**Daring to Learn about BDSM..**

Re:Mr Chips

MrChips said:
tnx Dream <S>
YW babe.. Np ..anytime at all .. by the way....

Teach Me Something Dream

I want you to teach me why it's ok for a good like subbie like yourself to flirt and it isn't ok for your Master to flirt.

It seems like blatant disrespect to me. But what do I know...I've only been doing this for a few years.

WillowPuss said:
Ohhh sorry - wrong forum.

leaving now - do forgive the intrusion.
no intrusion at all and I'm very sorry you would think that as you AND your vieWs are always welcome on my threads , I truly hope you Know that?
Re: Teach Me Something Dream.... Lil..,

lilfrk said:
I want you to teach me why it's ok for a good like subbie like yourself to flirt and it isn't ok for your Master to flirt.

It seems like blatant disrespect to me. But what do I know...I've only been doing this for a few years.
Thanks for the "compliment' first of all Lil,as Yes I am a 'good little sub, however I wish to let you know I dont profess to be a "teacher" at all (except to my children) and a single Mom is hard wirk believe you me, and as far as my "flirting goes" you might wanna read my response to that at Willow's thread,as I stated there both my good friends actually My Master and My good friends Blue Dolphin and Mr. Chips KNow *US* and know we are deeply in love, and Master and I have *TRUST* in our relationship, no need for jealousy at all,harmless flirtations as I am a highly sensual person..
No disrespect is or has ever been intended , however for your own views, I AM SORRY YOU SEE IT THat way .. your right after all, as for if and when Master *flirts* , yes He has quite innocently as well, all with "our friends' people we BOTH trust... I hope that helps explain it..smile, relax, have fun..

lilfrk said:
You've missed the point once again.
Please feel free to "correct' me if I am wrong , but I THOUGHT your point was that YOUU felt I was being "disrespectful" to my Master , by flirting? I' in turn let you know that , I am Not.. I only worry about what HE thinks about it and am terribly sorry if it upsets you but there is really Nothing I can do about that,, perhaps HE will post to this later , (I hope)
I think she meant that it was the fact that Artful couldnt flirt but you could.

At least that is my take upon the situation.
thank you LTR

lovetoread said:
I think she meant that it was the fact that Artful couldnt flirt but you could.

At least that is my take upon the situation.
however, as I said on my previous post Master has and does and nowhere do I remember posting that He CANNOT as that is NOT my right as His "submissive" to say so,geez lol.. Master HAS flirted with Our mutual FRIENDS .. just as I have.. ok? thats the TRUTH.. we both TRUST each other, and the friends, who KNOW it is harmless and KNOW that we are in love"..:D
Re: thank you LTR

Artful's dream said:

however, as I said on my previous post Master has and does and nowhere do I remember posting that He CANNOT as that is NOT my right as His "submissive" to say so,geez lol.. Master HAS flirted with Our mutual FRIENDS .. just as I have.. ok? thats the TRUTH.. we both TRUST each other, and the friends, who KNOW it is harmless and KNOW that we are in love"..:D

I can attest to the fact Artful flirts.
Re:ty Mr.Chips

MrChips said:

I can attest to the fact Artful flirts.
thank God the *truth* has arrived!! ty lol MrChips!!!:kiss: :heart: :rose:
yup lol point proved=mine

i never did get what yours was tho lil care to enlighten me?

cymbidia said:
Dream honey, you go ahead and learn. Good for you.

I have some advice:

1. Try to post in a way that's at least a little bit logical. Most of the time, most of us can't understand what the fuck your point is--or where it is in middle of all the apparently meaningless drivel that's surrounding it--or if you even have a point.

2. If you don't want to be treated like an addled child, then don't act like one. Leave your childish foot-stomping theatrics at home.

3. Remember: we're not here to train you. That's Artful's job. We're here to post and talk about BDSM as it relates to our lives. Most of us could give a flying fuck whether you agree with our thoughts or not.

4. As you keep pointing out, you're new to this. Many of us aren't. While our version of this is specific to us, individually, we have alot in common, those of us who've been there-done and/or thought a lot about BDSM. If you keep playing your little chat room games and you'll miss out on what we have to say, those of us who have the experience you say you want as well as those of us who've thought deeply into this even if we don't have the experience.

5. Know this: Most of us don't give a rat's ass who you like and who you don't like, who you consider REAL friends and who who think are not "sweetys" or your "sis". We're not here to build forts with you and and lob water balloons at those meanies over there, the ones who won't play kissy games with you. We're not here to share :kiss: :heart: :kiss:'s and :rose: x12's with you, either.

6. Your posts are so badly composed, so lacking in even basic punctuation, that many of us can't make much sense out of them. In all honesty, my 14 year old daughter could write rings around you---back when she was 10. You might want to work on your written communication skills a bit, dream, since this place is one in which we're judged, partially, on the way in which we express ourselves via written language. I'm talking the basics, here, things like periods, commas, paragraphs, complete sentences, the absence of run-on sentences, and accepted rules of capitalization.

We're here to grow and learn as adults, as dominants and submissives. This isn't a chat room where everyone kisses everyone else as they arrive and leave. It doesn't mean anything to any of us what you claim about yourself. Talk is cheap. What matters is how you contribute to the place as a whole and what you have to share.

You want to learn, fine.
Come sit at the adults table and act like an adult.
Otherwise don't be surprised that very few here take you seriously.

Edited for grammar mistakes; i really should always spell/grammar check before i post but, well, i don't.
(Now this is funny! You gotta admit it! :D )

Edited to add more: I lost the subbies pool as to when you'd be back, dream. I guessed 48 hours. ;)

We each have our faults, some more than others. How we accept others faults, says a lot for our own happiness. If one FOCUSES on faults, to the exclusion of WORTHINESS,...then it is a fault unto itself.

The information in your post cym, would have been better delivered as a PM. It is posts like this one, that erupt into FLAME wars.

Personal attacks, (PUBLICLY), on HOW a person types, whether or not they meet anothers LEVEL of acceptance or not, in formulating their questions, answers or comments, invites a caustic response.

I am happy that Dream held back her emotional response, and replied PUBLICLY as she did. That being said,...I love Dream with ALL her faults, and I have no ill will toward you, for having YOUR opinion.

There are OTHERS, who don't like her posts either, but I hope they don't respond PUBLICLY, as you have done.

(JMHO),...but it's mine,...and I own it.:rose:
And now...for a left turn...

Perhaps it would be beneficial to everyone if we shared some of our own experiences about learning about BDSM as all of us here have "dared to learn" at some point, and continue to do so.

I started out acting on my desires before I had ever even heard about BDSM. All I knew was that I had these desires to tie women up and dominate them sexually. I did this for quite a few years, learning the hard way about what they liked and didn't like. I made a lot of mistakes along the way.

There was one mistake I made repeatedly, which was in thinking that if one submissive woman liked something, the others would as well. Well, needless to say that wasn't true. :eek: What I found out was that some women that I was with liked being tied up, others enjoyed spanking a lot more, and still others desired to be fucked rather roughly, "taken" by force. Thank god I didn't make a mistake about thinking that last one would be a universal desire.

Over the years I learned not to make generalizations about other's desires. I began learning about how "individual" this area of sexuality really is. In the "nilla world" these mistakes and generalizations aren't so glaring. I mean, there are very few women who don't like their breasts kissed and stroked. But a solid slap on the pussy, well, you better make sure that they really want that before you try.

Anyway, I hope others will post some of their learnings, so that we can all "dare to learn" from each others' mistakes, as well as successes.

Edited to add the "s" to lap. Although a lap on the pussy can be good too!
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Re: And now...for a left turn...

zipman7 said:
Perhaps it would be beneficial to everyone if we shared some of our own experiences about learning about BDSM as all of us here have "dared to learn" at some point, and continue to do so.

I started out acting on my desires before I had ever even heard about BDSM. All I knew was that I had these desires to tie women up and dominate them sexually. I did this for quite a few years, learning the hard way about what they liked and didn't like. I made a lot of mistakes along the way.

There was one mistake I made repeatedly, which was in thinking that if one submissive woman liked something, the others would as well. Well, needless to say that wasn't true. :eek: What I found out was that some women that I was with liked being tied up, others enjoyed spanking a lot more, and still others desired to be fucked rather roughly, "taken" by force. Thank god I didn't make a mistake about thinking that last one would be a universal desire.

Over the years I learned not to make generalizations about other's desires. I began learning about how "individual" this area of sexuality really is. In the "nilla world" these mistakes and generalizations aren't so glaring. I mean, there are very few women who don't like their breasts kissed and stroked. But a solid lap on the pussy, well, you better make sure that they really want that before you try.

Anyway, I hope others will post some of their learnings, so that we can all "dare to learn" from each others' mistakes, as well as successes.
Thank you for your post Zip .you were spose to post at the thread which You inspired me to write lol oh well,thanks for the 1 here,I'd like to say yes,each individual relationship as well as person is Unique ..
For example ,I thoroughly love all 3 of those 1st things you mentioned but as for Oral pleasures I was ALWAYs into "giving" and NOT even worried about "receiving at all"honestly..didnt phase me a bit..hehe
However ,it all depends on the partner you are WITH whether or not you will actually experience the PLEASURE from a certain act or not..let's just say this.. my Master IS a MASTER of alot of things and we'll leave it at that,I am now really FREE to be the REAL woman I Was intended to be,mynew philosophy is "it's just as good to receice as it is to give" -hell yeah!!:devil:
Re: And now...for a left turn...

zipman7 said:
Perhaps it would be beneficial to everyone if we shared some of our own experiences about learning about BDSM as all of us here have "dared to learn" at some point, and continue to do so.

I started out acting on my desires before I had ever even heard about BDSM. All I knew was that I had these desires to tie women up and dominate them sexually. I did this for quite a few years, learning the hard way about what they liked and didn't like. I made a lot of mistakes along the way.

There was one mistake I made repeatedly, which was in thinking that if one submissive woman liked something, the others would as well. Well, needless to say that wasn't true. :eek: What I found out was that some women that I was with liked being tied up, others enjoyed spanking a lot more, and still others desired to be fucked rather roughly, "taken" by force. Thank god I didn't make a mistake about thinking that last one would be a universal desire.

Over the years I learned not to make generalizations about other's desires. I began learning about how "individual" this area of sexuality really is. In the "nilla world" these mistakes and generalizations aren't so glaring. I mean, there are very few women who don't like their breasts kissed and stroked. But a solid slap on the pussy, well, you better make sure that they really want that before you try.

Anyway, I hope others will post some of their learnings, so that we can all "dare to learn" from each others' mistakes, as well as successes.

Edited to add the "s" to lap. Although a lap on the pussy can be good too!

Come on, nobody else out there willing to share a little about mistakes made along the way.
lovetoread said:
When I've worked past mine,I will.

Well that would be great, but you could also just post your issues and who knows, maybe someone here has been through it and could help.
Re: Re: And now...for a left turn...

zipman7 said:

Come on, nobody else out there willing to share a little about mistakes made along the way.

Ok I'll share.

My biggest mistake was not giving in to my submissive nature years ago. I regret all the things that I've missed out on and am just learning about now. I don't regret what I'm learning now, or doing now, but that its taken me untill my later 30's to get to this point.

One of the mistakes I made was to give my partner an enema as part (the main attraction so to speak) of a scene.

It was great fun at first. I spanked her bare-handed while the fluid flowed inside of her, and the nasty, naughty names I called her turned her on as she held her position on the bed. I enjoyed teasing and torturing her clit and lightly spanking her mons and labia while she held the fluid inside.

But, then I spent the next 30 minutes twiddling my thumbs while she sat in the bathroom waiting for the next wave of evacuation to occur. *lol*

It was pretty funny afterwards, but at the time I slowly lost my head space as I waited, having no control (yikes) over her bowels.

I learned that having her use an enema before play (even hours before) helped reduce the time she spent in the bathroom, because all that needed to be released was water.
Re: Re: Re: And now...for a left turn...

dixicritter said:

Ok I'll share.

My biggest mistake was not giving in to my submissive nature years ago. I regret all the things that I've missed out on and am just learning about now. I don't regret what I'm learning now, or doing now, but that its taken me untill my later 30's to get to this point.

ty for your post Dixi try waiting till you're 45 sometime..lol I also think its a large part to do with what partners we choose as our Doms who can help or hinder bringing out our submissiveness:rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: And now...for a left turn...

Artful's dream said:

ty for your post Dixi try waiting till you're 45 sometime..lol I also think its a large part to do with what partners we choose as our Doms who can help or hinder bringing out our submissiveness:rose:

Well that could be for some I guess. I don't see how that works for me tho, my husband of 14 years is my Dom. I think for me it was a case of not allowing myself the sexual freedom I've finally allowed myself to have. To say I was a prude would not be far off base at all, believe it or not. Even had Master call me that before my sexual awakening began.

My awakening happened when one day I realized that if something didn't change I would lose the only man I have ever really loved. That scared the shit out of me, and started us on a journey that has led us to this lifestyle.

I can imagine how you feel honestly. I've felt kinda silly being 36 and just figuring out what I want sexually. I can simpathize with you that's for sure.

My beginnings were humble...

I think I had an inkling that my marriage was not to be when I asked for something as simple as a spanking and he went off.



I read alot.

I thought alot.

I realized that I really wasnt a freak. A bad one at least.

I wanted more. He said no.

And the next thing you know,I am not married anymore.

Thus started my journey into the unknown.

Then I met Tiger and lets just say that I am still working on that.
36, 45...50 Yay, I win !

Also too new to have made any major mistakes. I'm also sorry that I didn't get to this point in my life sooner but sometimes it takes an overdose of estrogen (HRT) to get you motivated!