cop v con

There is nothing else. Are you saying 'She was only hired because she was the best candidate for the job, luckily she's also black?'

I don't think so.
Actually it’s Biden who said DEI starts at the top with his vice president. He’s made no secret about making DEI hiring decisions. You know that.
Of course he did. Your effort to gaslight is ridiculous.

Fail. Your quote doesn’t say he chose Harris because she’s a minority, only that he is proud to have a diverse administration and she’s an example of that. Your reading comprehension skills need work.

On the other hand, Trump hired “only the best” white guys and many were run off for corruption or incompetence.
Fail. Your quote doesn’t say he chose Harris because she’s a minority, only that he is proud to have a diverse administration and she’s an example of that. Your reading comprehension skills need work.

On the other hand, Trump hired “only the best” white guys and many were run off for corruption or incompetence.
You’re being ridiculous. He promised to select a woman to be his vp, and he promised to appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court.
Make America diverse again..😉
I will respond to the thread here, then pretty much not have any interest in the lib response from there. My prolonged war of words, and the need to eventually mute a few of you because of the vile personal attacks ungrounded in anything of the actual discussion at hand has told me what your response will be. Nonetheless, There is a response that bears making.

That said, I do want to respond as well to this one comment, because it is so key to what the actual discussion needs to be. You on the left keep talking about diversity. Yet your definition of diversity is the most shallow and least diverse. You act as though someone's sexual preferences, skin color, and ethnic background defines the most essential parts of them. You act as though such surface factors should put them in a monolithic group, so to have those surface-based checklists marked off makes you diverse. Then when a black man or woman, or a trans or gay man or woman comes out with values and beliefs that intelligently and persuasively contradict the liberal narrative, they are shouted down by you, called traitors to their people, whatever you presume their people to be, and far worse.

The truth is that you have no real interest in diversity. That is, you don't want TRUE diversity: diversity of thought and belief. Diversity of the things that really define a person far deeper that sexuality, gender, ethnicity, or skin color. If you did, your board rooms, news rooms, and internal debates would look far different.

I agree. Lets make America diverse again. You just have no idea what diversity actually looks like.
Okay, my actual and only real response to this thread and this whole Kamala situation. I am sure it has been said before, but it bears repeating. You claim to be the party of Democracy. Of course we were founded as a representative republic, not a democracy, but that's another discussion for another day. Now your party's presidential nominee is going to be one appointed by the party power players, unelected, a woman who has never won a primary and who was extremely unpopular when she ran before. The "party of the people" lied to their people once again, blocked any opposition to their own top-down selected candidate, and expects the party loyal to toe the line. Your side is proving once again to be the most anti-democratic, anti-constitutional, anti-choice group of people in the country. (Remember what they did to Bernie?) So if you are sick of it on the Dem side, you are welcome to join the other side. We will be glad to accept you as you are. If you aren't sick of it.... Well, you are beyond help. There is none so blind as one who WILL not see.
Okay, my actual and only real response to this thread and this whole Kamala situation. I am sure it has been said before, but it bears repeating. You claim to be the party of Democracy. Of course we were founded as a representative republic, not a democracy, but that's another discussion for another day. Now your party's presidential nominee is going to be one appointed by the party power players, unelected, a woman who has never won a primary and who was extremely unpopular when she ran before. The "party of the people" lied to their people once again, blocked any opposition to their own top-down selected candidate, and expects the party loyal to toe the line. Your side is proving once again to be the most anti-democratic, anti-constitutional, anti-choice group of people in the country. (Remember what they did to Bernie?) So if you are sick of it on the Dem side, you are welcome to join the other side. We will be glad to accept you as you are. If you aren't sick of it.... Well, you are beyond help. There is none so blind as one who WILL not see.

I thought you were gone forever, but I guess they got WiFi back up again in the mental institute. Good for you!
You’re being ridiculous. He promised to select a woman to be his vp, and he promised to appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court.
It was way past time for both things to happen. Yes, I'm aware that some perfectly capable older whiter men were available, that is what we have a Republican party for, preserving the White Patriarchy.

Someone the other day said if you think about it, Joe Biden was a "DEI Hire" of candidate Barack Obama, he needed a soothing white face to balance out his ticket.

At the end of the day, though, a certain segment of the voting populace will always vote for the white guy.
So your argument is that Ben Carson was totally qualified to be in charge of HUD?
"Doctor" Ben Carson, in retrospect, should have been Secretary of Agriculture, seeing as it was he that made the incredible discovery that the ancient Egyptian pyramids were NOT burial sites as thought for hundred of years, but actually grain silos.

The Pulitzer Prize committee overlooked his research achievement because he was black, of course.
The clash of values in the 2024 election is now starkly on display.

Rule of law versus corrupt criminal elites.

Our choice is clear.
One supports financial irres
Wondering what the play will be for republicans/trumpers???

Will they attack her record as a lawyer? Or do the Nikki Haley line: Haley said the thought of a Harris presidency "should send a chill up every person's spine."

I lied. I’m not wondering at all.
Misogyny and racism WILL be their play.
Policy has nothing to do with anything? Nope. Not with children.

Again, the childish outlook on elections.

May as well play it full throttle and offer chocolate milk in the water fountains and all day recesses. 🙄
One supports financial irres

Policy has nothing to do with anything? Nope. Not with children.

Again, the childish outlook on elections.

May as well play it full throttle and offer chocolate milk in the water fountains and all day recesses. 🙄
Huh? WTF are you talking bout, willis?
Biden promised to select a vp based on gender and that’s what he did. He’s very outspoken about his commitment to DEI-based hiring.


BabyBoobs is a racist, misogynistic, fascist POS that uses DEI as a pejorative, and does everything in their power to sow conflict, and division.


President Biden is a decent and honorable man who sees diversity, equity, and inclusion in America and his administration as a source of pride and strength, and does everything in his power to sow peace and unity.


Nope. Why do you continue to pretend this is true?
Because it’s true. Here are a couple articles to refresh your memory. Just stop with the gaslighting.

Biden vows to select a woman as his running mate​

And he also commits to having a black woman on the Supreme Court.

Joe Biden Definitively Vows to Pick a Woman Vice President​