cop v con

The point Harris was a terrible debater? I’m happy you’re convinced. My job is done. As I said earlier, I’ll be very surprised if the powers that be put her on the stage with Pres Trump. I hope they do agree though.
Harris's rhetorical prowess was on full display when she questioned Bill Barr and Brett Kavanaugh during their hearings before the Senate. She will eat Donald Trump for lunch.
Did you even read the article you posted? It’s not quite making your point…

So, NBC “obtains” numbers from some unnamed source, but does at least have the journalistic integrity to say Mexico doesn’t release the numbers. Also touting numbers before known upticks is a little disingenuous but hey….
Total misrepresentation of the facts, there

It doesn't "publicly release" the figures but they are shared with U.S officials. The numbers on the Mexican side of things (the same that are shared with the U.S) were discovered by hackers who were unable to hack them from the US Government's own files because of superior protections. These figures were then very publicly shared online and verified as correct. The hacked sources were emails TO the US gov't. from their Mexican counterparts.

And then there's this:
Both Biden and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known as AMLO, recognized the severity of the problem at the end of last year when Mexico’s funding to stop migrants ran low and the number of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border surged to record highs.
At the end of December, Biden held a call with López Obrador and sent Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Mexico to meet with their counterparts. Since then, Mexico has interdicted at least 270,000 migrants each month.
"President Biden and President AMLO have developed a relationship in which they talk about the shared challenges [of migration], and they both jointly recognize the shared challenges,” a senior Biden administration official said. “They’ve had multiple conversations and multiple calls over the last couple of years tackling and talking about this issue.”
So you don't want roevwade reinstated? Oh yeah, and fucking interns with cigars. Wait wait, that's the democrats. :)
Actually yes, I would like to see it reinstated. And all of these assholes are out there using fucking cigars on their interns, blue or red. Liars and hypocrites!
Harris's rhetorical prowess was on full display when she questioned Bill Barr and Brett Kavanaugh during their hearings before the Senate. She will eat Donald Trump for lunch.
A debate stage and a grandstanding Senate panel are two different animals. Prepared statements and help from staffers behind her…

I again point you to her debating skills against her fellow democrats. Maybe she was holding back? I would love to see it…I stand by it most likely wont happen though.
I know, I know I LOL’d when it’s deserving of maybe a mild chuckle but these are probably the funniest replies HisA has ever done here. Throw the man a bone, ok?

As long as it’s thrown really hard right at Derpy’s head.

Maybe it would knock some sense into it.


👉 Derpy 🤣

I agree. It will be an epic smackdown.

People should go back and watch some of the interrogations (smackdowns) of congressional witnesses Vice President Harris conducted when she was a Senator.


Senator Harris putting the “smackdown” on Bill Barr was classic.


Vice President Harris was also quite impressive in her debate against Mike Pence. Another “smackdiwn”. I only wish she would have had a fly swatter handy and put a “smackdown” on the giant fly that was sitting on Pence’s head during the debate. That would have been epic.


How Kamala Harris's run for the US presidency has reignited old racist and sexist tropes

Australia Broadcasting Corporation looks into right wing slurs launched against Vice President Harris. DEI, Soros and birtherism are the focus of attacks.

ABC NEWS Verify has been tracking how old tropes, falsehoods, and misinformation are already being weaponised against the current frontrunner for the Democratic nomination.

Our analysis also provides a preview of how grim the political discourse may yet become.
At some point, she’ll have to answer for her ONE job she was given…”Border Czar” whatever the hell that is…

She also needs to be held to account for why she, and the whole party, covered up the obvious to the rest of the world, Biden’s sharp mental decline.

I have no issues with this and you shouldn't either. Or does someone have to raise the specter of Nancy Reagan before you begin to see the light?
At some point, she’ll have to answer for her ONE job she was given…”Border Czar” whatever the hell that is…

I have no issues with this and you shouldn't either. Or does someone have to raise the specter of Nancy Reagan…

Bro dudes 😎 supporting the trump/vance ticket demanding accountability and references that qualify a candidate for the job. 🤷‍♀️
Corporate media is a Ponzi scheme. Almost everything it ever said about Trump, or anything else, is complete horseshit.
Russia propagandists attack Harris in support of their tool Trump.

Russia’s new punching bag: Kamala Harris

“Kamala with the nuclear button is worse than a monkey with a grenade,” Andrei Sidorov, the dean of the global politics department at Moscow State University (a once highly respected institution) said Sunday evening on state television’s prime weekly talk show.

The show’s host, Vladimir Solovyov, made his own feelings known by showing a clip of Republican candidate Donald Trump commenting on Harris’ laugh as a sign she was “crazy” followed by a compilation of clips showing Harris, well, laughing.

Notice how the Russian propaganda has the same bizarre focus on Harris’ laugh as the MAGA propaganda?

Also notice the racist calling her a monkey.

Broadcasts on state media and countless posts by pro-Kremlin commentators on social media offered iterations of the same one-two-three punch: Biden is a loser; Harris is evil; And American democracy is fundamentally screwed (a point also argued by Trump).