9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine

You’re wasting your time with 77, it has a tendency to come off the tracks all the time LOL Just wave some burnt French fries under its nose.
Did you burn the freedom fries again?

Did you just call them French? You sure you are a card carrying member of the idiot club?

And reminds me I gotta go can and find where you were posting things from other boards trying to sleuth out my identity… it will just get you another alt… maybe this one will be… “MaybeICanhelpIfMyHeadWasntUpMyAss”

Just because you get easily distracted with multiple perspectives, it is what our society is based on. Maybe you should go live with @BabyBoomer50s nazi family, or maybe if you ask nicely @Rightguide will let you meet his Daddy Vlady. I’m sure he likes fries. Lots of potatoes for those folks.
Well that and all the riches it brought him...
Yes, 50 years ago he predicted that a moron would be elected to president and handle a worldwide pandemic so poorly that it required him to take on new responsibilities that brought him "riches."

You have to wonder why he would he wait until he was a senior citizen to deploy his evil plan.

I sometimes wonder how people like you remember to breath.
Did you burn the freedom fries again?

Did you just call them French? You sure you are a card carrying member of the idiot club?

And reminds me I gotta go can and find where you were posting things from other boards trying to sleuth out my identity… it will just get you another alt… maybe this one will be… “MaybeICanhelpIfMyHeadWasntUpMyAss”

Just because you get easily distracted with multiple perspectives, it is what our society is based on. Maybe you should go live with @BabyBoomer50s nazi family, or maybe if you ask nicely @Rightguide will let you meet his Daddy Vlady. I’m sure he likes fries. Lots of potatoes for those folks.
I couldn’t give a teeny weeny fuck for who you are, where your from.

Too funny, you need some better material.
Yes, 50 years ago he predicted that a moron would be elected to president and handle a worldwide pandemic so poorly that it required him to take on new responsibilities that brought him "riches."

You have to wonder why he would he wait until he was a senior citizen to deploy his evil plan.

I sometimes wonder how people like you remember to breath.
Yet in 2017 when no one had ever heard of covid or even predicted any type of pandemic here comes little fauci saying a pandemic will befall us all. Funny additional info is his agency, under his leadership, funded research at the lab that covid originated in. Things that make you go Hmm...

I sometimes wonder why people like you think I give a fuck what you think about me. To be honest here's the time I spend thinking about you, none, and what I think about you, nothing.
Yet in 2017 when no one had ever heard of covid or even predicted any type of pandemic here comes little fauci saying a pandemic will befall us all. Funny additional info is his agency, under his leadership, funded research at the lab that covid originated in. Things that make you go Hmm...

I sometimes wonder why people like you think I give a fuck what you think about me. To be honest here's the time I spend thinking about you, none, and what I think about you, nothing.
You suck your father's dick with that mouth? You should be ashamed.
I couldn’t give a teeny weeny fuck for who you are, where your from.

Too funny, you need some better material.
Look that one took you some time grandpa.

You are the one with “secret clearance” and a “uniform” that can’t seem to handle a basic web interface.

So appropriate you are working the deep fryer in your later years.

And so funny the joke was already made… teeny weeny eh??
The communist libtards world is crashing down on them! Its too bad more of them didnt take more vaccines! And like Trump says. Drug dealers (doctors) who gave the vaccine are all going to get the death sentence ! QUICK TRIALS and BANG! No DEALS Given! Crimes against humanity! All under the Nurenburg code! Read it and weep commies! NOTHING. CAN STOP WHATS COMING!🤪😆😅🤣😂🤪. WWG1WGA. Wheres Fauci???😁
Man not enough Trumptards died during the pandemic. We need a stronger virus that will finally rid us of the worst of mankind.

BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions​

By Jim Hᴏft Jun. 8, 2024 8:00 am

In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court has declared that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions.

The case revolved around the LAUSD’s COVID-19 vaccination policy, which required all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by a specified deadline.

The plaintiffs argued that the district’s vaccine mandate infringed upon their fundamental right to refuse medical treatment, as the mRNA injections do not prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but merely mitigate symptoms for the recipient.

The court’s opinion, penned by Circuit Judge R. Nelson and supported by Judge Collins, asserts that the mRNA shots, marketed as vaccines, do not effectively prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but merely reduce symptoms in those who contract the virus. This crucial distinction undermines the foundational premise of the vaccine mandates enforced by various governmental and educational institutions.

More here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-9th-circuit-court-appeals-rules-mrna-covid/

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 FiveInch#s 🤣

AGAIN...about time. Thank-God for Trump. All Covid proved was Marxism never works. The masks didn't work, the social distancing didn't work, the LOCK DOWNS were a complete failure, and the vaccine is killing people. So, Down with any Marxist who was for these stupid ideas. Thank God for TRUMP putting in Judges who UNDERSTAND the Constitution.
Man not enough Trumptards died during the pandemic. We need a stronger virus that will finally rid us of the worst of mankind.
Wanna bet who goes bye bye first? People dont die from covid, they die from the vaccine! And remember Ivermectin and hydrochloraquin are both FDA and CDC approved and proven to prevent the virus! Like Trump says repeatedly, " The educated in our society are now the RETARDS of our society!" You are a PERFECT EXAMPLE! 🤪🤪🤪NOTHING. CAN STOP WHATS COMING! WWG1WGA
Wanna bet who goes bye bye first? People dont die from covid, they die from the vaccine! And remember Ivermectin and hydrochloraquin are both FDA and CDC approved and proven to prevent the virus! Like Trump says repeatedly, " The educated in our society are now the RETARDS of our society!" You are a PERFECT EXAMPLE! 🤪🤪🤪NOTHING. CAN STOP WHATS COMING! WWG1WGA
How many people live in your trailer park?
AGAIN...about time. Thank-God for Trump. All Covid proved was Marxism never works. The masks didn't work, the social distancing didn't work, the LOCK DOWNS were a complete failure, and the vaccine is killing people. So, Down with any Marxist who was for these stupid ideas. Thank God for TRUMP putting in Judges who UNDERSTAND the Constitution.U
How many people live in your trailer park?
It's smart educated people who could think on their own that disagreed with all the "covid prevention." Smart people were realizing early that the prevention of covid was hurting more people than covid. Even smarter people were realizing that all the covid prevention was nothing more than a Marxist takeover. Nothing more sheep like than to follow whatever: the government says, your Marxist brainwashed professor says, the legacy media says, and the Marxist party of America says...oops meant to say the Dem party. I want to point out, at one time the LEFT LOVED conspiracy theories, until people started to figure out the LEFT are the ones behind them. The LEFT used to say to think for yourself; until people thinking for themselves started to disagree with the left.

A Character trait of a Marxist is to: ridicule, lie about, censor, arrest, and/or murder political opponents. Hmmm. Think about that.
Also a character trait of a Marxist is to accuse the opponents of what they themselves do. Think about that too.
Other character traits of Marxists: Not having any common sense, no sense of responsibility, hating accountability, and blaming others for what they are actually responsible for. Think about that too.
Man not enough Trumptards died during the pandemic. We need a stronger virus that will finally rid us of the worst of mankind.
Hopefully if it happens you are the first to die. If you wish others to die because you disagree with them politically you deserve to die.
It's smart educated people who could think on their own that disagreed with all the "covid prevention." Smart people were realizing early that the prevention of covid was hurting more people than covid. Even smarter people were realizing that all the covid prevention was nothing more than a Marxist takeover. Nothing more sheep like than to follow whatever: the government says, your Marxist brainwashed professor says, the legacy media says, and the Marxist party of America says...oops meant to say the Dem party. I want to point out, at one time the LEFT LOVED conspiracy theories, until people started to figure out the LEFT are the ones behind them. The LEFT used to say to think for yourself; until people thinking for themselves started to disagree with the left.

A Character trait of a Marxist is to: ridicule, lie about, censor, arrest, and/or murder political opponents. Hmmm. Think about that.
Also a character trait of a Marxist is to accuse the opponents of what they themselves do. Think about that too.
Other character traits of Marxists: Not having any common sense, no sense of responsibility, hating accountability, and blaming others for what they are actually responsible for. Think about that too.
Right, just like tandt69, trailerhitch and wizard are doing and calling for, and who happen to be staunch trumptards. Sit down, dipshit.
Why does anyone even care at this point?

Anyone who wanted it long ago got it.
Anyone who could be convinced/coerced into getting it also long ago got it.
Anyone who hasn't gotten it yet is never going to get it.
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