**Daring to Learn about BDSM..**

Re: Re: Re: just a disinterested observers opinion from a lurky lurker...

Must... resist... urge... to.... get involved. <Deep breath>

Okay, I failed. Here's my $.02. Why does everyone pick on cym? Because she's very strong-willed, vocal and has a strong desire to not see this place turn into "BDSM: The Online Fantasy"? And I believe she did go a few rounds with Lance (but I could be wrong about that). However, she is ONE person here not the whole community. Would it be the end of the world if you had differing opinions? Does it really hurt that much when someone you have never met outside of cyberspace gives you a tongue-lashing?

Dream, I must confess... I don't think everyone here is out to critisize you or put you down, and I think if you would let this subject die, it would. You say want to learn, (in every post you say you're here to learn), with all due respect... hush up and learn, already. Your experiences, your thoughts and your feelings are very valid. I would much rather hear about that than the constant gushing over Art. And if you have differing opinions from some others here, well that's okay too. We all have something unique and varied to bring to the table.

Sandia, I'm afraid I'll have to disagre with you on this forum not being welcoming to newbies. (See, that wasn't so hard.) But I suppose that presumes that the newbie in question took the time to do a little research on the culture and personalities here and make posts accordingly rather than just blindly jumping in with spam, personal ads, and mindless chatter that has little, if anything, to do with R/T BDSM. Personally, I've noticed quite a few differences in this community than others I regularly post in, have constructed my posting style accordingly, and have felt very welcomed here.

Anastasia, hello and welcome. I don't have much to add, either. Doesn't stop me from posting. :D

Well, that was rather long-winded. Um... what was the original point of this thread? ;)
Re: Re: Re: just a disinterested observers opinion from a lurky lurker...

Sandia said:

"Personally I think it is a very welcoming place."

This attitude drives me bonkers, Zip. What I get out of it is: "Who care how OTHERS are treated, as long as folks are nice to me."

I'm not going to argue over Dream's posts. It's not my place.

But I WILL argue that there is a reason why cym made that post to Dream and not to Lance. It's 'cause Lance has made it clear he will fight back.

I don't claim the "community" has to be welcoming or inclusive. But I do get tired of the claims that they are when they so obviously are not.


Sorry my "attitude" drives you bonkers. My attitude is merely reflective of my opinion which is based on my experiences. And not just my experiences either. If I read a lot of posts that described how unwelcome the board is, I would revise my opinion, as I try and always keep an open mind. However, there are a lot of people who feel as I do and have felt welcomed by this forum.

However, I do not equate relating my perception of this board's friendliness to not caring about how OTHERS feel. I do care about how OTHERS feel - very much in fact. The truth is no board or forum will EVER make everyone feel welcome. That is just life. I have tried to make suggestions as to how to improve the board. I post opinions based on peoples' posts and their thoughts, not on their personalities. What more should I do?

I could just as easily say that the whole, "the moderators are out to get me and stifle free speech" attitude drives me bonkers. It does. As do the never ending flames. As do a lot of other things. So? My choice as to whether or not to read it or let it affect me.
Re: Re: Re: Re: just a disinterested observers opinion from a lurky lurker...

zipman7 said:


Sorry my "attitude" drives you bonkers. My attitude is merely reflective of my opinion which is based on my experiences. And not just my experiences either. If I read a lot of posts that described how unwelcome the board is, I would revise my opinion, as I try and always keep an open mind. However, there are a lot of people who feel as I do and have felt welcomed by this forum.

However, I do not equate relating my perception of this board's friendliness to not caring about how OTHERS feel. I do care about how OTHERS feel - very much in fact. The truth is no board or forum will EVER make everyone feel welcome. That is just life. I have tried to make suggestions as to how to improve the board. I post opinions based on peoples' posts and their thoughts, not on their personalities. What more should I do?

I could just as easily say that the whole, "the moderators are out to get me and stifle free speech" attitude drives me bonkers. It does. As do the never ending flames. As do a lot of other things. So? My choice as to whether or not to read it or let it affect me.

Well put, Zip
Re:RED , With all due respect..

Red Menace said:
Must... resist... urge... to.... get involved. <Deep breath>

Okay, I failed. Here's my $.02. Why does everyone pick on cym? Because she's very strong-willed, vocal and has a strong desire to not see this place turn into "BDSM: The Online Fantasy"? And I believe she did go a few rounds with Lance (but I could be wrong about that). However, she is ONE person here not the whole community. Would it be the end of the world if you had differing opinions? Does it really hurt that much when someone you have never met outside of cyberspace gives you a tongue-lashing?

Dream, I must confess... I don't think everyone here is out to critisize you or put you down, and I think if you would let this subject die, it would. You say want to learn, (in every post you say you're here to learn), with all due respect... hush up and learn, already. Your experiences, your thoughts and your feelings are very valid. I would much rather hear about that than the constant gushing over Art. And if you have differing opinions from some others here, well that's okay too. We all have something unique and varied to bring to the table.
Red, thank you for your views and yes I'm sure it DOES get tiresome to hear that i'm still learning but to "hush up" and just learn? that's NOT my style .sorry..as for the constant "gushing" as everyone chooses to call it as I've stated in previous posts,I AM in love with Him as He is with me and as His Slave, I feel it is my "right" to say all the nice things about Him that I want to,it's just ME and i Dont do it to bother" anyone , that isnt MY intention at all, I will however, out of respect ,TRY to "tone it down some" -give me credit for that at least.. I am compromising here... I am expressing my experiences and thoughts the ONLY way I know HOW to in a public forum,by being HONEST and being MYSELF...

as for your quote.. and may I quote you?">We ALL have something unique and varied to bring to the table"--my point EXACTLY ... ALL of us..
well put Zipman..

As I've said before love me, hate me, it dont matter at all,you dont have to READ my posts ,NOONE is 'Forcing you", just as NOONE is "forcing me to rread or respond to yours and I have taken it upon myself,as everyone does, to figure out just which ones are WORTHY of my response..
As I also said the only REAL person I have to concern myself with pleasing is Master Artful and because of my deep respect for Him and myself thats why I am "Daring to Learn (oops , sorry Red):eek:
Re: Re:RED , With all due respect..

Artful's dream said:
Red, thank you for your views and yes I'm sure it DOES get tiresome to hear that i'm still learning but to "hush up" and just learn? that's NOT my style .sorry..as for the constant "gushing" as everyone chooses to call it as I've stated in previous posts,I AM in love with Him as He is with me and as His Slave, I feel it is my "right" to say all the nice things about Him that I want to,it's just ME and i Dont do it to bother" anyone , that isnt MY intention at all, I will however, out of respect ,TRY to "tone it down some" -give me credit for that at least.. I am compromising here... I am expressing my experiences and thoughts the ONLY way I know HOW to in a public forum,by being HONEST and being MYSELF...

as for your quote.. and may I quote you?">We ALL have something unique and varied to bring to the table"--my point EXACTLY ... ALL of us.. [/B]

Oops... I didn't say that quite right. Have you heard that expression "methinks though doth protest too much?". That's what comes to mind when you continually say you're hear to learn. Especially when it's followed by a tirade of how you're being victimized here.

What I meant was simply that it's hard to learn if you spend more time reiterating that and rehashing past greivences than you do responding thoughtfully to others with your own experiences and opinions... and being open to dealing with people who may not agree with you. Their views are just as valid as yours and we can all benefit from a smorgasboard of ideas.

I do hope this is taken as an attack on you. as it's not meant to be one. I've got no problems with you, Dream, and want to see you enjoy posting here and find the friends and support you need.
Well Dream darlin

as promised love

one pair handcuffs

6 silk scarves

and a f****** big hard on


LMAO love
*wavin to my buddy Art*

how are you love,ok I hope? kisses Dream
:kiss: :kiss:
Re: Re: Re:RED , With all due respect..

Red Menace said:

Oops... I didn't say that quite right. Have you heard that expression "methinks though doth protest too much?". That's what comes to mind when you continually say you're hear to learn. Especially when it's followed by a tirade of how you're being victimized here.

What I meant was simply that it's hard to learn if you spend more time reiterating that and rehashing past greivences than you do responding thoughtfully to others with your own experiences and opinions... and being open to dealing with people who may not agree with you. Their views are just as valid as yours and we can all benefit from a smorgasboard of ideas.

I do hope this is taken as an attack on you. as it's not meant to be one. I've got no problems with you, Dream, and want to see you enjoy posting here and find the friends and support you need.
thanks for the post and no I actually Did not see it as` an attack on me ,only that we have "differing' viewpoints which is a- ok in my book Red... i'm having no trouble being educated at all ,thanks..I AM open to viewpoints(if i wasnt I wouldnt have just read yours) and really do wish people would quit saying I am not , because I got defensive a few times(which i publically apologized for in another thread) then it seems people think I am closed-minded but thats alright cause I KNOW I am not,
I am merely expressing my thoughts, feelings and opinions like ANYBODY else here does and on this forum has a right to and just because a select few are a bit more educated in the BDSM lifestyle ,does NOT mean that they could not also learn from me as much as I can from them ,there are increasing amounts of elderly people for example in the college I attend here .. just for an example..i am enjoying posting also ,thanks and as i hope you noticed not 1 time in this post did I "gush" over my Master!!.
well HELL YEAH!!

Blue Dolphin said:
Well Dream darlin

as promised love

one pair handcuffs

6 silk scarves

and a f****** big hard on


LMAO love
*wavin to my buddy Art*

how are you love,ok I hope? kisses Dream
:kiss: :kiss:

well babe , bless your heart! you kept your word and that means Everything to me sweety!! ty ty ty soo much for posting on MY thread... I have missed you terribly oops better watch what you say here B.D. , people, including me get so "offensive" you know!! lmfao .. You KNOW what a "BITCH' I am after all hey? lol at least you brought all the 'proper' toys w/ ya too and I'm sure that Master will know EXACTLY what to do with them !!
As for the "hard on" well uh er.. um .. I cant help you out on that 1 babe but if you hang around here long enough I'm almost sure that somebody can !!:rolleyes: WEG:devil: >.you have made my day babe!!
Re: Re: Re: Re:RED , With all due respect..

Artful's dream said:

...thanks and as i hope you noticed not 1 time in this post did I "gush" over my Master!!.

No gushing. Duly noted. ;)

And I just wanted to comment that you have some of the most beautiful AVs. Where do you find them? I'm closing in on 100 posts and need some suggesstions on where look.

Red Menace said:

No gushing. Duly noted. ;)

And I just wanted to comment that you have some of the most beautiful AVs. Where do you find them? I'm closing in on 100 posts and need some suggesstions on where look.
thanks for the validation lol .. as far as my avy's ty for the wonderful comments also .. any avy's you see with my name on them come from my & Artful's good friend ,Caress,she has sent me alot and there are places i go online for like that last avy and most of my blonde ones also but i'll get the web site addy's and drop em off in a pm to ya ,ok? ty again..:)
Re: well HELL YEAH!!

Artful's dream said:


well babe , bless your heart! you kept your word and that means Everything to me sweety!! ty ty ty soo much for posting on MY thread... I have missed you terribly oops better watch what you say here B.D. , people, including me get so "offensive" you know!! lmfao .. You KNOW what a "BITCH' I am after all hey? lol at least you brought all the 'proper' toys w/ ya too and I'm sure that Master will know EXACTLY what to do with them !!
As for the "hard on" well uh er.. um .. I cant help you out on that 1 babe but if you hang around here long enough I'm almost sure that somebody can !!:rolleyes: WEG:devil: >.you have made my day babe!!
an explanation

Dream, Art & I are old friends
and I am sure he will smile when he sees my post

I promised the lovely Dream that I would visit
and here I am
all the ways from England too
^5 Art
soft kisses Dream
( and any other lady who might feel the need)
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Re: Re: well HELL YEAH!!

Blue Dolphin said:
an explanation
Dream, Art & I are old friends
and I am sure he will smile when he sees my post
^5 Art
:) and *chuckling* at the same time,...^5's back to ya BD. Welcome to the Forum. :D
The truth is no board or forum will EVER make everyone feel welcome.

I agree with this whole-heartedly.

Cym's comments to Dream were uncalled for. They were immoderate, unwelcoming, and calculatingly cruel.
Re: Re: well HELL YEAH!!

Blue Dolphin said:
an explanation

Dream, Art & I are old friends
and I am sure he will smile when he sees my post

I promised the lovely Dream that I would visit
and here I am
all the ways from England too
^5 Art
soft kisses Dream
( and any other lady who might feel the need)
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

God, not the pulsating ass . . .

Must . . .look . . .away . . .

(returning thread to its owner;) )
Re: Re: Re: well HELL YEAH!!

redelicious said:

God, not the pulsating ass . . .

Must . . .look . . .away . . .

(returning thread to its owner;) )
awwww Red

come back love



pretty please

I will even turn around for you
let you take my "pulse"

Last edited:
lovetoread said:
There is just something...hypnotizing about that picture.

your eyelids feel heavy

you are sleepy

and now
at my command
will do anything I ask

he he he

i am bad

hugs sweetheart, only foolin
:kiss: :kiss:

Sandia said:

I agree with this whole-heartedly.

Cym's comments to Dream were uncalled for. They were immoderate, unwelcoming, and calculatingly cruel.
Sandia,you are entitled to your opinion, however I do still have great respect for Cymbidia's wisdom,and I am sure that alot of people will miss her,
Sometimes we need to take a good long ,look inside of ourselves to see if what others have to say has any validity or not,I heard this in a pm today I received from a very intelligent member of this Forum.
Cym has caused me to take time and reflesct,and for that alone, I thank her..
Waiting for the backlash

I would just like to put my nickle in (sorry I save my pennies).

I can attest to the fact that a new person with a serious question does get ignored.

Now that doesn't mean that no one sais hi, but no one takes the question seriously enough to take time to answere.
Re: Waiting for the backlash

MrChips said:
I would just like to put my nickle in (sorry I save my pennies).

I can attest to the fact that a new person with a serious question does get ignored.

Now that doesn't mean that no one sais hi, but no one takes the question seriously enough to take time to answere.
MrChips!! hiya babe! one of my very favorite men from Iowa!!
I hear what you are sayin ,darlin but I'd be more than happy to answer any and all questions you have from my limited experience as a sub,however I'd be more than happy to direct you to those with more knowledge... anytime Sir,anytime..:heart: :kiss: