Dark Poetry Thread

Social Victims

I wrote this in outrage at the officials in Edmonton, Alberta. Tossing up their talking heads on the little square screen, spouting words the middle class taxpayer wants to hear. All the while doing nothing to solve the problems that put a serial killer's victims right there, where he can most easily prey.

Tomorrow's Corpse

White man whore
you'll never be more
than what you're worth.


Owning only the mouth
they use
the hole they spill inside and pay
for the next crack rock.

There's a dead girl they found the other day.

the cops show
fuck 'em.
Don't they know this hooker
isn't a suicidal slut?

Dear john's got a job, a house, a car,
his family is very supportive
even though they don't know
that the only times he wears a condom
are with his daughter.

she sits
in the door way,
like a thousand
times before,

so many things
has changed.
so much left,

coffee has gotten cold.
wine glass, now filled.
a woman on the brink,
of what used
to be.

tunnels twisting,
turning her mind.
shaping forms,
of long ago.

tears now dried.
shaking, has finally

lost in thought.
torn from within.
so much, so
wrong ...

when will it be
over, she worries.
when will the waiting
end ...

doorway crumbles,
all around.
lady inside

wine glass,
upon the floor
shattered ...
Clippity Cloppppppp ~

halloween treats
all given out.
dark shadows,
begin to appear.

no one close,
or so ya think.
prattling footsteps,
the walk.

moons glimmer,
showing nothing,
to the naked

shaking shrubbery,
seting sparks
to tingles,
along your spine. ghostly
from willowy
into thin air.

shaking boots,
carry you forth.
winding pathway


yellow eyes
watching. piercing
you inta place.
by whining screams,
scurrying up,
from behind ...


Vampiric_Mirage said:
Passage of time
bruising of flesh
drying of blood & tears.
Waves of pleasure
cascading pain
the past & present merge.
Refusing to submit
unable to do anything else,
I bind myself to you
never letting you know
the truth.
My Vanilla Angel,
do you hide the same secrets
I swear I can taste your darkness.
oh God,
please accept me...

The Precipice of Love - Please Vote!
My New Poem - To Be With You Again

prehistoric premonition

feast on this feeling. taste
brunt truth of blood-tied lies.
death comparable to the endless
of days turned disastrous, nights
knifed through. niggling down deep
from burrowing passages inside
vericosed veins engorged
from convulsing seizures leftover
pain. trust no longer
an option. preparing the
locked casket, cascading down
pitted deep from prehistoric
premonitions from one
who used to be ... me ~

Some interestings reading here

a little something I wrote some time ago:

Dark memories

Dark memories of a time long past,
Echoes of a dead world
Running amok in my mind at night.
Drenched bed, panic attack
I’m alive yet all around me are dead people
Silent screams, pleading limbs
I’m torn between reality and dream
But which is what?
The blood I walk in is hot, moving, alive it seems
The blood is life, is death, is all
It must be mine … theirs … mine
Their blood is mine, I took it from them
A long time ago, when the world was still young and merciless
When true power was blood, was life
Blood and iron were the true monuments to my life
To my existence
What am I doing now? Where am I?
Who are those shadows I speak to?
The slashing is mine
The pain is yours
You’ll die for me to live
Because stronger beings feed on weaklings
And I’ll feed and grow stronger
As you cross the Styx,
I won’t bid you farewell,
For you entered my domain.
Hey everyone! Nice to see ya'all keeping this thread alive. Here's my little contribution of jumbled thoughts.

Embers of emotion
spark inspiration in us all
darkness enabled
shivers across our soul
words spill out
bloodstains on a cold screen
we are together in our solitude.
Vampiric_Mirage said:
bloodstains on a cold screen
we are together in our solitude.

Those two lines are whispering something to my soul
Something dark
Something old
Something that wants to escape in the night
I hope a little silly fun is acceptable:

It's A Dark World
(sung to the tune of It's A Small World)

It’s a world of darkness
A world of dread
There are many voices
Inside my head
They’re so glad to be there
Drugs won’t help, so beware!
It’s a dark world after all.

There is just one way
To escape our fate
Homicide’s the answer
Don’t hesitate
Though psychotropics provide
Happy places to hide
It’s a dark world after all.

It’s a world of hatred
A world of fear
Turn to friends for smiles
And they only leer
Someone please stop the pain
Cthulu's eating my brain
It’s a dark world after all.

The exorcist was called
But he ran screaming
My next call will be to
Doc Kevorkian
My mind is swarming with flies
Madness will be my demise
It’s a dark world after all.

Tentacles grope blindly
across my room
Crawling from my closet’s
A creeping doom
Moaning under the bed
Is a bodiless head
It’s a dark world after all

They are coming now
Evil’s closing in
The demons have arrived
Hungry fiendish grins
As they rise forth from the grave
They want blood, so behave
It’s a dark world after all.

My soul is forfeit
No, I can’t hang on
Yes, my will’s been drained
Malevolence too strong
Ancient evil has won
A reign of blight has begun
It’s a dark world after all.

It's a dark world after all
It's a dark world after all
It's a dark world after all
It's a dark, dark world.

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Sex&Death said:
I hope a little silly fun is acceptable:

It's A Dark World
(sung to the tune of It's A Small World)

Damn it now I'm gonna be singing that stupid song all night!
Struggling for the darkness
a fragile grasp as the voices scream
protesting the song merrily stuck in my mind
happily humming me towards the brink of insanity.

Vampiric_Mirage said:
Struggling for the darkness
a fragile grasp as the voices scream
protesting the song merrily stuck in my mind
happily humming me towards the brink of insanity.


Struggle no more, the voice compelled.
Lost in song, there is no brink. Ask
Roethke what is madness?

Nobility of soul at odds with circumstance.

So make a joyful noise, screams under
that merry blanket of sleep.

You will.
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Evil Gone

Evil Gone

The years have passed. Your darkened soul
Has at last entered the bottomless hole.
No more shall you cast your evil spell,
Or chant rituals to bring deaths knell.

Upon an alter black, a cross inverted.
Now gone, all evil has deserted.
No black candles burn on moon’s dark day,
Or will you, for the devil pray.

Your being of darkness at an end,
Spirit and soul into the abyss descend.
The devil no more are you his mate,
Where you are now, there is no escape.

Love and Light, and Goodness employed.
In ritual chant your measure destroyed,
No more the witching hour of black deeds,
Or of chaos shall you sow the seeds.

Gone and be dammed your wicked soul.
At last you’re gone into the black hole.
Your evil heart, its pulse has ceased,
All links with mortal life released…

© Alan J Morgan
Truly One...

I want to rip him limb from limb
tender flesh rendered from its center
meaty delicacies exploding on my tongue
blood drenched decadence hanging heavily on naked flesh

I don't truly wish to, but I know I must
I can do no more, no less
We are at an impasse - he and I
my desire shreds my self control
so I do what is necessary,
taking by force the heart he refused to share.

Crimson lips a snarling smile
refusing to share him, any of him
He is truly mine now,
every last piece of him

I wallow in his remains,
my hard won prize
Holding a piece of him in my mouth I choke
swallow down all he has to offer
but that is not enough
no matter how delicious he was
no matter how I wished it to be
it was never enough

Pawing through his precious morsels
I clutch the final victory,
that which I always sought,
I caress it against my cheek
revelling in the way it clings to me
leaving me wet

Squeezing ever so gently
over and over again
I know now that it beats only for me
my teeth sink into it with reverence
consuming him
letting him become a part of me
so that we may finally be
truly one...

lol, would it be bad if I dedicated this to someone? ;)
Lzabeth~Realm of Jade

Crystalized moonlight
changing shapes
of emerald wilding.
Savage beast
casts its shadow
in scarred flesh
and gnarled roots
of dead warriors.
Those who dare
cross her twilight zone
are taken as the clock
strikes one...
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i am

From my stash. Written last year ... sometime.
Was a vent, lol. Needs a bit of work, ok
a lotta work. Think you get the meaning ...


I wander
through the night
a target it seems.

long swift shots
at my heart,
to take me apart.

throw your knives,
darts too
for I am going no where
this I state.

all I see
all I am
I will stand
with thee
in my heart

shoot me full
drag me down
take all I am
I will not depart

I have found
I know this dog's you
so go away
your makin' me

take your aim
real nice n
for after today
you will see no

armor of steel
bullet proof
break the glass
in case of emergency

I will not fall
I am strong
without you
I will not

happiness swirls
close in my hand
I tell you
I shall stand

do your worst
try to take me
I am
I don't think a poem is ever "perfect", RhymeFairy. But I'm a firm believer of using the first draft, only adressing structural issues .. and typos. :)

I found this one in an old vest ... dated, mind you 13/08/03 so its an old one.. I'm not sure it makes too much sense, I can't remember the state I was in when I wrote it.

Here goes nothing:

"Summer Dream"

Blazing sun, rotting land.
No shape,
No hope.
Black sky, golden wand.
Sharp blade,
An old pope that line doesn't make any sense to me

Here's the bait.
Take it,
Cherish it,
He said

War cry, blood rushing.
A clean sweep.
Why am I crying?
Why did you strike?
He said.
I bleed
For with this spike,
I killed my shadow.
Nostalgy_Prince said:
I don't think a poem is ever "perfect", RhymeFairy. But I'm a firm believer of using the first draft, only adressing structural issues .. and typos. :)

I found this one in an old vest ... dated, mind you 13/08/03 so its an old one.. I'm not sure it makes too much sense, I can't remember the state I was in when I wrote it.

Here goes nothing:

"Summer Dream"

Blazing sun, rotting land.
No shape,
No hope.
Black sky, golden wand.
Sharp blade,
An old pope that line doesn't make any sense to me

Here's the bait.
Take it,
Cherish it,
He said

War cry, blood rushing.
A clean sweep.
Why am I crying?
Why did you strike?
He said.
I bleed
For with this spike,
I killed my shadow.

This one reads a bit like your * Rage* poem. I like it.
Dark poetry always catches the eye eh ~
Great to see you back ~!!!

RhymeFairy said:
This one reads a bit like your * Rage* poem. I like it.
Dark poetry always catches the eye eh ~
Great to see you back ~!!!


It does, indeed ... didn't make the connection myself, glad you made me realize that. Then again, I write by miserabilism or in an extraordinary state of hanger sooooo :eek:

Missed on your sickness, glad to read you're feeling better. :rose:

Back to my old boxes, I'll probably find something to post here :D
Nostalgy_Prince said:
It does, indeed ... didn't make the connection myself, glad you made me realize that. Then again, I write by miserabilism or in an extraordinary state of hanger sooooo :eek:

Missed on your sickness, glad to read you're feeling better. :rose:

Back to my old boxes, I'll probably find something to post here :D

wished I could
into those boxes. boxers
plaid n spacey
room to grow
room for two if you ask
me. so scoot over, lets give a lil
shake'n bake
curl the edges, get it primed just
for this fairy is shaking the dust
off her halo ...

sorry. I had to bounce ...
really I aint sorry ;) :devil: :catroar:
RhymeFairy said:
wished I could
into those boxes. boxers
plaid n spacey
room to grow
room for two if you ask
me. so scoot over, lets give a lil
shake'n bake
curl the edges, get it primed just
for this fairy is shaking the dust
off her halo ...

sorry. I had to bounce ...
really I aint sorry ;) :devil: :catroar:

lol no trouble at all

Love the end:

so scoot over, lets give a lil
shake'n bake
curl the edges, get it primed just
for this fairy is shaking the dust
off her halo ...

(High) Meditation, Volume 1

Upon a too pink tableau,
Unkissed by Sun, blessed by Moon
I, pleasure lover, sprinkled my intoxicant.
Greedy, broken! Still, I lovingly nuzzled
Near quivering nipples, complacent mounds
To inhale deeply, my white crystalline offal.
Great job, Succubi-Tamer. Intoxicating. Offal seems heavy handed in the piece, otherwise deadly good. ;)
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ah, no actually, lovely cherry! the above is a poem about a guy that snorts coke off a woman's naked quivering torso. offal , i fear, is an accurate description of that sad white nose candy. it is not used to describe the woman herself.
It's not a sniff, but something louder, more
liquid, something that evokes the need to spit.
And it's happening every few minutes, the passenger
next to me sucking drainage down his throat.
At every stop he goes to the john and snorts
more of the stuff. I hate riding Greyhound.