it take me to drive there from here? (I-95 from one end to the other)

Beer Can Chicken

Why am I not surprised at THAT??? I guess I was in detention enough for both of us, Sis.

And then I used the dough I had left over from the galette to make a banana blueberry tart. :p

Same here.

Well, no, once I had a day of in-school suspension off the books. Two friends and I had to come in and work in the school on the first day of Summer because we changed the date on a library pass. Yep, library pass.

I never got in trouble in school, and I really don't know why. I wasn't particularly goody goody. I just never got caught. Once I unrolled an entire filmstrip off a reel in algebra class (can you imagine an algebra film?), and they never even suspected me.

The only time I really got into trouble in high school was when I refused to salute the flag. My homeroom teacher was just outraged when I told her I wouldn't salute the flag of any country involved in an illegal war. Lol! She sent me to the principal's office and he called my dad, who told them that he agreed with me and I was not legally bound to salute the flag if I didn't want to. Good old dad. When I was in eighth grade I did a book report on Catcher in the Rye, and the teacher called my parents. She thought they should know about the "inappropriate book" I had read. My father told her he was proud of me for reporting on such a sophisticated book at my age. He also told her I had been using his "adult" library card since third grade and he thought it was great. :D
I went to an all girls school and we had very large grounds as it used to be a manor house before it became a school and I once gathered a load of wild garlic and rubbed it all over the French Mistresses desk and chair phewwwwww what a pong!
And then I used the dough I had left over from the galette to make a banana blueberry tart. :p

Now I'm DEFINITELY driving north...

I never got in trouble in school, and I really don't know why. I wasn't particularly goody goody. I just never got caught. Once I unrolled an entire filmstrip off a reel in algebra class (can you imagine an algebra film?), and they never even suspected me.

The only time I really got into trouble in high school was when I refused to salute the flag. My homeroom teacher was just outraged when I told her I wouldn't salute the flag of any country involved in an illegal war. Lol! She sent me to the principal's office and he called my dad, who told them that he agreed with me and I was not legally bound to salute the flag if I didn't want to. Good old dad. When I was in eighth grade I did a book report on Catcher in the Rye, and the teacher called my parents. She thought they should know about the "inappropriate book" I had read. My father told her he was proud of me for reporting on such a sophisticated book at my age. He also told her I had been using his "adult" library card since third grade and he thought it was great. :D

Good on 'ya, Hom. At Beach High, Salinger was required reading. I reread Catcher book a year ago. Was very disappointed. I guess raging hormones made it more poignant. My personal opinion now is that it was pretty self-indulgent. Same goes for Kerouac's On the Road, which I also reread recently. Disappointing.
I guess, like the buildings and monuments of our childhood, books we read in our youth are diminished by our real experiences. Truly, the neighbourhood we grow up in hasn't gotten shorter, we simply look at it through taller eyes, the same with the greatness of a tale, even J.D. Salinger can't write an orgasm as good as our first shared one. Pity that. He'd have made a great Literotican.
Good on 'ya, Hom. At Beach High, Salinger was required reading. I reread Catcher book a year ago. Was very disappointed. I guess raging hormones made it more poignant. My personal opinion now is that it was pretty self-indulgent. Same goes for Kerouac's On the Road, which I also reread recently. Disappointing.

Yes, my daughter read it this past year (10th grade) for her English class. She liked it, but certainly didn't think it was over the top at all in terms of explicit language or subject. Shows how much things have changed in $%&^&$ years. When I was in high school, it was still considered one step away from porn, I guess. Good thing I hadn't reported on Lolita. They would have sent me to Juvenile Hall. :D
Good on 'ya, Hom. At Beach High, Salinger was required reading. I reread Catcher book a year ago. Was very disappointed. I guess raging hormones made it more poignant. My personal opinion now is that it was pretty self-indulgent. Same goes for Kerouac's On the Road, which I also reread recently. Disappointing.
I tried to re-read Catcher in the Rye a while ago and couldn't finish it. It seemed too goddam phony to go on.

I do occasionally re-read Franny and Zooey, though, even though it is at least as mannered and irritating as Catcher, but that's because I am an inconsistent moron.
Had a beautiful moment today. The back of my mind wanted to turn it into a poem to post here, but the world has seen enough words about gorgeous blue skies, cool breezes, and bucolic loveliness. It's the thought that counts though, so I figured I'd share the thought.

;) guess that counts as going outside, even if it was not in my backyard, right Shiny Object?
I tried to re-read Catcher in the Rye a while ago and couldn't finish it. It seemed too goddam phony to go on.

I do occasionally re-read Franny and Zooey, though, even though it is at least as mannered and irritating as Catcher, but that's because I am an inconsistent moron.

No you're not. Or we both are. Holden Caufield's angst, imo, does not stand the test of time. When I was 18, I really related to him, but when I reread Catcher 20-some years later, I just wanted to ground him until he got over himself. :D

Had a beautiful moment today. The back of my mind wanted to turn it into a poem to post here, but the world has seen enough words about gorgeous blue skies, cool breezes, and bucolic loveliness. It's the thought that counts though, so I figured I'd share the thought.

;) guess that counts as going outside, even if it was not in my backyard, right Shiny Object?

The thought is lovely, but the poem is always welcome. There's really nothing new to write about; that's why there are universal themes. Any "beautiful day" poem can be wonderful when the writer interjects him or herself (and the associated unique experiences) into the language. I think as writers we're driven to write over and over on the same themes and as readers we can appreciate our commonalities when we read each other. :)
The thought is lovely, but the poem is always welcome. There's really nothing new to write about; that's why there are universal themes. Any "beautiful day" poem can be wonderful when the writer interjects him or herself (and the associated unique experiences) into the language. I think as writers we're driven to write over and over on the same themes and as readers we can appreciate our commonalities when we read each other. :)

*shrug* I knew that I could not do it justice. Thus I wanted to make clear that I was thinking of y'all. Ain't I sweet? :D
*shrug* I knew that I could not do it justice. Thus I wanted to make clear that I was thinking of y'all. Ain't I sweet? :D

Actually you are very sweet. But I still think you could have written the poem. I'm relentless about this stuff. Always have been. :)

Actually you are very sweet. But I still think you could have written the poem. I'm relentless about this stuff. Always have been. :)


Next, you will impale him with writing a sonnet...
Actually you are very sweet. But I still think you could have written the poem. I'm relentless about this stuff. Always have been. :)


It was a visual moment for me, and an audio one. For whatever reason, I have trouble crossing that boundary.


Next, you will impale him with writing a sonnet...

Makes me want to write a sonnet...
glad you got outside, I got to my drive finally, and with the windows down and the music up. It was raining so the top had to stay up too. Bj and I agree that you need to write a sonnet called, ode to a bruise
*shrug* I knew that I could not do it justice. Thus I wanted to make clear that I was thinking of y'all. Ain't I sweet? :D

Actually you are very sweet. But I still think you could have written the poem. I'm relentless about this stuff. Always have been. :)


Next, you will impale him with writing a sonnet...

Shhh! Don't be giving away my motives!


Darling, your motives are your own. :kiss:

It's your off-color thoughts I'm likely to pry away from you....

Hah. You've got a pretty good fix on those, too.
For relentless unremitting flirting in the confessional thread I'm thinking the Grand High Inquisitor/Vizier will be requiring a pennance ... I am strongly recommending a triad sonnet. Angeline, being such a scarlet woman will be writing every 2nd line with Hom and Foolio alternating around you. The couplet is yours alone, though Ang, go forth and sin no more.
glad you got outside, I got to my drive finally, and with the windows down and the music up. It was raining so the top had to stay up too. Bj and I agree that you need to write a sonnet called, ode to a bruise

I went farther than that, doll. I actually found enough time to get on my bike. Doing 20mph in traffic in the dark, riding a yellow mountain bike. sure, I could've died, but I would've died happy.

Ode to a bruise? Hmmm....

I actually almost caught a bruise from a passing ambulance. Those drivers seem to forget that the ambulance is wider than the lane.


For relentless unremitting flirting in the confessional thread I'm thinking the Grand High Inquisitor/Vizier will be requiring a pennance ... I am strongly recommending a triad sonnet. Angeline, being such a scarlet woman will be writing every 2nd line with Hom and Foolio alternating around you. The couplet is yours alone, though Ang, go forth and sin no more.

This is why I say I'm not a poet. I read that paragraph and got all sorts of kinky images.
For relentless unremitting flirting in the confessional thread I'm thinking the Grand High Inquisitor/Vizier will be requiring a pennance ... I am strongly recommending a triad sonnet. Angeline, being such a scarlet woman will be writing every 2nd line with Hom and Foolio alternating around you. The couplet is yours alone, though Ang, go forth and sin no more.

Darling I'm happy to oblige. Angeline is always up for sonnet action! Gentlemen? :p

I'll, uh, take a swing. How does this work? Is Fool at the back of the piece, or am I?


Well, here's my take.

We need to write 14 lines (of ten syllables) per line in iambic pentameter. The subject is triad (you should be good at this :) ), and assuming I write every other line plus the last couplet, we'd have something like this:

1-Homie (or Fool) Rhyme A1
2-Ange Rhyme B1
3-Homie (or Fool) Rhyme A2
4-Ange Rhyme B2

5-Homie (or Fool) Rhyme C1
6-Ange Rhyme D1
7-Homie (or Fool) Rhyme C2
8-Ange Rhyme D2

9-Homie (or Fool) Rhyme E1
10-Ange Rhyme F1
11-Homie (or Fool) Rhyme E2
12-Ange Rhyme F2

13-Ange Rhyme G1
14-Ange Rhyme G2

So whoever begins, just throw out a line and I'll write the next line and so forth. We can do it right here in the thread and just work off the last person's line.

Whaddya think? :)