Cycling is sexy

Nice! I've not tried a top tube bag yet, but I have a routeworks handlebar bag that covers the easy to access stuff. I really like it.
No handlebar bag for me. I have a front light, a computer mount and a bell against bears ( I am a bit afraid of bears. There are plenty around here) so there is no room. Plus on single tracks such a bag would hurt visibility, which is crucial in the woods, on rough tracks, where my Rudy and wide tires permit me to go.
No handlebar bag for me. I have a front light, a computer mount and a bell against bears ( I am a bit afraid of bears. There are plenty around here) so there is no room. Plus on single tracks such a bag would hurt visibility, which is crucial in the woods, on rough tracks, where my Rudy and wide tires permit me to go.
I resisted going with a bar bag, but found this one which has mounts for my garmin, light, and bell. I don’t worry about bears so much as hikers who don’t understand “on your left” doesn’t mean step to the left.