9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine

Just like the folks who were screaming for the horse meds? Including the orange Jesus.
Just like the folks who were screaming for the horse meds? Including the orange Jesus.
Sorry but your beloved FDA has oked Ivermectin as a leading preventative against covid! As they have hydroclorequin! Next.......
The communist libtards world is crashing down on them! Its too bad more of them didnt take more vaccines! And like Trump says. Drug dealers (doctors) who gave the vaccine are all going to get the death sentence ! QUICK TRIALS and BANG! No DEALS Given! Crimes against humanity! All under the Nurenburg code! Read it and weep commies! NOTHING. CAN STOP WHATS COMING!🤪😆😅🤣😂🤪. WWG1WGA. Wheres Fauci???😁
(bartender hands T&T a glass of water)

"That's enough for you, buddy. Time to get home to your wife, it's only 4pm."

When you meet up with guys, you tell them you aren’t vaccinated?
If they ask I do. No one has asked. Do you open every conversation with "YES, I am Covid19 pretend vaccinated?"

By the way, this is your standard ploy, always bring my sexuality up because you can't hope to beat me any other way. Not that you proved a damn thing here either other than you are either a closeted gay man or a raging homophobe. Because honestly, what did my sexuality have to do with this topic? Not a God Damned thing you pathetic loser.
Here's a better question Reichy - does the judicial branch of government define medicines and their purposes or do medical authorities?
They make legal judgments based on testimony and evidence, scientific and otherwise. Did you not read the decision?
Right. Are you going to lie and say that you don't know an antivaxxer who didn't die from covid? We all do. The outbreak would have been much worse if more people were as dumb as you.
Actually if herd immunity had been allowed to take place versus locking people out of their jobs and forcing them to wear masks or stay home it would have been over much quicker. The pretend vaccine did not stop anyone from getting covid. Vaccinated people still died. I am 65 years old and have 2 co-morbidities and had covid twice with no lasting affects. WHY? According to all covid anecdotes I should be dead and so should my wife, a cancer survivor with 2 co-morbitities, but we aren't. Explain that? Plus we have the added bonus of no side effects from the vaccine.
The communist libtards world is crashing down on them! Its too bad more of them didnt take more vaccines! And like Trump says. Drug dealers (doctors) who gave the vaccine are all going to get the death sentence ! QUICK TRIALS and BANG! No DEALS Given! Crimes against humanity! All under the Nurenburg code! Read it and weep commies! NOTHING. CAN STOP WHATS COMING!🤪😆😅🤣😂🤪. WWG1WGA. Wheres Fauci???😁
Count to ten and get a grip on yourself.
Trump pushed the vaccine. He took the vaccine. He made sure all his family took the vaccine. Remember 'Operation Warp Speed'?
Ivanka even got vaccinated in front of the cameras for the world to see.

Trump gave Dr. Fauci a presidential commendation for his "exceptional efforts on Operation Warp Speed,"

They make legal judgments based on testimony and evidence, scientific and otherwise. Did you not read the decision?
Yes, the mRNA vaccine is still a vaccine.

The judges ruling doesn't change that.
They make legal judgments based on testimony and evidence, scientific and otherwise. Did you not read the decision?
They do? Doesn’t seem so in Texas. Seems it’s not the evidence that is important at all.

Will Daddy Vlady leave evidence in you? On you?
Actually if herd immunity had been allowed to take place versus locking people out of their jobs and forcing them to wear masks or stay home it would have been over much quicker.
As if the US death count wasn't high enough....Hitch thinks it should have been higher.
The pretend vaccine did not stop anyone from getting covid.
Vaccinated people still died.
True, but not nearly as many who didn't get the vaccine.
I am 65 years old and have 2 co-morbidities and had covid twice with no lasting affects.
If you had the vaccine you might never have even caught COVID.
WHY? According to all covid anecdotes I should be dead and so should my wife, a cancer survivor with 2 co-morbitities, but we aren't. Explain that?
There is a lot of unknowns about COVID, there is a new study on which blood types are more susceptible to COVID, and dying from it. As an example. Another is which mutation did you catch. Lots of unknowns as to why you were fortunate enough to not have any issues.
Plus we have the added bonus of no side effects from the vaccine.
What side effects? There have been over 6 billion doses of Vaccine worldwide. I've got news for you, people aren't dropping like flies.
Who addressed you and the state of Texas?
Just going with a wacky MAGA area and their penchant for just following their gut rather than the evidence. But when they do it, you like the verdict so it’s okay.

You posted on a public forum… so when you do you address everyone. Not happy with it? Then yell at folks on your lawn like you did before the internet.

Can’t wait to hear your Vlady stories!
Actually if herd immunity had been allowed to take place versus locking people out of their jobs and forcing them to wear masks or stay home it would have been over much quicker.
I agree with you that trump handled it poorly.
I am 65 years old and have 2 co-morbidities and had covid twice with no lasting affects. WHY? According to all covid anecdotes I should be dead and so should my wife, a cancer survivor with 2 co-morbitities, but we aren't. Explain that? Plus we have the added bonus
Anecdotal and probably bullshit.
Just going with a wacky MAGA area and their penchant for just following their gut rather than the evidence. But when they do it, you like the verdict so it’s okay.

You posted on a public forum… so when you do you address everyone. Not happy with it? Then yell at folks on your lawn like you did before the internet.

Can’t wait to hear your Vlady stories!
The least you can do is stay on point, lest we devolve into a discussion of hemorrhoid solutions in Namibia or some other wild ass subject infecting your mind at the time.
The communist libtards world is crashing down on them! Its too bad more of them didnt take more vaccines! And like Trump says. Drug dealers (doctors) who gave the vaccine are all going to get the death sentence ! QUICK TRIALS and BANG! No DEALS Given! Crimes against humanity! All under the Nurenburg code! Read it and weep commies! NOTHING. CAN STOP WHATS COMING!🤪😆😅🤣😂🤪. WWG1WGA. Wheres Fauci???😁
Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?
If you had the vaccine you might never have even caught COVID.

That ^ is IF one accepts that the PROVEN LIAR, TrailerHitch - aka Kioti#s - aka - who knows what other username - is telling THE TRUTH about their experience(s) with Covid-19.

I’m skeptical.

The least you can do is stay on point, lest we devolve into a discussion of hemorrhoid solutions in Namibia or some other wild ass subject infecting your mind at the time.
Please outline where your point is landing. Funny how you can meander here and there but the rest of us… two tiered board!

Going to visit @BabyBoomer50s family in Germany while on your trip? Some of his Nazi family members are around there somewhere. He will tell you where they are.

Or will you be too busy with Daddy Vlady getting filled in on his next plans for you?
I mean it does come down to survival of the fittest, and if the MAGA folks don’t want to wear the masks…just don’t show up at the hospital putting a strain on the system when you could have gotten a simple shot.

You are free to refuse the shot, be free to stay at home when the symptoms hit.
THE SHOT, or more accurately, the PRETEND VACCINE, did not prevent covid and even more critical did not stop you from spreading covid. The vast majority of masks were virtually useless, especially once they got wet from exhaled breath. The only really effective mask was an N95 mask, which coincidentally there just happen to be a shortage of during peak covid times.

BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions​

By Jim Hᴏft Jun. 8, 2024 8:00 am

In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court has declared that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions.

The case revolved around the LAUSD’s COVID-19 vaccination policy, which required all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by a specified deadline.

The plaintiffs argued that the district’s vaccine mandate infringed upon their fundamental right to refuse medical treatment, as the mRNA injections do not prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but merely mitigate symptoms for the recipient.

The court’s opinion, penned by Circuit Judge R. Nelson and supported by Judge Collins, asserts that the mRNA shots, marketed as vaccines, do not effectively prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but merely reduce symptoms in those who contract the virus. This crucial distinction undermines the foundational premise of the vaccine mandates enforced by various governmental and educational institutions.

More here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-9th-circuit-court-appeals-rules-mrna-covid/


Now here’s the actual take on the case:


From the article:

Trump-appointed judges revive lawsuit against L.A. schools’ COVID vaccine mandate​

A "bit" different from what "Right"guide suggested.


👉 "Right"guide 🤣

The least you can do is stay on point, lest we devolve into a discussion of hemorrhoid solutions in Namibia or some other wild ass subject infecting your mind at the time.
You’re wasting your time with 77, it has a tendency to come off the tracks all the time LOL Just wave some burnt French fries under its nose.