Covid Mandate Struck Down By Federal Court

This article, this ruling pleases me beyond belief ! Due to this action (I hope and pray) it releases a flood gate of litigation against the tyrannical narcissistic evil jackass's that forced people to decide between their lively hoods and their God given principles.... Further more it is my sincere hope that all of these psychopathic tyrants that mandated the experimental "vaccine" are litigated into destitution, I'm a pure blood, we've been demonized, vilified, had our careers destroyed, lost retirement programs, banned from society /shunned ect... our military has been weakened, the loss of good hospital staff just to name a few because of this tyrannical bullshit.... (side note) may the University of Colorado absolutely be financially destroyed (because of their mandated COVID-19 vaccination) with the help of this ruling. Bulldoze the complete campus then convert it to a solar panel farm, at least then it'll be productive..
Sounds good to me.
This article, this ruling pleases me beyond belief ! Due to this action (I hope and pray) it releases a flood gate of litigation against the tyrannical narcissistic evil jackass's that forced people to decide between their lively hoods and their God given principles.... Further more it is my sincere hope that all of these psychopathic tyrants that mandated the experimental "vaccine" are litigated into destitution, I'm a pure blood, we've been demonized, vilified, had our careers destroyed, lost retirement programs, banned from society /shunned ect... our military has been weakened, the loss of good hospital staff just to name a few because of this tyrannical bullshit.... (side note) may the University of Colorado absolutely be financially destroyed (because of their mandated COVID-19 vaccination) with the help of this ruling. Bulldoze the complete campus then convert it to a solar panel farm, at least then it'll be productive..
One thing I've noticed and others have pointed out, is that the pro abortion movement have made a significant change to their terminology.

They used to say "my body, my choice" all the time, but now they just say abortion. I wonder why. 😄
One thing I've noticed and others have pointed out, is that the pro abortion movement have made a significant change to their terminology.

They used to say "my body, my choice" all the time, but now they just say abortion. I wonder why. 😄
Maybe the movement is moving to more expansive language that encompasses the interests of the whole of women instead of just the individual, or possibly to include the trans movement. "Our body our choice." :D
Why the fuck are you discussing abortion in a COVID thread?
One thing I've noticed and others have pointed out, is that the pro abortion movement have made a significant change to their terminology.

They used to say "my body, my choice" all the time, but now they just say abortion. I wonder why. 😄
Ex post facto attempts to resolve the contradictions they continuously find themselves creating.
Ex post facto attempts to resolve the contradictions they continuously find themselves creating.
Pro choice positions haven't changed. It is still about a person making their own choices about their medical health.

The language from the right is what has changed.
If I was responding to you, I would quote you. Fuck off
No, you should have quoted him so everyone would know who you were referring to, so sit in the corner for a while until you learn how to behave.
No, you should have quoted him so everyone would know who you were referring to, so sit in the corner for a while until you learn how to behave.
The thread is about COVID vaccines, not abortions.

(This would be a comment directed at you, hence the quote)

No quote goes to the OP or is just a general comment.
The thread is about COVID vaccines, not abortions.

(This would be a comment directed at you, hence the quote)

No quote goes to the OP.
I explained why I commented, another person brought it up. But that wasn't enough for you, was it, Nurse Ratchet?
I explained why I commented, another person brought it up. But that wasn't enough for you, was it, Nurse Ratchet?
Since you didn't bring up the topic, why did you feel the need to answer? Lol...dipshit