cop v con

1. Anyone's works which are published here are, or should be, off limits to political conversation. I don't criticize ANYONE'S art based on political disagreement. If you do, it only proves you're a scumbag without any possibility of redemption and should be permabanned relentlessly. Period.

The One True Laurel needs to take this to heart. No publisher lets anyone trash not only their website but their bread and butter contributors and clients.

2. If you don't contribute to the site, then you're not much more than a worthless parasite.

Dear Court of Public Opinion, I submit to you that my esteemed member here is correct in that one’s literary works probably, and in most instances, NOT be used to impugn their character no matter how deplorable they and their work may be.


I am but a simpleton here in defense of the thread ‘con vs. cop’ and it is the lawyer representing the other side that has unknowingly suggested that artistry on a a sex site where one’s sexual proclivities could be embarrassing be a criteria, not I!

I merely submit his desire be granted.
So? Please post a clip of the White House using the term “border czar” or “open borders”
Enough propaganda
The media??? Please !! You can pump any shit into the “media” though social media then on to any number of right wing sites like Fox News that was CREATED for that purpose

I’ll go back to my liberal radio station ? Oh shit ! Where did it go? I guess they didn’t fun enough male sex enhancement ads! Or? The oligarchs have succeeded in silencing the people

Enough with the semantics. Because if that's all you got you're an imbecile.