Contest III

Resized Pics

MoonlightElf, emailed you a bunch of resized versions of my entry. Hope you get them and hope they work.
Sweet_emOcean said:
I am looking for you! :)

I finally finished and am ready to submit. I just need your email addy.

I absolutley cant wait to see what your
sexy creative mind has come up with for this title .
I know you like useing self pics in your work ,
so my mind is racing racing racing ...
and patiently waiting for sunday .
fairysong said:
Moonie!!!!! :kiss: and *hugs*

I'm in girly. I'll send u a sketch or if i can't get to a scanner I'll doodle something in ps.

Now where's my fairy artist? Dark Glasses where are you?
Come here....closer, closer.. :kiss:

I got the most amazing Xmas/Bday/Get Well gift ever and its hanging on my bedroom wall. Course I had a bit of explaining to do to my older brothers(since I'm living with them now) Haha. Thank you so very much. :heart: :kiss: :rose:

Good! Thought you might not make your way to our lil corner here.
*hugs* and :kiss: back
My Erotic Trail said:
swimming in juices of love <grin
I look forward to your 'wet' entry <bigrin>

Believe me this contest is gonna be good and "wet"...very very "wet". ;) :D

Keep the "wet" coming folks.....
I'm off to work, will stop by at night
I'm expecting rain and storm here
might take a few pics
and change my av
to something "wet"
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It rained, it rained, it rained!!

Wonder if its too late to go out to get a picture......hmm
If i do get one it will be my "wet" av for a week.

Night Night All
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tick tock tick tock tock tick

I was making my rounds and strolled through lit-ville, dropping by for a howdy and a gander at some more galleries that seem to be blossoming like a field of flowers <grin...

it is suppose to rain tomorrow,
fitting for the opening day of the challenge, ..."Wet"
My Erotic Trail said:
tick tock tick tock tock tick

I was making my rounds and strolled through lit-ville, dropping by for a howdy and a gander at some more galleries that seem to be blossoming like a field of flowers <grin...

it is suppose to rain tomorrow,
fitting for the opening day of the challenge, ..."Wet"

very fitting.....the reason I picked "wet" as the challenge was because last weekend it was stormy and on Monday when I discover that I had won...I got myself drenched in the rain. When I got home I decided that "wet" would be the perfect challenge.

And speaking of rain and stormed stast night too. Crazy that I am...I went out and took a picture at 1 something am in the morning(someone remind me next time that sleep is important when you are sick...maybe I should have called in to work today too...hmm)
Halo_n_horns said:
When will you be posting the new voting thread for wet?

I told everone that they had till tonight to get their entries to me. I am currently still waiting on one. If I get it before I go to bed I'll post the thread late tonight/early tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll pop online during my lunch break tomorrow and post the new thread then.

We will be voting by pm cause I'll have 11 entries. :nana: :cool:
Halo_n_horns said:
That's good news. Great to see the base is getting broader. :nana:

I believe that it will get even broader as we gain more experience and word gets out. It is really exciting. I know I loved seeing each entry as they came in. This has been so much fun.

Thank you for your idea and for our first contest. :kiss:
moonlight elf said:
I believe that it will get even broader as we gain more experience and word gets out. It is really exciting. I know I loved seeing each entry as they came in. This has been so much fun.

Thank you for your idea and for our first contest. :kiss:
:rose: :rose: :rose: