Confessions: What are yours? Part V

ICT I am home from work today with a sick kiddo.

IACT this has me questioning the decision to try for another kiddo... 🙄
Children are usually worth the effort. Particularly if your husband and you are splitting things up pretty equally (of course, there are always times when it seems like the effort is lop-sided - but nothing that can't be solved with bribery and communication). But I appreciate the confession. We all feel weak at times. Only natural.
ICT when I read a post this morning from a gentleman who woke up with neck pain and didn't know what he'd done last night, my first instinct was to joke about being in a similar situation and then remembering that I'd sucked my own dick. Then I thought better of it. But I guess I just couldn't resist saying it. And this thread was just sitting here so invitingly. :sneaky:
ICT I was feeling my exhibitionist streak today, so I went to the store in a tank top, short-shorts, and no underwear. 😈

IACT there was this muscular, older man shopping. Gray hair, gray beard, but in awesome shape. He was probably late 50s or so. He did not hide the fact he was checking me out.

IFCT older men have never been one of my things, but this guy was yummy. I got home, put away the cold food, then went to Hubby's home office and settled into his chair (my favorite place to jill off these days). I pulled up Lit on my phone, looked at some threads that usually do nothing for me (older guy threads), and got myself off twice. 😁😈
ICT I did something noobtacular. 🤦‍♀️ I managed to delete and entire folder of folders on my cloud account. I've been working on reuploading all that content while trying not to hog all Mr.'s bandwidth and then his server went down. It's just a mess.
ICT I embarrass so easily that anything I'm willing to confess here would seem really pedestrian to the daring, and the things that I consider too daring to confess probably would not phase the average literotician.
there are a few people maybe i shouldn't have fucked - but it was still fun.

once fucked a furniture delivery guy
I had a friend who was an appliance repair man. He had some remarkable work-related stories. I met one serious girlfriend that resulted from one of his service calls. Things like this have seldom happened to me though.
My confession is quite straightforward... I would happily make love to a woman, any woman, as it has been 8 years since my wife has been physically capable of making love... and all other forms of physical intimacy stopped at that time too!